diy solar

diy solar

Can Solar & Wind Fix Everything (e.g., Climate Change) with a battery break-through?

Full Transcript for those that hate videos

Bill Gates is no public health expert. He is not a doctor, an epidemiologist or an infectious disease researcher. Yet somehow he has become a central figure in the lives of billions of people, presuming to dictate the medical actions that will be required for the world to go "back to normal." The transformation of Bill Gates from computer kingpin to global health czar is as remarkable as it is instructive, and it tells us a great deal about where we are heading as the world plunges into a crisis the likes of which we have not seen before.
Not sure about "them", but Gates & Hawking have definitely been taken out of context...

FactCheck Gates on Population

Population was one of the elements Hawkings talked about, but that wasn't to reduce the population but to expand to other planets:

There was no “out of context” … Hawking finally died. He contributed to his own depopulation …. Hawking was only suppose to live a few years when he was ~23 yrs old and got sick Hawking lived into his 70’s. …… Seems science was wrong.
Carl Sagan is dead too but he said over populations was a problem. His theory was nuclear winter. Duh that doesn’t end well.
Gates has publicly stated numerous times through out the years about over population as basic #1 danger. Just because you didn’t hear it or read it at same time as me does not make it “out of context nor untrue”.

It simply means you don’t know everything nor have you been exposed to my own experiences. In the old days ppl use to throw hands when insulted or have a duel in which case problem were solved and case closed by victor. History is most often recorded by victor for their version. Might not be the truth but to oppose it means the victor will be riled again.
Incidentally…. Be nice if Gates released malaria pest and they got him for turn around. You obviously have no idea how bad Gates is mentally messed up. Evil ppl with great wealth are super villains. How did you like it when jocks stuffed you into the dumpster. Gates made a speech similar to that topic and stated “if those ppl were lucky might have a job…. made by him.” That is back when he gave motivational speeches at high schools. Motivational speeches use to be big.

Svetz you are being dishonest if you deny they did not say “over population was the problem” …. Exactly why they always say “caused by human“ … it is word play - word salad like saying “ gun violence”. The media knew to shift blame from humans to inanimate objects….devices … tools. Now climate changers want to shift blame to ICE vs all the over populated ppl. Reduce over all consumerism and you have achieved goal - population reduction but that part is dangerous to say out right. Ppl might fight back. But if we say reduce consumerism then we really mean like the communist killed christians at Holodomor maybe we can meet goal. I suppose you don’t think communism has often times silently killed more ppl then anything. I bet you like most trained pppl will say nazi for worse name - thing can imagine. You and everyone have simply been conditioned.

In that same manner ppl are taught to protect and defend Gates like a religious savior.

Why not cause panic and terror? Don’t you like the look of fear ridden and frightened ppl? Remember ppl go to amusement parks and ride things like roller coaster to be scared - yippie fun fun. Do you really think these spineless turds like Gates have the guts to admit face to face are out to kill you.? Hell no they want to survive.

BTW, I can detect an insult from a mile away. ??

1998 Bill Gates getting pie in the face. Just imagine could have been a gun, knife, hammer or brick. In this 1998 incident He was damn lucky and his security obviously sucked. Think remember they hit him with 2 pies not just 1.

finding the entire video is almost impossible now. Just conspiracy but someone was doing their best from then until now to keep it from being a popular video - had it censored from the web. Us older ppl have watched the censorship for years. It is very telling

If the left and christians had not feed starving countries then they wouldn’t ate the provided food and mass produced even more ppl.
On the subject of 'fact chekers', these guys just cant help themselves

Reuters has asked the Met Office’s Chief Press Officer Grahame Madge to provide the obligatory gotcha quote: “The Met Office’s preferred smoothing pattern for the U.K. temperature series clearly shows warming over the last two decades.”

However, the gotcha backfires when Madge then admits that it’s all about the chosen ‘smoothing pattern’: “The alternative smoothing method for the data, used for a graph published in the blog, doesn’t replicate precisely the same trend,” Madge added.

