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diy solar

BLS 4x 3.2V 200Ah LiFePO4 - voltage difference between cells

I know this BLS topic gets old but I just want to add this mail I got today from ETC manufacturer as a last word:


first of all, we are very regret to hear such news.
We can confirm that it is not a qualified product of our ETC.

Secondly, please don't believe that the price is too lower on the website. Before that, we reminded you.

Regarding the reasons for such batteries,
1). please believe us, like these cells are not sold by us, because every battery we sell needs to be tested before leaving the factory.
2). Besides, if we sell these bad quality products, it will seriously affect our product reputation. We are a large company with a registered capital of 250 million yuan, and we can not damage our product reputation in order to sell dozens or hundreds of batteries.

3). We guess that such batteries come from the battery pack systems we sell to customers, and some people recycle used battery pack systems from our end users, and then disassemble the batteries for sale.

In the last, We remind again, please buy batteries from regular channels, such as Alibaba, our company's website. In addition, please do not believe that the price is too low, and the factory will not sell at a loss. Besides, products from regular factories will have test reports for customers' reference after they leave the factory. (About our test report case, it has been provided for your reference in the previous email.)

Thanks a lot.

Best regards!
BLS had a special on which I stumbled. 8 x 150Ah delivered for $799 to california. Given the CV atrocity, they are slow to respond. And said they won’t process my order until 2/12. So easy for me to back out.
I like the deal for the capacity but the risk seems not worth saving a few $.
would you pull the plug?
I communicated with RJ Energy based on another recommendation (ghostwriter).
thank you very much,

Doug , LFP newbie ?
BLS had a special on which I stumbled. 8 x 150Ah delivered for $799 to california. Given the CV atrocity, they are slow to respond. And said they won’t process my order until 2/12. So easy for me to back out.
I like the deal for the capacity but the risk seems not worth saving a few $.
would you pull the plug?
I communicated with RJ Energy based on another recommendation (ghostwriter).
thank you very much,

Doug , LFP newbie ?
I would cancel and order 100ah freedom cells from Electric Car Parts Company.
I would cancel and order 100ah freedom cells from Electric Car Parts Company.
Thank you for the advice. I did cancel with BLS. I looked at ECPC. Price was more than double for a given capacity. On some level I believe you get what you pay for.
Haven't decided from where to order, yet.
cheers, Doug
BLS had a special on which I stumbled. 8 x 150Ah delivered for $799 to california. Given the CV atrocity, they are slow to respond. And said they won’t process my order until 2/12. So easy for me to back out.
I like the deal for the capacity but the risk seems not worth saving a few $.
would you pull the plug?
I communicated with RJ Energy based on another recommendation (ghostwriter).
thank you very much,

Doug , LFP newbie ?

I ordered the same and have messaging with BLS confirming new, grade A cells that are matched. This aligns with the buyer feedback on Aliexpress for those who have actually received their cells. BLS responded to both of my inquiries within minutes.

My guess is that these are 152ah Higee cells. The dimensions match as does a BLS mention on this board regarding the Aug-2019 production date. With the QA pass, resistance & voltage stickers on each cell, why would BLS need to repackage these and what gain would they have? Customer testing appears to match the markings, and margin for a VAR is there given the wholesale costs we see on Alibaba. Higee claims output of 100k units/mo.

Besides this thread BLS appears to be reputable and I was comfortable with the order for the reasons above. The 8x150ah and 16x150ah bundles are their most popular offerings; If there was an issue it would be documented somewhere. Maybe BLS snagged a larger commercial order that was cancelled hence the quantities available.

If anything, we're overpaying given the deals folks are finding on Alibaba, but (possibly) getting more purchase protection through Aliexpress.
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Man... I'm guilty of analysis paralysis for sure!
But, the comments about BLS gave me cold feet. Then again, can't remember the last time I purchased something on Amazon and someone didn't have something negative to say, even with 4.9 type ratings.
As I said... I'm sure I'm over analyzing.

