diy solar

diy solar

Do I need a Cerbo GX?

FWIW, GX devices will also log offline until their storage is full. I recently had a 47 hour Internet outage at the remote site, and no data was lost.

The CCGX has something like 22MB and can accept a MicroSD. I would assume the Cerbo has the same or better specs.
FWIW, GX devices will also log offline until their storage is full. I recently had a 47 hour Internet outage at the remote site, and no data was lost.

The CCGX has something like 22MB and can accept a MicroSD. I would assume the Cerbo has the same or better specs.
I can get three days from a CerboGX when it looses connectivity. I just realized that its likely the more data points you are collecting the quicker you'll fill up it's memory.
I can get three days from a CerboGX when it looses connectivity. I just realized that its likely the more data points you are collecting the quicker you'll fill up it's memory.

Yep. I'm at whatever the minimum is... 1 minute I think.

Edit: 28MB native and up to 32GB microSD or USB stick (FAT12, FAT16 or FAT32).

Need to remember to get a microSD
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I'm planning to get Starlink, so that would eliminate the need for the Victron LTE device as long as I'm willing to run the Starlink 24/7 (which I'm not).
Why would you not want to run Starlink 24/7?

Is it a power consumption problem?
Having said all of that, you can spend about $100 (compared to many hundreds) on a Raspberry Pi and a compatible touch screen, and a few Victron cables and get the nice fancy Victron Venus OS display and control that you would get with the Cerbo GX. So if you want the pretty screen for a lot less money then that would be a good option.

Where can you find a RaPi for $100?
Where can you find a RaPi for $100?
In early 2021 :) It seems they've gotten a lot more expensive since I bought mine (and the 6 months since I posted the message you quoted). The kit I bought (RPi 3B+ and power supply for $45) isn't available anymore from what I can find but oddly the touchscreen I bought ($50) is still for sale and a few dollars cheaper now than then.
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I don't want to leave the inverter on during the summer. It gets too hot in the trailer when it's at the storage lot. In the winter, no problem.
You have a starling on a trailer? Did not know that was an option. Last I checked, it was geographically tied within a few miles by a GPS.
We're closing in on a year on the waiting list for Starlink for our house.
Exciting. I’ll need to check for that.

I only know someone with a regular star link for a house. I can’t remember exact power consumption, was around 100 watts. That would need to be planned for.
I find it humorous how Starlink is promoted for remote areas, but you need a street address to reserve it. There was a huge lag between me getting an official address and Starlink recognizing it, but now I can finally see that I'm still in a waiting list area:


Exciting. I’ll need to check for that.

I only know someone with a regular star link for a house. I can’t remember exact power consumption, was around 100 watts. That would need to be planned for.

Yeah, and I've heard some accounts that 100W is a low estimate.
I find it humorous how Starlink is promoted for remote areas, but you need a street address to reserve it. There was a huge lag between me getting an official address and Starlink recognizing it, but now I can finally see that I'm still in a waiting list area:

Yeah, and I've heard some accounts that 100W is a low estimate.
Starlink Power and Energy Usage (added that in case someone is searching for that information sometime)

Wow, so that could be 3 kWh or more per day needed from your PV by the time you factored in all the losses. Not something to take lightly.

We're still waiting on ours so I can't confirm exactly but a buddy put his on a Kill-a-Watt meter and was seeing at least 75 watts. I'll reach out to him and see if he's left the meter on it for long enough to get usefull kWH data.
The Starlink consumes just under 60 watts from my Multiplus, as reported by my Cerbo GX.

I can't get the Cerbo GX to connect to the Starlink WiFi. I'm not sure what's going on.
As far as system monitoring goes, particularly for your application, there's nothing a Cerbo GX can do that Victron Connect won't do for free. Especially with the latest updates showing current status of all your devices together on the start page. Assuming your cell phone or tablet will connect to VC, not all will. My Samsung S22 Ultra won't connect and neither will my tablet. Luckily my old Google Pixel works just fine.
As far as system monitoring goes, particularly for your application, there's nothing a Cerbo GX can do that Victron Connect won't do for free. Especially with the latest updates showing current status of all your devices together on the start page. Assuming your cell phone or tablet will connect to VC, not all will. My Samsung S22 Ultra won't connect and neither will my tablet. Luckily my old Google Pixel works just fine.
Yea Paul, that is the conclusion I came to and a lot of other posts on this topic. I kind of knew this when I inquired but thought I might be missing something. I was not.
I have an old cell phone dedicated to look at all the victron connect information as well as change parameters when needed. I also have the ap on the same phone that connects with the JBD BMS for individual cell voltages and variances. Having no reliable internet at the cabin renders remote monitoring a moot point really. It is just not possible. I find the Bluetooth monitoring when I am there to be very reliable and easy to use. Thanks for reply.
The Starlink consumes just under 60 watts from my Multiplus, as reported by my Cerbo GX.

I can't get the Cerbo GX to connect to the Starlink WiFi. I'm not sure what's going on.
The Cerbo's that I tested here at the shop wouldn't reliably connect or stay connected to my WiFi for more than a few day, They still don't so I'm not very pleased with them. When I brought this up on the Victron Forum last year I was directed to this thread.

I made the suggested changes and .... still the same &%$@ problem. Maybe this is your problem, maybe it's not.

I haven't had the need to touch one since but I did refer a pier to the Global Link 520 and he said it was working well for his applications.
The Cerbo's that I tested here at the shop wouldn't reliably connect or stay connected to my WiFi for more than a few day, They still don't so I'm not very pleased with them. When I brought this up on the Victron Forum last year I was directed to this thread.

I made the suggested changes and .... still the same &%$@ problem. Maybe this is your problem, maybe it's not.

I haven't had the need to touch one since but I did refer a pier to the Global Link 520 and he said it was working well for his applications.

I still need to open mine up and check the antenna.

diy solar

diy solar