So, having conceded the main point, Madge (and Reuters) deftly switch to a completely different point: “Regardless of the method, however, both show ‘considerable warming’ since 1884 and that ‘the most recent two decades are clearly much warmer than the rest of the series’, [Madge] says.”

Right, the last two decades are the warmest since the end of the Little Ice Age in the 19th Century. We’ve never disputed that. Quite what it has to do with the claim at issue – that temperatures haven’t risen over the last 20 years – is anyone’s guess.

The Reuters attack is muddled across all fronts. At one point we are accused of inferring that the latest annual 10-year average is still no higher than between 1998 and 2007. Note the use of the weasel word “infer” to describe actual figures taken from data published by the Met Office.
No Gates was not taken out of context.
I suggest you all watch the entire thing.

James Corbett is an anarcho-capitalist/anarcho-voluntarist (former) YouTuber, conspiracy theorist. He performs amateur analysis of politics conspiracy theories and purported propaganda in The Corbett Report, YouTube (formerly), Global Research TV, RT news and other shows and websites such as the Boiling Frogs Post, NewsBud, 5G summit and other such occasional events, despite having no credentials in any of these fields, such as 9/11 and the JFK assassination being false flag attacks, government mind control, water fluoridation and chemtrails lowering IQ to make it harder to wake up sheeple, the "Clinton Body Count", 5G sends toxic EMF, Bill Gates is a Nazi eugenicist, GMOs cause tumours, Climate change is a hoax, vaccines never worked and are also a hoax, moon landing is hoax, eugenics is still alive, America is secretly a socialist country, pizzagate is real, Trump wants to establish a New World Order, among many, many others.

Anytime anything interesting happens anywhere on the planet, there's a very high chance James has found "proof" it is either a false flag operation by the New World Order or a "massive coverup operation" run by the New World Order to implement the New World Order and has already discussed about it on one of his episodes on YouTube or a podcast on his channel. No exceptions.

You would think the New World Order would've eliminated this widely-known bearer of all their secrets, but no, for some reason they see fit to let him continue.

As i always say, Solar (not Wind) are great complementing technologies that have a place to be when financed by individuals and companies directly for private/commercial (or in some cases limited community) usage.

But they are completely unsuitable as replacements.

From here, Epstein answers the question: Why do supposed alternative energies need so much subsidization if they are so much cheaper? This leads to the second fact that is often ignored in this discourse: “Contrary to claims of lower costs, the places that use the most solar and wind on their grid tend to have the highest electricity costs.”

This is the case because even if one were to concede that wind and solar are cheaper than coal and oil (they are not) and if one were to concede that this is happening on a free market (it is not), it would still be missing part of the picture. Even if wind and solar somehow were to have lower money costs, they make up for it in the cost of their diluteness and their intermittency.

Epstein explains the flaws in the diluteness of solar and wind by showing that they require more land per unit of energy than fossil fuels do, more mining-intensive resources (ten times more mined materials needed than when building the infrastructure for fossil fuels electricity generation), and long-distance-transmission infrastructure costs. Diluteness, he states, poses a major threat to the cost-effectiveness of wind and solar.

However, the costs do not stop there. They are intensified by the even-worse cost of intermittency. One of the most important elements of any energy is being able to control it, and solar and wind do not offer that. In order to address these two types of costs, Epstein shows that there are three possible approaches:

  1. Relying on some controllable source of energy, such as fossil fuels
  2. Relying on a diverse, distant, and enormous network of solar panels and wind turbines—so there is always sufficient electricity from somewhere
  3. Relying on a man-made storage system to store enough intermittent energy to always be able to meet demand
The current reality of solar and wind is that none of these approaches has yet proven cost-effective, and only the first approach—relying on some controllable source of energy, such as fossil fuels—has been implemented at any cost."

adversaries of fossil fuels will always try to make claims such as “wind and solar are significantly cheaper than coal and oil,” but the reality is that it is simply not true.

