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diy solar

Can Solar & Wind Fix Everything (e.g., Climate Change) with a battery break-through?

Search Engine confirmation bias: You get more of what you click on making it look more real

Opinion: I'm sure this one will pointed back to me... ; -) When you see those denier links, be sure to investigate who funds the site. It's not hard to prove sites like PragerU, ZeroHedge, dailysceptic, wattsupwiththat are paid for by people who make money by promoting denierism.
The question (and thread) isn't about if it's real or urgent (it is); it's now about what going on in the world about it.

Things are heating up: Congress asks for GeoEngineering plans

Risky Business: Rogue Startups experimenting with GeoEngineering

NATO chief says climate change undermines global security

What is a heat officer?

Six months after the heat spiked, Caribbean corals are still reeling

Climate change is fuelling the US insurance problem

The U.S. is producing more energy than ever before


Why the Urgency?​

We've delayed so long it's not practical for us to hold the line at 1.5°C and our current policies and projections put us on track for 2.5 - 2.9°C. Tipping points were originally thought to start around 2°C, but we're already seeing them (r.g., methane from ice, lower albedo, slowing ocean currents). Biden keeps backsliding on pledges (e.g., mountain valley pipeline approval) and Trump says it's a hoax. It's more urgent than most think.


Reports from the CRS (Congressional Research Service) are some of the most unbiased and neutral information produced for all congressional members so they can make informed decisions when voting. Some of these may interest you:

CRS Report R47583, Is That Climate Change? The Science of Extreme Event Attribution
CRS Report R47172, Geoengineering: Ocean Iron Fertilization
CRS Report R47551, Solar Geoengineering and Climate Change
CRS Report R47300, Ocean Acidification: Frequently Asked Questions
CRS Report R47082, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change: Sixth Assessment ReportCRS Rep
CSR Report 47373, Science and Technology Issues for the 118th Congress
A Brief Introduction to the National Flood Insurance Program
What Happens If the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) Lapses?
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U.S. Special Presidential Envoy for Climate

This is the cabinet level position for climate change. On January 31, 2024, it was announced that John Podesta would take over the seat . They have their own government website, but it's under the U.S. Department of State (which seems odd for a subdivision of National Security). I asked an AI what he was up to:

  1. Implementation of the Inflation Reduction Act:
  2. Chairing the President’s National Climate Task Force:
  3. Global Climate Diplomacy:
    • As a seasoned climate policy expert, Podesta plays a pivotal role in international climate diplomacy.
    • His focus extends beyond U.S. borders, addressing global climate challenges and fostering cooperation with other nations.
  4. Promoting Clean Energy Innovation:
    • Podesta’s role involves promoting clean energy innovation and ensuring its integration into national policies.
    • He collaborates with experts, policymakers, and industry leaders to accelerate the transition to a sustainable energy future.
  5. Advancing Renewable Energy and Electric Vehicles:
In summary, Podesta’s multifaceted responsibilities span domestic and international climate policy, clean energy implementation, and fostering collaboration to combat the climate crisis. His expertise and leadership contribute significantly to the fight against climate change34.
The $375 billion isn't as much as it sounds as it is spread out over the next decade and is mostly in the form of tax credits. $43 billion of that is targeted to solar, battery, and EV tax credits come from. Not sure if the $375 includes the billions for the Mountain Valley Pipeline or if it's out of other parts of the overall package (yeah, still salty on that one ; -).

Where Are the True Environmentalists?​

We have had a week that has exposed the no-limits extremes of the climate campaign.

John Kerry, with his parting shot as Climate Czar, said that the world might feel better about Russia’s actions in the Ukrainian war if they lowered their climate footprint.

The depths of lunacy this reaches know no bounds. It is because of the actions of Kerry and his ilk in the administration Putin has the funds to fight the war in the first place.

In Germany, destroying an ancient forest to put up wind turbines is beyond any rational thought. First of all, you can wreck plenty of open spaces with the turbines. But the removal of 120,000 ancient trees, each taking away 50 lbs of CO2 for six million pounds a year, and the environmental cost of building these monstrosities should have every environmentalist up in arms. Do they realise the effect on the local climate? Forests are a great way to remove CO2 as I mentioned above, and are naturally cooler areas. So if you are afraid of CO2 (I am not, but understand you might be) this shows in no uncertain terms the depths of delusion these people are forcing on others. How this is even considered is beyond me. And if you are an environmentalist how are you not up in arms at this? You have a forest that has survived wars and turmoil. Germany’s forests are supposedly dying because of climate change so they destroy more forests to prevent more climate change. How is this even considered or tolerated? This is just another matter that Dostoevsky was right about.


