diy solar

diy solar

BMS Temp Sensor Wiring: Doesnt have normal BYR


New Member
Aug 6, 2020
Oaxaca Mexico
So this BMS doesnt have instructions matching what they sent me.
Sent 4 tiny temp sensors and the only available port that it could be is this prewired harnass with 8 Red and Black cables.
I thought most of the time the temp sensors had R G Y and you chained them together.
Do people think I just wire each temp sensor to its own RB pair? Is there polarity on these?

The last image shows the full package with the screen. The far right harnass has RGYB which matches with the communications port for the screen.


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Based on my completly different BMS but the correlation that there are 4 sensors and 4 pair of wires i would connect one. Mine were resistors that changed with temperature so no worries about polarity.
To test them put them between my thumb and forefinger. If you see 37 C you are healthy. ;)
They looks like basic thermistors (a resistor who changes according to the temp). So they're not polarised and each red and black pair is probably for each sensor ;)
Anybody know how to power this on? They mention needing to connect it to a battery in their "documentation". But this model doesnt have a port for power, their documentation shows that it just comes with powercables and you connect it to a small battery to "Boot" it
Anybody know how to power this on? They mention needing to connect it to a battery in their "documentation". But this model doesnt have a port for power, their documentation shows that it just comes with powercables and you connect it to a small battery to "Boot" it
Nevermind there was another port on the other side. And got it to turn on.

diy solar

diy solar