Wind and solar are not cheaper than coal and oil. They require massive subsidization to even compete, and on the back of that massive subsidization, they are still too diluted and require the support of fossil fuels in order to remain reliable.
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As i always say, Solar (not Wind) are great complementing technologies that have a place to be when financed by individuals and companies directly for private/commercial (or in some cases limited community) usage.

But they are completely unsuitable as replacements.

From here, Epstein answers the question: Why do supposed alternative energies need so much subsidization if they are so much cheaper? This leads to the second fact that is often ignored in this discourse: “Contrary to claims of lower costs, the places that use the most solar and wind on their grid tend to have the highest electricity costs.”

This is the case because even if one were to concede that wind and solar are cheaper than coal and oil (they are not) and if one were to concede that this is happening on a free market (it is not), it would still be missing part of the picture. Even if wind and solar somehow were to have lower money costs, they make up for it in the cost of their diluteness and their intermittency.

Epstein explains the flaws in the diluteness of solar and wind by showing that they require more land per unit of energy than fossil fuels do, more mining-intensive resources (ten times more mined materials needed than when building the infrastructure for fossil fuels electricity generation), and long-distance-transmission infrastructure costs. Diluteness, he states, poses a major threat to the cost-effectiveness of wind and solar.

However, the costs do not stop there. They are intensified by the even-worse cost of intermittency. One of the most important elements of any energy is being able to control it, and solar and wind do not offer that. In order to address these two types of costs, Epstein shows that there are three possible approaches:

  1. Relying on some controllable source of energy, such as fossil fuels
  2. Relying on a diverse, distant, and enormous network of solar panels and wind turbines—so there is always sufficient electricity from somewhere
  3. Relying on a man-made storage system to store enough intermittent energy to always be able to meet demand
The current reality of solar and wind is that none of these approaches has yet proven cost-effective, and only the first approach—relying on some controllable source of energy, such as fossil fuels—has been implemented at any cost."

adversaries of fossil fuels will always try to make claims such as “wind and solar are significantly cheaper than coal and oil,” but the reality is that it is simply not true.

Wind and solar are not cheaper than coal and oil. They require massive subsidization to even compete, and on the back of that massive subsidization, they are still too diluted and require the support of fossil fuels in order to remain reliable.
Lazard Ltd (formerly known as Lazard Frères & Co.) is a financial advisory and asset management firm that engages in investment banking, asset management and other financial services, primarily with institutional clients. It is the world's largest independent investment bank, with principal executive offices in New York City, Paris and London.

The Fraunhofer Society (German: Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung e. V., lit. 'Fraunhofer Society for the Advancement of Applied Research' is a German research organization with 76 institutes spread throughout Germany, each focusing on different fields of applied science (as opposed to the Max Planck Society, which works primarily on basic science). With some 29,000 employees, mainly scientists and engineers, and with an annual research budget of about €2.8 billion, it is the biggest organization for applied research and development services in Europe.
We knew about the Exxon studies in 1980s True. We had no feasible developed alternative… at that time. Blame the ppl on Wall Street…. You know who they are. Don’t pretend.

In last 30 years we have increased our World Population by at least 3-4 billion + ppl. How did that have an impact.

The Climate Hawks have all stated Over Population as the #1 Enemy. We know more ppl = more pollutions. None of your side wants to say these countries - Africa, India, and China were the past the biggest offenders. Racially afraid? No Truth to the real problem.… which is common sense. The Western World has done our part. Africa, India and China owe us reparations because they are irresponsible fucks. Literally. THEY HAVE CAUSED THE PROBLEMS YOU SEE WITH OVER POPULATION.

Meanwhile USA had adopted Roe vs Wade and we reached the ~ number of ppl murdered by China’s former communist Leader Mao Zedong with starvation and such. ….. except we used abortion. The USA is reported to have murdered ~60-70 million of our population with abortion. China former communist leader Mao Zedong eliminated about 60-70 million of his opposition with starvation. China used Eugenics on their population. They have our population plus a billion more ppl ….they are polluting like a mf’er….. I don’t give a shit about none of your pro agenda chinese charts. America bad ~330 million ppl. vs China 1.5 billion population good.