Then, there is this illustration from the Twitter account True Science PEng, DFP, ADFS, MA, MBA.


The covering of fields with solar panels could actually add to warming. The illustration means microclimates will indeed change. We see this all the time with cities. Not only is there an urban heat island (UHI) with downstream implications. For example, the Philadelphia UHI is a great place to start thunderstorms that then follow the three major highways, U.S. 30, U.S. 322 and the Atlantic City expressway ESE toward the shore. There are major differences in thunderstorm frequency at the NJ shore for instance north of Atlantic City versus south, more to the north enhanced by the effect noted above. But now imagine fields that were covered with cooling vegetation replaced with solar panels that can elevate temperatures to 70°C. Imagine the change to the environment in those areas. The vegetation and animal life be dammed.

But this is because the people pushing this have no love of weather or climate. I have written about this several times. They simply use weather and climate to advance their mission. There is no rational thinking about this. It is getting so bad that the Dostoevsky quote above not only is evident in the irrational policies we are seeing enacted in non-climate issues but is leading to some kind of disorder that is causing societal disruptions we are seeing with climate protesters that are blocking roads or trying to destroy priceless art. Circle back to the destruction of the ancient forest. How is that so different from throwing orange paint on a priceless piece of art as far as an irrational action based on a phony mission?

In the face of all this lunacy, these facts seem to be completely ignored, nicely compiled by man-made climate change skeptic, Graham Keagan:

Since 1900… life expectancy up 130%; literacy percentage up four-fold; population up five fold; GDP per capita up seven fold; poverty down seven fold; death from natural disasters down 50-fold (with five times the number of people on the planet). Civilisation is flourishing!
There is no rational reason for what is being forced down the throat of the planet. The destruction of an ancient forest should raise alarm bells. Kerry’s parting comments that would imply a carbon footprint reduction would somehow offset aggression that we are indirectly funding by phony climate war policies Kerry advocates should raise alarm bells. The effect of these actions on the environment, the destruction of large areas of nature by the establishment of these fields and the cost of the materials should be obvious. This has nothing to do with climate or weather. It is being pushed by people who have no love of climate, weather, nature or mankind in general.

Dostoevsky was (and is) right. It’s time for rational people to stop this irrationality. I have never thought climate should be a big issue, but what is driving all this is. The motivation for all this is the reduction, if not destruction, of man’s upward mobility — and climate is the tool. Because, in the end, this irrationality is the nail in the coffin of our freedom and is designed for top-down elitist control.

Stupid Geoengineering Idea of the Week, No Year, No Decade…of All Time?​

These morons are discussing placing billions upon billions of dollars worth of heavy mechanical infrastructure on drifting impermanent ice floes.

I’m having difficulty thinking of an imaginary plan that is more stupid that this one.
google: How many years of oil does Earth have left?

Global consumption of oil is currently estimated at roughly 96.5 million barrels per day. According to OPEC, global demand is expected to reach 109 million barrels per day. Estimations vary slightly, but it is predicted that - if demand forecasts hold - we will run out of oil from known reserves in about 47 years.

say that was 100 years with unknow reserves, when would be the right time to start thinking plan B?

say in 1900 oil could be found seeping out the the earth, by 1980 it needed to be fracked from rocks, or
squeezed from sand, or even drilled miles under some sea. when would be the right time to start thinking plan B?

google: percent of oil used to power personal vehicles

About 526,000,000 results (0.51 seconds)

Search Results​

Private cars and vans were responsible for more than 25% of global oil use and around 10% of global energy-related CO2 emissions in 2022.​

You expect me to trust are funny as hell.


Looks like VW wants to compete against Tesla's $25k model 2, the model 2's low cost is supposed to be revolutionary in terms of manufacturing. Can't wait to see folks tear them apart on youtube like Monroe is doing the cybertruck.

The company says the production cuts are due to “strong customer reluctance” to buy their EVs.
According to German newspaper Nordwest-Zeitung, Volkswagen was canceling the late shift in the production of the ID.4 and ID.7 electric SUV and sedan for 14 days. The paper also reported that the three-week holiday for employees working on EVs would be extended by an additional week.
Further to this, Volkswagen also recently announced that 300 of the 1,500 temporary workers at the Emden plant would no longer be employed from August.
“We notice the reluctance of customers in the electrical world very vehemently,” works council chief Manfred Wulff told Nordwest-Zeitung noting that demand is almost 30 per cent below original forecast production figures.

