diy solar

diy solar

Building the sickest ® VAWT ever. Brilliant minds unite please!!

Ok!!. Now one has really got to strap in as I found a supplier of custom made T5 belts.

This does make a 1:30 plausible. I already have the new PMA pulley printed!!!!

I can't wait to see what happens.


Sure it is borderline thin at the teeth but i am hoping that the glue will deal with that potential issue.

Just think ahead and that when we finally found a setup that is worthwhile then the lost PLA aluminum casting can commence.
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yes yes yes!!

it will take forever to create the template for the turbine pulley but I will get there.

1:30 should be the new default in all of physics without exception :)


the idea is to have it print in vase mode or others know it as spiralize contours.

And then fill it up with a resin that becomes HARD!!!
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I need help guys and gals.

I can already see 2 problems going for 1:30


#1 is that I will first need to get my hand on an actual T5 belt of 3.9m length. YEAH!! that long!!
And this custom shop I told you about is being difficult to get through to any indication of pricing. So perhaps after the weekend I can call them but I already suspect they will ask me for a gazziliion dollars.

#2 you see the print result? the teeth definition is off. I already trust the belt will not grab as good as it should. Now I can fine tune sure and I can get a good fit no doubt. But how much time do we want to spend on this?

Is not there this v snare idea Gary came up with a while ago? I must say though that one guy over the phone told me that a 1:30 is a tall order and he had nothing off the shelf that could make it so.

Sure sure. custom custom but you see where this is going? I am losing grip on the DIY aspect of it all :(

So please unite once more and figure this one out yes?
So also a T5 timing belt will not cut it. Incredibly unwieldy due to its massive size and I still fear the price quote I am bound to receive soon.

Gears I still do not want to try because of the noise and wear they introduce next to the complexity that is more than timing belts and pullies.

I will try a T2.5 timing belt if I can find one that is long enough (now only 230CM) and not a bankruptcy in disguise.

The v snares that I found in the meantime will never work. Just too little traction/friction on the PMA v disk that should be but 23mm inner diameter. Now I know nothing of cars but that looks to me indeed a rather small radius. The snare will just slip most of the times if not snap or slip all the time.

Going for a T2.5 will reduce the turbine pulley diameter by a lot. And thus as well the belt length needed.


I swapped my 1mm nozzle for a 0.4mm one and because we are now printing in vase mode the time it takes to print is roughly the same. Yet more detail to be had without endless tweaking.
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try as I might. I can not find heating pads that are happy with DC/are easy to daisy chain/ or any of the other aspects we are dealing with here. :(

Sure I found some DC 5V USB ones. But come on man that is just no challenge is it?

Are we sure that just ramping up the RPM of the PMA and then let it rip going in dry into the battery bank is not a good indicator?

If not then please help out is I am now at a loss.

All I know how to do at the moment is just increase the PMA RPM and let it rip dry into the battery bank!!!

Who was it that suggested Christmas lights? why not we do that far too early in the season?
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I no longer want to feel ashamed when I lean towards custom made rather than off the shelf components.

Let us use a philosophical eye here for a second.

I mean when we create our battery banks we are not digging in the mines our self. Or when baking the solar panel sheets we are not in control of the oven. Hell we did not even make the oven that bakes them.

My 3d printer sure is off the shelf and at entry level at that. Yet there are so many parts that I could not make my self yet without a 3d printer and a good set of knowledge.

Same goes for the coils we so need in this whole endeavor. I am sure most of us can NOT extrude clean copper wires. Let alone enameled.

So I no longer care how much I have to do what it is I have to do to get this show on the road.

I hope you all can at least see the point I am trying to make.

Now what I will try and do though is not wield my extra power as I have ways to getting into places us mere mortals can not. That is at least the most fair thing I can do in this context.
If I can make this project work like that then I consider it still as a win.
hahahha ok so do you remember how I told you about those logos on those lab coats I did not recognize?

Well they made me not being able to talk about it.

Hence I can not wield my extra power while exposing them else risk loosing my status as PMA doctor or worse of course. :)

So just join me in the story in where there are extra powers to be had yet can not be released just yet. Else risk retribution of the most brutal kind.

We have to carefully wait for a good time for those powers to be invoked.