The USA instead of investing in our own ppl and population murdered our offspring and sent food and money to Africa, India, and now China holds our debts. We have some of the biggest retards on the planet in the USA. What we should do is like Africa….. India and China is have hump festivals…… mass produce population extra billion ppl. Do you think rest World will let us play catch up and wait? Our population is expected to rise to 10 billion and the USA will still be in reverse. Now they claim USA have to get more migrants because we don’t have enough ppl. We murdered ~60-70 million of our own citizens…..with abortions. Not only are we murderers but we have a major problem with criminal insanity-stupid over flowed.

So again Svetz you are blaming co2 on your agenda drive video vs the over population to which your group initially identified ….. are you afraid of being called a racist because it is the truth? Consumerism has dramatically climbed….. result all pollutions have dramatically climbed.


Go to Africa, India, and China start doing this:


If ppl had not made an additional 3-4 billion ppl in under developed countries where would we be on the pollution scale and your Climate agenda? If ppl on Wall Street and Ultra Rich had not made bank where would we be? Stop asking the broke ass under populated American public to pay for the fuckers.
... the ppl on Wall Street…. You know who they are. Don’t pretend.
Materia Primoris

I don't know that I belong to a "group", well it's not like I get invited to any of the parties...
But yes, humans do make GHGs. That doesn't mean humans have to be eliminated as you suggest.

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Fire at hydrogen fueling station costs $1.1 million

Opinion: Seems like we have a ways to go around making hydrogen safer. But, didn't see anything regarding annual numbers or fatalities. Possibly it's no worse per BTU than natural gas.

Climate Clock

Fungible Facts

... accused the ...Envoy of hyping a global warming “problem that doesn’t exist.”...When ...pointed to the consensus of climate scientists and the 195 nations that signed the Paris Accords, ... declared they were “grifting, just like you.”

People are becoming aware of this scamm and are pushing back at last!!!

The birds hitting wind turbines has mostly been solved.

They figured out that by painting one blade a different color than the others, the birds avoid the turbines. Reduces deaths by 70%.
I like that guy's message .... remove the emotion and use rational thought and critical thinking.
Those on the other side are using the opposite strategy .... get people emotional to the point that rational thought doesn't matter.
Neat manipulation trick turning the page with Thread Recap about each time.

Don’t blame me for repeating what pro climate ppl have stated. But your remarks are typical….. when written back to you it is some how repulsive. You want to murder africans, india, and China……. . Or maybe just the USA. but hush hush it is not us. ?

Again it was not my conclusion or suggestion. It came from ppl like: Sagan, Hawking, Gates, and Many others that identified the over population problem and it was stated with agenda 2021 - Population reduction was needed. I’ve seen their position - for years. Where were you? Why deny it?

Now hero Gate’s and by association rest don’t want that depopulation - emotional baggage - attachment so have changed positions to say “current population is not a problem”. Clown World. ?

Their Simple Logic: Without humans then Earth would be on a 100% natural climate change course. Don’t be a chicken... Stick to your depopulation guns. Some ppl have figured out that like Ninja the preferred methods was often poisons in: drink, food, and medicines.
Kind of obvious when think about it now for that plan in action. Basically same way we get rid of pest like rats - poison.

Just so everyone knows in the past we actually sent the World mass producers in Africa and India birth control.
The mass population producers refused to use birth control so now we have extra ~3-4 billion ppl with another expected ~3-4 billion more ppl on the way in very near future ~15-20 years or so.

the pointing finger at me as if it is my idea.… is hilarious. Just repeating depopulation as once outlined within that money grabbing fan club. Hahaha ?

In past We sent the mass producers food and instructions - equipment to farm - seed to farm and they ate the food then ate the seeds.
So again until you and your side address the real problem of over population pre-determined - you are intellectually bankrupt.
Agenda 2030 proposes to reward the over population groups in Africa and India with our tax monies for their bad bad behavior. Which they will merely take as a sign to produce even more. . Agenda 2030 will be bigger failure for USA then Agenda 2021 and a bigger winner for China. ?