... I aksed google gemini to...
That's hilarious, and a fantastic example of misrepresenting the truth. It is true you can spoof an AI into doing things because it keeps context of the conversation. But you could ask any human artist to draw them that way too. It's the sort of half-truth a lot of denierism has.

But, it's not what you get by default as some would have you think. It's also something any can try to validate rather than blindly accept what people want you to believe. For example....

Svetz: create an image of the founding fathers
Certainly! The Founding Fathers of the United States were visionary leaders who played a
pivotal role in shaping the nation’s history. Let’s imagine a scene where they gather to
discuss the principles of liberty, independence, and democracy. 🇺🇸

Founding Fathers
  1. George Washington: The stoic and resolute leader, standing tall with wisdom
    etched on his face.
  2. John Adams: Passionate and eloquent, advocating for the rights of the people.
  3. Thomas Jefferson: Quill in hand, drafting the eloquent words of the Declaration of Independence.
  4. Benjamin Franklin: Wise and witty, sharing insights that would shape the nation’s future.
  5. Alexander Hamilton: Intense and pragmatic, discussing economic policies and the Constitution.
  6. James Madison: Quietly observing, his mind already weaving the fabric of the new government.
  7. Their collective vision, determination, and sacrifice laid the foundation for the United States.
Yep, sort of like the pictures I remember from school...
That's hilarious, and a fantastic example of misrepresenting the truth. It is true you can spoof an AI into doing things because it keeps context of the conversation. But you could ask any human artist to draw them that way too. It's the sort of half-truth a lot of denierism has.

But, it's not what you get by default as some would have you think. It's also something any can try to validate rather than blindly accept what people want you to believe. For example....

Svetz: create an image of the founding fathers
View attachment 202844
Yep, sort of like the pictures I remember from school...
I think you are hopeless and lost…. This was a noted documented problem in several places. The AI was woke and producing bs. Again well documented.
The AI will only be as good as the ppl programming it. If someone pushing climate change can be reversed with money then it will produce that. Or the opposite.

Just a quick check. You live in confidence because you were conned. …..



“… Hottest Summer Ever, but Climate Change … Barely Made the News”​

“… At an after-work drinks event I attended, a man fainted and collapsed. We gave him water and walked him to his car, through the city. The baking hot streets were utterly deserted. …”

WA had its hottest summer ever, but climate change and heat-related health problems barely made the news
ABC Science / By technology reporter James Purtill

We read that extreme heat kills more people in Australia than all the other natural disasters combined.
This has been WA’s hottest summer on record — and the hot weather isn’t over yet.

At an after-work drinks event I attended, a man fainted and collapsed. We gave him water and walked him to his car, through the city. The baking hot streets were utterly deserted.
As the month progressed, there appeared to be a growing disconnection with the way news outlets were generally covering the ongoing natural disaster.
News stories often showed people “beating the heat” by going to the beach. A prominent politician devoted one sentence of their weekly column to the weather: “Yes, it’s summer, and yes, it’s hot.”
Richard Yin, a Perth GP and deputy chair of Doctors for the Environment, said the lack of acknowledgement in the media about the impact of heat and climate change was “vaguely terrifying”.

Read more:
If someone “faints” after a workplace drinking session, climate change is to blame? I can think of some other possible explanations.

The claim extreme heat is Australia’s biggest killer is not borne out by the evidence. The following is by scientists who claim the ration between summer and winter deaths is closing because of climate change – but there are still more deaths in winter.

Increased ratio of summer to winter deaths due to climate warming in Australia, 1968–2018
Ivan C. Hanigan, Keith B.G. Dear, Alistair Woodward
First published: 26 April 2021
The authors have stated they have no conflict of interest.
Objective: To determine if global warming has changed the balance of summer and winter deaths in Australia.
Methods: Counts of summer and winter cause-specific deaths of subjects aged 55 and over for the years 1968–2018 were entered into a Poisson time-series regression. Analysis was stratified by states and territories of Australia, by sex, age and cause of death (respiratory, cardiovascular, and renal diseases). The warmest and coldest subsets of seasons were compared.
Results: Warming over 51 years was associated with a long-term increase in the ratio of summer to winter mortality from 0.73 in the summer of 1969 to 0.83 in the summer of 2018. The increase occurred faster in years that were warmer than average.
Conclusions: Mortality in the warmest and coldest times of the year is converging as annual average temperatures rise.
Implications for public health: If climate change continues, deaths in the hottest months will come to dominate the burden of mortality in Australia.
Read more:
Is this really what the climate alarm movement has come to? A dubious claim that extreme heat is the biggest killer, panic over someone passing out after an office drinking party where the manager was likely paying for the drinks, and a long whinge about people enjoying themselves at the beach in hot weather, instead of focussing on the climate crisis?

