diy solar

diy solar

BYE BYE Tucker...

You folks like to call people liberals.. I'm just a bit more creative.

If you need lessons, let me know...
Sorry I prefer to be less nasty then either side of the fence around here. As for lessons no thanks. I have been unlearning name calling for quite some time now. ( Although I slip now and again.) But thanks for the offer.
Maybe you should spend less time watching propaganda and more time reading real books.. Anyone who thinks we could be "spreading life thru the galaxy with our space probes" is nothing more than an ignoramus, now turned propaganda puppet.

You dumbass.. you anti American, pro putin, pro dictator traitorous dumb ass.

Seriously.. spreading life with space probes? My grade school daughter is smarter than you.

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maybe you should find a new bunch of BS to carp and complain about. you have been using this now for several months. I have proven that we are... even if its only microbes. you are stupid your are boorish and nothing more need be said in regards to your intelligence, we all understand it is subpar.
Wow.. You truly are utterly fucking stupid and ignorant.

How would Putin close down OUR schools? He closed down schools in Russia you idiot.. he would have done the same here. In fact, step for step, Putin followed the WHO's recommendations and didn't make any secret of it.

Russia's covid 19 response was every bit, and sometimes worse, then anything we did in the USA you fucking moron.

Seriously, where the hell do you get your information from? RightWingIdiotsRUS dot com?

Trying to spread the pandemic using your virus ridden body while counting on tax payer bailouts for hospitals because of your selfish self-interest and small minded ignorance is the real evil.
What you literally just said was that "Your wealth and finances is more important than the lives or health of others".. HOLY SHIT.... You are the evil...

None of it is okay.. But you don't seem to understand or comprehend the concept of picking the least damaging of two or more bad choices.

That's what happens when your small minded mentality forms and opinion and seeks out "other like minded people" to reinforce your stupidity.

Go to school, get a degree in something medically related, spend a career in the medical field, then come back here and give me your medically educated and experience opinion.. Otherwise, you're acting like a Bob..
no, he like 50% of this forum... your own words, are just smarter than you are.
Vaccine didn't stop the spread, it stopped the hospitalizations and deaths.
yeah we all know that, they did nothing but make it worse. I was vaccinated (do it or lose your government contract) so fuck you and FJB.
Because most people didn't abide by the lock downs and went out and partied.. How can a virus spread without interaction between people? That's a rhetorical question, don't answer it because your understanding of basic science is almost zero.
Yeah all of them wer3e dems.. you know pelosi and her hair, gavin newsome and his wine parties, you know.. your folks.
Even now, even after being called out on believing the falsehood, you just did it again. Your goofy butt still thinks the vaccines stops the spread.

Yes, firing people from their job via the vaccine mandate is an attempt punish that person by making it impossible for them to make a living which would lead to them and the family that depends on them becoming impoverished.

Again reinforcing your belief that the vaccine stops the spread even though public health officials no longer make that claim and you even stated you caught the disease after being vaccinated. I can't believe you're this foolish and goofy. There is only one explanation're a liberal.

Oh look. A liberal projecting. *sigh*.
no he is simply mentally retarded. bet he dress in his wives clothes as well...or is that his son's clothes.
You mean tRump's #1 and #3 wives bought from the U.S.S.R. don't you?
Then there's his buddy on sex island...
sorry its alreay been proven that Trump kicked epstein to the curb the minute he found out about his proclivities.. now Bill Clinton on the other hand... did not.
Nobody forced any American adult to take either a vaccine or purchase health insurance and nobody forces you to participate in commerce either. It's probable that several children felt forced by their parents to take the vaccine. I remember being forced to take castor oil once. Tasted like horrible and the after taste went on forever.
no you sack of shit, there were many of us forced to take it or lose our jobs.. fuck you and the horse you rode in on may you meet by a drunk DACA driver tomorrow, by accident, an not survive. , may all of you offspring catch the pox from your butt buddies like hunter biden, and pass away as well
The problem with these planets orbiting red dwarfs is that red dwarfs have a reputation for spewing large solar flares, which tends to sterilize any planets orbiting them.
On the optimistic side, a massive planet would also have a thick atmosphere which would attenuate the blasts of radiation. What they really need to look for is a moon orbiting the planet..