Your side already identified - massive growing population as the problem. So simple basic logic means more ppl - more problems.

Stop calling ppl a denier when it is really you.
What do you suggest. “ maybe America with only ~5% of World population commit mass suicide to preserve the World for a few more years while the fuckers take over? ‘’ ? No Thanks.

Here is an obvious: WARS control human population to balance resources just like we have for wild life management.
It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure it out. An honest society knows the truth. I laugh when ppl say, “ American Indians lived in peace and harmony “ when the American Indian admitted history was survival of the strongest where they brutally fought over land and resources. ?

here is how the plan is going to work…. Notice the language used in this article $20 billion and Harris. Just more “sustainable reparations”. ???? Maybe the ppl pouring illegally across the southern border can be Energy Free in their new govy housing. Vote democrat. ?

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Neat manipulation trick turning the page with Thread Recap about each time.

Don’t blame me for repeating what pro climate ppl have stated. But your remarks are typical….. when written back to you it is some how repulsive. You want to murder africans, india, and China……. . Or maybe just the USA. but hush hush it is not us. ?
View attachment 158818

Again it was not my conclusion or suggestion. It came from ppl like: Sagan, Hawking, Gates, and Many others that identified the over population problem and it was stated with agenda 2021 - Population reduction was needed. I’ve seen their position - for years. Where were you? Why deny it?

Now hero Gate’s and by association rest don’t want that depopulation - emotional baggage - attachment so have changed positions to say “current population is not a problem”. Clown World. ?

Their Simple Logic: Without humans then Earth would be on a 100% natural climate change course. Don’t be a chicken... Stick to your depopulation guns. Some ppl have figured out that like Ninja the preferred methods was often poisons in: drink, food, and medicines.
Kind of obvious when think about it now for that plan in action. Basically same way we get rid of pest like rats - poison.

Just so everyone knows in the past we actually sent the World mass producers in Africa and India birth control.
The mass population producers refused to use birth control so now we have extra ~3-4 billion ppl with another expected ~3-4 billion more ppl on the way in very near future ~15-20 years or so.

the pointing finger at me as if it is my idea.… is hilarious. Just repeating depopulation as once outlined within that money grabbing fan club. Hahaha ?

In past We sent the mass producers food and instructions - equipment to farm - seed to farm and they ate the food then ate the seeds.
So again until you and your side address the real problem of over population pre-determined - you are intellectually bankrupt.
Agenda 2030 proposes to reward the over population groups in Africa and India with our tax monies for their bad bad behavior. Which they will merely take as a sign to produce even more. . Agenda 2030 will be bigger failure for USA then Agenda 2021 and a bigger winner for China. ?

Your side already identified - massive growing population as the problem. So simple basic logic means more ppl - more problems.

Stop calling ppl a denier when it is really you.
What do you suggest. “ maybe America with only ~5% of World population commit mass suicide to preserve the World for a few more years while the fuckers take over? ‘’ ? No Thanks.

Here is an obvious: WARS control human population to balance resources just like we have for wild life management.
It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure it out. An honest society knows the truth. I laugh when ppl say, “ American Indians lived in peace and harmony “ when the American Indian admitted history was survival of the strongest where they brutally fought over land and resources. ?

here is how the plan is going to work…. Notice the language used in this article $20 billion and Harris. Just more “sustainable reparations”. ???? Maybe the ppl pouring illegally across the southern border can be Energy Free in their new govy housing. Vote democrat. ?

View attachment 159012
The odd thing is .... they are out to "get" the very person who can provide them with all these products .... Elon Musk and Tesla. I posted Biden's recent speech just yesterday where he said this.
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The odd thing is .... they are out to "get" the very person who can provide them with all these products .... Elon Musk and Tesla. I posted Biden's recent speech just yesterday where he said this.
You also spent two pages arguing that humans could be "spreading life thru the galaxy with our space probes".. Clearly, your comprehension of complex subject matter is on par with a grade school child.



People are becoming aware of this scamm and are pushing back at last!!!
What is the "scam" you are talking about?

diy solar

diy solar