I want to believe is what I agree with with agent Mulder. (tribute X Files)
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f you have ever showed how you actually hold the coils down, I missed it in the remainder of the discussion. I don't see any bosses cast into the coil sections that might (for example) allow an occasional screw to secure them to the framework.
ahhh thank you brother.

At time random I just read back and found your request..

It was never like I wanted to NOT show.

But now you have opened the floodgates.

So all damage claimed go directly to you agreed?

hahah never mind all. just have fun. I am not in the interest of claiming sh% other than a big breast and pride
you know what gang?

I am not above pleading for help.

I did so once before at our nations master. But I got blown off with the statement that he is retired.

Well guess what? I am as well but we both seem to be active still. So I am going to call my main man the next AM.

I mean if that guy can not solve things no one ever will :(
It is confirmed via a phone call just now. Our nations master really is retired. :(

Well good on him!! Not so lucky for us :(
So step by step!! I am not always working on the turbine mind you.

Sometimes it is about a different story.


You can stop reading now if you are not interest in stories.

So we all remember that day yes?

hmm which day is this lunatic referring to?????

That day!! in where you gave over and made a kid!!

Now I realize that things can go wrong medically for the kid and the mother. Nature is relentless :(

I however got lucky and had myself one kid. So one expects the drama to end there yes?

hahhhah nooooo NOW it begins.

my lord, if there is one, I do not know where to begin.

Just let me end with these words then. That my kid demand the pool to be ready on the birthday.

I am working my ass off getting things done :) :(

But I do it with love and a message to all of us.
Hedges!! You and I need to have a sit down together!!!

You have made this mary go round with kids on it like an echo in my mind.

Now you have always known I have a mind that is easy to get out of focus :(

Yet the other end of the pendulum means that now I can not stop thinking about that mary go round :(

It will wear off do not worry. But now you know how much impact you have! :)

Love and respect!!
boy ohh boy do I ramble.

I love it. I invented it!!

Yet witness a prophesy come true. (story time so if not interested just skip)

It was back in the days.

The good days..

When things were less difficult.

I remember it so vividly.

The smell of lavender abound with harmless bees hovering around.

I was not prepared for what came next. No one can ever be.

While I was playing and fell down on my knees I wheeped. You know how little kids can be cry babies don't you?

But then.

There she was!!! Something spectacular that took my hand and raised me up.

Who are you? I asked this magnificent rays of light.

As the French do not like to speak English, even they can do it perfectly, she stuttered a bit in response.


ohh it was then and there that I found new meaning to otherwise mundane words.
My coils are called Delphine BTW so do not get too emotionally attached to my stories.

If you do then let me know. I might make a U turn and take that off ramp I missed a long time ago.

there is soo much material boiling that is waiting to be released. It is like a pressure cooker.
I wanted to to have it clear what I meant with wielding special powers.

It is not that special to be honest. Just have a company registered at your nations chamber of commerce and then all of a sudden you will find that you can open more doors than as without this registration.

I am already listed since 1997 or 98 I forgot. And the amount of magic it allowed for is incredible. Try it once. You will be amazed how much more you can do all of a sudden.

But here lies again this friction point in where I had hoped to keep things simple. I am sorry gang :(
try as I might. I can not find heating pads that are happy with DC/are easy to daisy chain/ or any of the other aspects we are dealing with here. :(

Sure I found some DC 5V USB ones. But come on man that is just no challenge is it?

Are we sure that just ramping up the RPM of the PMA and then let it rip going in dry into the battery bank is not a good indicator?

If not then please help out is I am now at a loss.

All I know how to do at the moment is just increase the PMA RPM and let it rip dry into the battery bank!!!

Who was it that suggested Christmas lights? why not we do that far too early in the season?
Seriously gang. I am still at a loss how to properly give this setup the beating of a life time.

In the meantime I found the the best way to convey in every aspect what is going here.

So I just got off the secret and heavily encrypted satellite connection Dutch and I have.

He told me that it is ok to refer to his operations that are publicly available as long as I do not spill any details that might compromise his operations whether past, ongoing or future..

He did not have any advice this time around but did say he would "get to the chopper" and fly in once the turbine is doing great.

One has got to love these talks :)

diy solar

diy solar