diy solar

diy solar

Cable management

Jimmy Redman

New Member
May 19, 2020
I have enjoyed watching videos on many solar topics, but an important one that is overlooked is cable management. Too many systems look like crows nests of wires. Basically a best practices guide covering things like system layout, cable trunking, cable trays etc.
Yes, I have seen PLENTY of nest wiring jobs. There are a lot of exceedingly neat cable layouts as well.
Are you asking will to make a cable layout video?
I think it would be a great topic for Will, there is potential for a whole series of videos. Personally I am a commercial and industrial independent installer, and my motivation for raising the topic is to open the path for Will to help guide his DIY audience in some best practices.
I will enjoy watching them myself.
I could be wrong, but it doesn't seem like Will's installs last long enough to need cable management. LOL!

I'm rather OCD about cable management. It shows a level of professionalism and detail that tells me someone took the time to do it right.
Custom 3d printed cable combs for my Transit install. The larger ones fit right into the t-slots.


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I could be wrong, but it doesn't seem like Will's installs last long enough to need cable management. LOL!

I'm rather OCD about cable management. It shows a level of professionalism and detail that tells me someone took the time to do it right.
I am stuck between those two worlds. I love to tinker so part of me wants to just get it working and I rationalize that I will go back and clean it up later. Then I move on to tinker somewhere else. ;)
Are you asking will to make a cable layout video?
His are the worst for it!! No offence, @Will Prowse, but they are!

But then I'm coming from an Avionics Engineer background where everything had to be 'just so'. I remember having to manually tie together looms using nylon string by hand for hours on end... And if you even marked a conductor whilst wire-stripping or crimping you had to replace the cable!
I am new to this but as I have mine fitted on a boat I wanted it to be easy to check or work on, I can see there are improvements to be made on mine but I think even as a first attempt there is no reason why anyone shouldn't be able to at least get it presentable, having wires just dangling everywhere only makes your own life harder in the long run, Will does have poics on his webbsite, That's where I got the inspiration for doing mine the way i did.

I have a pic of mine in the show and tell section, I am quite proud of it as a first attempt! ;)
I was watching this video the other day and they did a good, clean job with their wiring. Hoping to mimic mine like theirs.


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