diy solar

diy solar

Anybody up for a challenge? Help me verify savings of a new Grid-Tie system with "Time-of-Use" billing.

How big is your array?
How many kWh do you use? (consumption number on page 5)

My array is only 4.7KW.... That is less than my consumption but since I am grandfathered into the old rate schedule, I sell power for more than I buy power. The net result is my bill is essentially zero even though I get more power from the grid than I supply to the grid. Next year that is all going to change when I loose the old rate structure. I will be looking at it very closely when that happens. I am already planning to install batteries to do peak shaving in the evening.

To be honest, the rate structure I am currently on is not fair to everyone else.... but I will enjoy it while I can. I am pleasantly surprised I have been able to keep the old rate structure for as long as I have.