You are free to buy where and what you want but you should know that BLS and most other Aliexpress high capacity Lifepo4 sellers are actually recyclers.
They buy end of life battery packs that may have 2000 or more cycles already. They disassemble; clean up the cells and apply new covers and labels and make them look new.
Those batteries may work for a few years with all kind of problems and rapid decreasing capacity, as they are end of life.
My 32 active 200Ah cells from BLS are 30% reduced in total capacity in only 8 months and 4 of 36 are completely exhausted.

Every battery brand uses serial nrs and certificates for each cell. Ask BLS to send a copy of these individual certificates first. You will get strange stories because none of the serials are valid and they can't give you anything.

Don't support this cheaters. They buy industrial waste and sell it to you as new.
They talk and promise but they never send a replacement under warranty.

Buy only cells directly from manufacturers or their official distributors. Pay 30% more but have at least 30% more capacity for 10 years instead of old crap that fails in 1-2 years.
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Do you have any additional proof besides your experience? I'm honestly curious because I've opted to make an investment through BLS with calculated risks as mentioned above.

It's clear that BLS resells both used and new cells - They state new (or not) within their product offerings and the price points reflect this. (i.e. look at the price range of CALB cells. I'm sure there are multiple middle-men in the case of used cells, and someone could have slapped an ETC sticker on your cells somewhere down the line.

If an offering omits the word "new", than it's likely not and should be assumed as such. Reviews for cheaper cells acknowledge receipt of used cells.
What did your product listing specify?

Regarding my cells... they were manufactured in August. @Keith_PDX ordered the same and had them in-hand in October with positive feedback & testing. Here's another link from this message board with similar test results:

Further hands-on experience and vendor verification of Grade-A cells in this thread:

All claims towards these 150ah cells are excellent. Given the manufacture date and quick availability for purchase by BLS, how would these be cycled 2000+ times or be considered industrial waste as you claim? They can be bought manufacturer-direct for less if you can satisfy the volume requirement. The vendor also appears to respond to serial number inquiries.

Sorry to hijack the thread... I was initially responding to @DW SD since he mentioned these cells.

I think further evidence is needed before claiming BLS is pure evil.
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BLS battery is the worst of all Chinese sellers I have dealt with. They seem to be reliable and correct at first sight but the real face shows up when you have issues that may cost money to them.

Forget the warranty, financial compensations, the promises and the quality. They are first class cheaters. Or how would you call someone who sells 36 clearly old batteries as new and denies all the proves?
Do you think they sell new and first quality now? Once a thief, always a thief.

A recent production date means nothing. Don’t trust any label or marking unless you verified the serial nr directly from the manufacturer.
No manufacturer certificate delivered per cell? You are cheated.

Quick delivery so it's ok? I have seen a video from BLS warehouse. They wanted to show their large stock.
Full with pallets of all kind of cells with plastic wrapping around. Certainly not new but enough to deliver quickly.

They have the advertised capacity, so they are fine? Not sure.
An end of life Li ion can still have 80-90% of the new capacity. They can sell exhausted 200Ah as 175Ah cell or a 175Ah as 150Ah. Same size, just another label. BLS sold 150Ah ETC types that ETC does not produce. So?
Everyone happy because the capacity is more than advertised. Yes, for how long?

ETC tells me they don’t sell cells with 4mm bolt connections, but I got 20 of these. Have plenty of lies of BLS about this.

Who checks the capacity after 1-2 years? No one knows how much they degrade until they fail.
I checked. My banks should deliver 20KW. But I hardly get 10KW after 8 months. BLS: too late for warranty now, even I complain from the beginning.

Sorry, can’t say something good about BLS. Even the Daly BMS they sold together with the cells died long time already. No warranty again.
Do you have any additional proof besides your experience? I'm honestly curious because I've opted to make an investment through BLS with calculated risks as mentioned above.

It's clear that BLS resells both used and new cells - They state new (or not) within their product offerings and the price points reflect this. (i.e. look at the price range of CALB cells. I'm sure there are multiple middle-men in the case of used cells, and someone could have slapped an ETC sticker on your cells somewhere down the line.

If an offering omits the word "new", than it's likely not and should be assumed as such. Reviews for cheaper cells acknowledge receipt of used cells.
What did your product listing specify?

