diy solar

diy solar

density of the lead-acid batteries


New Member
Jan 20, 2022
I need to conduct a test on the density of the lead-acid batteries, specifically the Sunlight RES SopZs.

Sure, here are the steps you should follow to conduct the test on the density of the Sunlight RES SopZs lead-acid batteries:

1. **Preparation**: Gather all necessary equipment, including a hydrometer, distilled water, safety goggles, and gloves.

2. **Safety Precautions**: Put on safety goggles and gloves to protect yourself from any potential hazards.

3. **Battery Inspection**: Inspect the batteries visually for any damage or leaks. Do not proceed if any damage is detected.

4. **Battery Labeling**: Label each battery with a unique identifier to track its results.

5. **Hydrometer Calibration**: Calibrate the hydrometer according to the manufacturer's instructions to ensure accurate readings.

6. **Battery Sampling**: Select a representative sample of batteries from the batch for testing. Aim to test at least 10 batteries to ensure statistical significance.

7. **Battery Temperature**: Ensure that the batteries are at room temperature for accurate density measurements.

8. **Hydrometer Testing**: Carefully extract electrolyte samples from each battery using a syringe or pipette. Place the electrolyte sample into the hydrometer and record the density reading.

9. **Recording Results**: Record the density readings for each battery, along with the corresponding battery identifier.

10. **Data Analysis**: Analyze the density readings to identify any patterns or discrepancies among the batteries.

11. **Photographic Documentation**: Optionally, photograph the testing process, including the setup, sampling, and measurement stages, for documentation purposes.

12. **Report Preparation**: Prepare a comprehensive report detailing the testing procedure, results, analysis, and any recommendations for further action.

13. **Reporting Findings**: Present the findings to relevant stakeholders and discuss any implications or necessary follow-up steps.

14. **Storage**: Safely dispose of electrolyte samples and clean up any spills or messes. Store equipment properly for future use.

15. **Follow-up**: Monitor the batteries regularly to track any changes in density over time and take appropriate actions as needed.

is there anything else i should do?
You listed distilled water, but didn't use it.

As I understand, if water is below plates, add water to cover. Then charge. Then test specific gravity.

Evaluate specific gravity, especially for differences between cells. Equalize (special over-charge) if necessary.

When done with charging and equalizing, add water to proper level (often meaning so it touches a component in cell which causes dimpled surface.) Don't fully fill like this prior to charging, because it will bubble over and spill.

Repeat specific gravity measurement after further use, which mixes the water and electrolyte.

The key is to do something in response to the measurements, "appropriate actions."

"Battery Sampling" - sounds like factory or distributor inventory management. Different from what most people here face, which is management of their one batter bank. My notes above were addressed to their needs.

For you, testing stocks of batteries, I think the thing to do is rotate stock (sell older batteries), adjust rate at which you buy or manufacture new ones to avoid having so much inventory it degrades, and adjust your frequency of recharging. These are wet cell; consider not filling with electrolyte, rather storing dry until nearly time for sale.

For a manufacturer, perform Statistical Process Control. Check your results of specific gravity, and change over time, against control limits. If they are now diverging, not staying within limits as in the past, something has changed. Quality of materials? Process? SPC is important to adjust manufacturing parameters and to detect material changes.

Also take small samples and test their internal resistance, capacity, cycle life (again for manufacturer.)