diy solar

diy solar

Daly Smart Bms Deye inverter CAN communication

Daly send me a new firmware for interface board. You need cable RS485 to USB to connect to PC and you need DalyBmsMonitor software.
And in DalyBmsMonitor you need to choose WNT upgrade as shown in the picture - otherwise you wil brick your BMS.
After this update I reset BMS and interface board (unplug cables) and need again to set communication to RS485 and inverter Deye over DalyBmsMonitor on both BMSs. As explained in video on top of this side you need to set different address on interface boards and interconnect them with Ethernet cable.
I did exact these steps. WNT-upgrade with this file.
But now my BMS is dead and the interface board too.

Please help