Marine life is very possible.. anything walking around on land probably isn't going to be more than 2 feet tall and build like a tank with that much gravity.

You guys talk as if all you need for life is the right combination of things ..... That couldn't be further from the truth.

You can have the perfect combination of things and still don't have life.
ROFLMAO.. It seems pretty clear after I kicked your ass when you decided to talk astronomy, that you don't want to go there again...

Yup, as long as I'm here, I think that's one subject you're going to be avoiding.

Better to stick to twitter.. I'm sure Tucker Carlson only talks about things your tiny brain can relate to..
When did I try to discuss astronomy?

If you are talking about the possibility of us accidentally spreading life to other places .... I'm in good company with the rocket scientists.
You like to argue some technical gobbledygook that you are too ignorant to realize is irrelevant.

You think you won that argument because you are delusional .... You demonstrate the degree of your delusion every time you post the same tired post where you THINK you are putting me down.
The reality is that is just demonstrates to everyone on these threads how deluded you really are.

I don't contest those posts because I'm fully aware that YOU are the one being diminished every time you post it .... and I also realize that no matter the amount of proof I post, you will never admit you were wrong about that. I have already posted articles from NASA and the Smithsonian and many others that you promptly ignore.
So ... just keep posting that BS .... and I'll keep posting example after example of how you have been wrong about nearly everything you post.
You were wrong about the mouse .... Wrong about tucker .... wrong about the possibility of accidental spreading of microbes ... I can't think of a single thing that you have been right about .... Please, tell us something you've been right about.

Why did you start this thread? What was your motivation?
sorry its alreay been proven that Trump kicked epstein to the curb the minute he found out about his proclivities.. now Bill Clinton on the other hand... did not.
.... or one of their other heros Bill Gates. Pretty sure there have been no prosecutions of the Johns because the blackmail value of what they have is just too good.
no you sack of shit, there were many of us forced to take it or lose our jobs..
So you had a choice. Was that the only job you've ever had? You seem like the sort that would just tell an employer to fuck off if you didn't like the terms of employment. I never took you for a worm, but time does have a way of exposing the worms...Big Daddy Worm Tanuki. Yeah that's the ticket. You will be now and forever more; Big Daddy Worm Tanuki the Idiot. So now we have a full trio of idiots...Idiot Bob the Bob, his idiot fairy that doesn't even rate a name and filling out the card is Big Daddy Worm Tanuki the Idiot.
A union freak scolding somebody for being concerned about job loss.

You're kidding right??
Checkthisout, idiot. You don't know a fucking thing about union tramp life. The first thing the employer got to learn about me was, I wasn't there for a long time, just a good time and layoff is payoff, so fuck off...idiot.
So you had a choice. Was that the only job you've ever had? You seem like the sort that would just tell an employer to fuck off if you didn't like the terms of employment. I never took you for a worm, but time does have a way of exposing the worms...Big Daddy Worm Tanuki. Yeah that's the ticket. You will be now and forever more; Big Daddy Worm Tanuki the Idiot. So now we have a full trio of idiots...Idiot Bob the Bob, his idiot fairy that doesn't even rate a name and filling out the card is Big Daddy Worm Tanuki the Idiot.
sure dude, I could lose my job go on welfare like half of the rest of the country.. but to do that would require 30-40,000 USD to move my family back t the US... then i could live rent free in your little pee brain. quite simply many people did not have a choice... take the illegal forced jab, or watch our families suffer. i am man enough to take your shit and shovel it right back at you.
I think this quote applies .... Since our "enemies" on this forum are petty and childish trolls ....

“You can always judge a man not by his friends, but by the quality of his enemies. A good man will never have enemies who are anything but petty and childish. A bad man will have enemies that are legion. Who it is that dislikes a man reveals much about the man himself.” ~ Wicasta Lovelace