diy solar

diy solar

BMS cabling question


New Member
Dec 2, 2023
The JK-B2A8S20P BMS requires 2 16mm² neg cables on both the B- and P- contacts. Given that should the cable coming off the Pos pack terminal going to a bus bar, also be 2 cables or even one 32mm²?
What cells? Single terminal or dual?

Would you do one lug and two cables crimped?

I don’t like double stacking lugs on battery terminals.

I’d do equivalent cross sectional area single cable.
What cells? Single terminal or dual?

Would you do one lug and two cables crimped?

I don’t like double stacking lugs on battery terminals.

I’d do equivalent cross sectional area single cable.
Single stud terminal on the cells. I can do either double cable into one lug 35-6 on batt end and 35-8 on bus bar end to fit the securing bolt, or dual cable dual terminal at Batt end but still joined at bus bar end. Or 1 single cable. Finding 35-6 lugs seems to be an issue at the moment for me.
What cells? Single terminal or dual?

Would you do one lug and two cables crimped?

I don’t like double stacking lugs on battery terminals.

I’d do equivalent cross sectional area single cable.
Decided to go dual cable 16mm² one 35mm² lug both ends.
Thanks for the help
Given that should the cable coming off the Pos pack terminal going to a bus bar, also be 2 cables or even one 32mm²?
No, you do not need to match what’s coming off the negative. You do need to make sure you use large enough cable for the current you expect and adequately fuse it, but there’s no need to match the BMS wires on the positive.

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diy solar