What a waste of column inches.

The company says the production cuts are due to “strong customer reluctance” to buy their EVs.
According to German newspaper Nordwest-Zeitung, Volkswagen was canceling the late shift in the production of the ID.4 and ID.7 electric SUV and sedan for 14 days. The paper also reported that the three-week holiday for employees working on EVs would be extended by an additional week.
Further to this, Volkswagen also recently announced that 300 of the 1,500 temporary workers at the Emden plant would no longer be employed from August.
“We notice the reluctance of customers in the electrical world very vehemently,” works council chief Manfred Wulff told Nordwest-Zeitung noting that demand is almost 30 per cent below original forecast production figures.

Oh but according to Svetz, people aren't buying EV's due to right-wing misinformation. That is why we need censorship.

Right SVETZ?

Even though Svetz bought a plug-in hybrid.......:sneaky:
Lay Men they screw us and take our money then call us lay men..... That is fine for the gay men ...they like it.... anyone else notice how vax, climax, and trans are all tied together?
That's hilarious, and a fantastic example of misrepresenting the truth. It is true you can spoof an AI into doing things because it keeps context of the conversation. But you could ask any human artist to draw them that way too. It's the sort of half-truth a lot of denierism has.

But, it's not what you get by default as some would have you think. It's also something any can try to validate rather than blindly accept what people want you to believe. For example....

Svetz: create an image of the founding fathers
View attachment 202844
Yep, sort of like the pictures I remember from school...
I concur. It's only as good as the info it was given. Machine learning....

What's in a Word?​

If you happen to be reading something about climate change in the popular media, be sure to keep an eye out for certain words. The one in this case is 'deceitful'. Why? Because it's an emotive word. It's a good sign that the writer is not a scientist but someone with a political axe to grind. [ref]
Trigger words like that are ripe in any website that wants to manipulate you rather than explain to you. Many outlets (e.g., fox, Corbett) go to extremes to tell you how dumb the other side is as a part of tearing them down to disprove their science. It's an easy way to spot those trying to manipulate you into believing a point of view rather than give you information to form your own views.

Can animals and plants adapt to global warming?

The five biggest mass extinction events in Earth’s history, and most of the
smaller extinction events, were driven by rapid climatic change. When climate
changes too fast for species to be able to adapt, extinctions are bound to occur.
Figure 1 shows prior extinction events and atmospheric CO2 concentration over
the last 420 million years. Each colored circle denotes an extinction event, with
the “Big Five” mass extinctions in red (end-Ordovician, which occurred 444
million years ago, is not shown) and lesser extinction events in pink.
Human-caused climate change is occurring too rapidly for species to be able to adapt. Plants and animals are currently dying off at a rate that is 100 to 1000 times faster than the average rate of extinction over geological timescales. Because of this, there is mounting evidence that we are heading towards a mass extinction event.
Science too can be alarming. Is it possible we'll go over 1000 ppm when we're ~425 ppm now?

The scale of that image above is in millions of years and stops at 0 A.D; it
doesn't show that in no time at all it's shot up to 425.

In the image above, humans have only lived on the planet for the last
couple of pixels.

So let's blow up just that flat part of the graph on the right edge and add in
the current and future predictions. Brr... those dips are all ice ages and
were deadly to humans.

So, before 0 AD is natural. After 0 AD, that us. Yes, we know that because of
the radioisotopes of carbon in the atmosphere. It's not just volcanoes or the sun.

At the rate we're emitting you're probably wondering when we get over
1000 ppm when mass extinctions are more likely -- or if we even if we will
given the IPCC expects the population to start to decline naturally this
century. What do the models say?

The answer is: it depends on what humans (and mother nature) actually do.
So yes, the models do say we can easily exceed 1000 ppm.

Right now, our global policies and projections put us between +2.5 to +2.9°C.
Our actions don't currently match that. But, the good news is our actions do
seem to have us dipping slightly off the +3.2 to +5.4°C path.

One last thing to mention... note how wide the different bands of color get the
farther you go out in time. The farther you go out in time the harder it is to
predict, what's important to keep in mind is the range rather than a single number.
Update: There are more recent data and graphs in the IPCC's 2023 report, I kept the older (2014) spaghetti image as I think it's a better representation (the new ones are watered down a bit) and we haven't been doing much to combat global warming so the numbers haven't changed much. The 2030 report should be very interesting in regards to policies and actions.
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Peatlands drying out, carbon sinks to carbon sources

Who is buying EVs?

