diy solar

diy solar

Batteries in parallel on Sol-Ark 8k: same chemistry, same cell config, slightly diff charge voltages?


New Member
Jul 1, 2021
Hello, all ...

I have a Fortress Power eVaultMax (18.6kwh) connected to a Sol-Ark 8k that works well. I also have a BigBattery Kong Elite Max (19kwh) that I want to connect in parallel. The chemistry is the same (LFP). the cell config is the same (16S), but the charge voltage recommendations are different (FP: 54.4V, BB: 55.6V to 58V). When I connect them in parallel (without the communications cable for the FP), both batteries seem to charge according to their charge current displays, but the FP SOC goes up to 99%, while the BB stays at 81%. I'm wondering if the charge voltage - which the Sol-Ark reports as 54.4 - is too low to cause the BB to finish charging?

This website has been _so_ helpful in the past, so i'm hoping someone will tell me what i'm doing wrong!

Update: Well, all seems ok now. The BB indicates a 100% SOC, as does the FP.


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