Regarding my cells... they were manufactured in August. @Keith_PDX ordered the same and had them in-hand in October with positive feedback & testing. Here's another link from this message board with similar test results:

Further hands-on experience and vendor verification of Grade-A cells in this thread:

All claims towards these 150ah cells are excellent. Given the manufacture date and quick availability for purchase by BLS, how would these be cycled 2000+ times or be considered industrial waste as you claim? They can be bought manufacturer-direct for less if you can satisfy the volume requirement. The vendor also appears to respond to serial number inquiries.

Sorry to hijack the thread... I was initially responding to @DW SD since he mentioned these cells.

I think further evidence is needed before claiming BLS is pure evil.

I agree with you. I bought 190ah and 150Ah batteries from BLS. At present, they perform well. 99.9% of the people in this Forum agree with BLS's products and services. I don't believe that they are idiots. Only one person spare no effort to belittle BLS! I don't know why!!!
Only one person spare no effort to belittle BLS! I don't know why!!!

You don’t know why I want to warn other people about BLS? Losing 4900€ getting 36 end of life cells instead of new, is that a good reason for you?

Your cells perform well. What does that mean? Did you do any tests other than connecting your load and getting some power? Any measurement to know capacity loss in the first year? Because “seconds” may lose capacity very fast.

No, people are not idiots. Most of us pay for new cells and think they will get new cells for a good price, just like me. We do not expect (or believe!) to be cheated that much.

If someone reads this posts and still buys from BLS then I hope he will have good luck. Because luck is the only thing you can hope for with BLS.

And I am not the only one. Here is a screenshot from the last chat with BLS where I told him he cheats everyone. In a hurry he pasted the complaint of someone else in the answer:


You don’t know why I want to warn other people about BLS? Losing 4900€ getting 36 end of life cells instead of new, is that a good reason for you?

Your cells perform well. What does that mean? Did you do any tests other than connecting your load and getting some power? Any measurement to know capacity loss in the first year? Because “seconds” may lose capacity very fast.

No, people are not idiots. Most of us pay for new cells and think they will get new cells for a good price, just like me. We do not expect (or believe!) to be cheated that much.

If someone reads this posts and still buys from BLS then I hope he will have good luck. Because luck is the only thing you can hope for with BLS.

And I am not the only one. Here is a screenshot from the last chat with BLS where I told him he cheats everyone. In a hurry he pasted the complaint of someone else in the answer:

View attachment 7582

View attachment 7584
Anyway, thank you for your kindness.
For those who read the full chat: another BLS lie:


The promise of free return is fake to get customers trust.
It's absolutely impossible to send such cells into China, no matter what the reason is, it will be rejected by customs. And it would cost more than the cell to send such heavy, big package with dangerous goods to China.

BLS knows that very well as they admit it to me in a chat. And to who they would sell those returned cells again?

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1. I'm not BLS. I'm just a user of BLS like many people here
2. I just asked BLS something and told the guys here some complete facts
3. I only express my opinion on what I already know, and I will not guess and judge
4. that's all.:cool::cool:
Between the two of you this is very confusing.

you both have screenshots of the same chat from vendor perspective; the cells don't align to what gehowi ordered;
than a random excel spreadheet from ??
Then it's all resolved and everyone's in-love again...

Given the chat viewpoints, you're both suspicious. Are we being played?
reading those post does nothing to stir in either direction. What i m more interested is, are there anyone else unhappy with BLS? if the battery are not new or good quality, i would imagine other would notice. So far, everyone i communicated with seems happy. I want to purchase some and so far, i would say it s relatively postitive overall.
1. I'm not BLS. I'm just a user of BLS like many people here
Sorry, I really do not believe you.
I post a screencopy from a 2 months old chat with BLS and a couple of hours later you can post the full chat as an ordinary customer!
What kind of company sends private customer communication to other customers just to prove they are right??
You are Mr CHEN, very sure. 100% your style. Totally unreliable.
1. I'm not BLS. I'm just a user of BLS like many people here
2. I just asked BLS something and told the guys here some complete facts
3. I only express my opinion on what I already know, and I will not guess and judge
4. that's all.:cool::cool:
I also doubt your word here...
My admin level lets me see your IP address location... so, I KNOW where you are posting FROM...

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diy solar