This was really shocking... no pun intended...the graph is breakdown by party affiliation of registered EVs for states Trump and Biden won. Biden's is no surprise... but...

This is more than just the demographics of Republicans to Democrats, for example in Wyoming it's 57% to 25%. Here's another article...

Will Hippies return?​

Even more exciting, VW is talking about bringing the Scout back (they bought it back when IH went under).

Peatlands drying out, carbon sinks to carbon sources

Who is buying EVs?

This was really shocking... no pun intended...the graph is breakdown by party affiliation of registered EVs for states Trump and Biden won. Biden's is no surprise... but...

This is more than just the demographics of Republicans to Democrats, for example in Wyoming it's 57% to 25%. Here's another article...

Will Hippies return?​

Even more exciting, VW is talking about bringing the Scout back (they bought it back when IH went under).

Svetz, why don't you own an electric vehicle instead of a PHEV?

Your hypocrisy and lack of self-awareness is most apparent here.

It doesn't even bother you that you're the pot calling the kettle black.
The only thing you need to know about GloBULL warming is that every single prediction they made came out false lol.

11 pages of false predictions!!!

ROFL..... you cant make this shit up if you tried

‘Trust science’, Paris mayor boasts as city declares ‘there will be no air conditioning in Olympic athletes’ rooms ‘to cut the carbon footprint’ of summer Olympics​


Reuters – March 14, 2024: There will be no air conditioning in the athletes’ rooms at Paris 2024, which has pledged to host the “greenest ever” Games. … Paris mayor Anne Hidalgo told those nations planning on installing air conditioning at the athletes’ village to “trust the science” instead… With climate scientists warning that global warming has produced more extreme weather patterns in much of the world, organisers of Paris 2024 have said they want to halve the carbon footprint compared with the Rio 2016 and London 2012 Summer Games. “I think we have to trust science on two counts. The first is what scientists are telling us about the fact that we are on the brink of a precipice. Everyone, including the athletes, must be aware of this,” said Hidalgo. “And secondly, we have to trust the scientists when they help us to construct buildings in a sober way that allows us to make do without air conditioning.” ..

Yet, the Olympic Committees from Australia, Brazil, Canada and Norway are among those who believe it will not be enough.

“Our clear wish is that there should be air-conditioning in all rooms,” the Norwegian Committee told Reuters, with Brazil saying “the heat forecast” made it “necessary to invest in renting air-conditioning units for the entire delegation”.

Associated Press in 2023: The Paris Olympics is going underground to find a way to keep athletes cool at the 2024 Games without air conditioners…The decision is part of the organizing committee’s goal to cut the carbon footprint of the Paris Games by half and stage the most sustainable Olympics to date by installing a special technology to use natural sources to keep everyone cool even during a potential heat wave. Compared to a conventional project, the carbon impact will be reduced by 45% for the Athletes Village during the construction phase and over the entire Olympic cycle, she said. …

The geothermal energy system will ensure that the temperature in the athlete apartments in the Seine-Saint-Denis suburb does not rise above 26 degrees Celsius (79 degrees Fahrenheit) at night, including during a potential a heat wave, said Laurent Michaud, the director of the Olympic and Paralympic Villages. … “Despite outdoor temperatures reaching 41 degrees Celsius (106 degrees Fahrenheit), we had temperatures at 28 degrees (82 degrees Fahrenheit) in most of these rooms,” Michaud told The Associated Press, detailing the results of a heatwave simulation. … To keep the coolness inside, the athletes will have to follow some basic rules, he added, including making sure the window blinds are shut during the day. … Although some Olympic hopefuls have already expressed concern about the lack of air conditioning, Monnet said athletes should adapt and help contribute to fight against climate change. “We need athletes to set an example when they use the buildings,” Monnet said. “We can build the most virtuous village we want, it is also the use that will be made of it that will weigh on our carbon footprint.” …

Allow only AC in very limited circumstances: “It will be on a case-by-case basis, and for health and safety of the athletes,” Michaud said, adding that ventilators vaporizing water droplets could be installed instead of traditional air conditioning units.


Athletes in Paris at the Summer Olympics will have to make due without air conditioning.
The mayor of Paris is listening to climate scientists who say the Earth is “on the brink of a prescipice,” and athletes should make sacrifices.
— Ryan Maue (@RyanMaue) March 14, 2024
Modeling suggests that room temperatures during a heat wave would be 82°F (!)
My goodness, can you imagine competing as a world class athelete and then coming back to recuperate in your room that’s baking > 80°F
Insane risk for heat exhaustion.
— Ryan Maue (@RyanMaue) March 14, 2024

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diy solar