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diy solar

Do We Need a Control Group?

It happens.

In other News, my local governments are lifting the vaccine mandates for their workers due to workers shortages while at the same time claiming the mandates were necessary in order to keep from having employee shortages.

These people have no soul and will lie and lie until the bitter end.
Can't formulate a timeline of my thought process but,

Once they told people to still get the vaccine even after having had covid, I thought for sure that would sway the true believers to start questioning the "experts".

Once they wouldn't let proof of prior infection stand-in for being vaccinated in regards to mandates,I thought for sure that's when people would start questioning the "experts".

Even after the vaccine was showing high breakthrough rates (literally not even slowing transfer) then I thought for sure people would start to question the "experts".

That's just a few reasons..... the number of write-ups and studies showing lockdowns for all didn't work at stopping disease that were written 20 plus years ago were all ignored as well.

We are now headed for a depression-like crash that will likely be permanent due to lockdowns and money spending and psychological breakdown of young people due to the way they were treated during this mess.
Dang.... that a stupid thing to post if your a leftest. The author of that book was on the radio the other day....
Leo can't help himself. It is a sickness. He posted a picture of a nazi giving vaccines the other day So I made him a gif. His response is typical meme to bury any discussions he does not agree with.


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The Surgeon General of Florida is one of the very few public health officials who's data you can trust.
He is reporting 17 times increase in adverse event reporting the year the vaccine rolled out.

I watched this one at 1.5 speed.
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The Surgeon General of Florida is one of the very few public health officials who's data you can trust.
He is reporting 17 times increase in adverse even reporting the year the vaccine rolled out.

I watched this one at 1.5 speed.
Israel was indeed first reports to which remember them saying "the pfizer vaccines were going to cause heart problems in young ppl."

California being listed as stopping the vaccines means a lot - means they know now and more likely KNEW before hand.
What has been done in my opinion is criminal.

This is a good video but long .... best part is around 30 minute mark.
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As i posted earlier, heart problems with MRNA tech were know years ago, as early as 2003. Back in 2003 they did first trials of these injection, this is right around the time of the SARS-Cov1 and MERS "outbreaks". They did experiments on mice. The interesting thing was all mice in the experiment died from essentially heart problems. So, this information was available if you were paying attention to this research (I did). This is why it scared the crap out of me when they first hinted at MRNA tech injections in late 2020, and then they rolled them out, without testing. Those of us who followed the research knew that we would not take the shots under any circumstances and we didnt.
As i posted earlier, heart problems with MRNA tech were know years ago, as early as 2003. Back in 2003 they did first trials of these injection, this is right around the time of the SARS-Cov1 and MERS "outbreaks". They did experiments on mice. The interesting thing was all mice in the experiment died from essentially heart problems. So, this information was available if you were paying attention to this research (I did). This is why it scared the crap out of me when they first hinted at MRNA tech injections in late 2020, and then they rolled them out, without testing. Those of us who followed the research knew that we would not take the shots under any circumstances and we didnt.
I am fairly certain that is how Israel knew what the results would be so far ahead of the game when it rolled out. These ppl think they are fooling everyone. Very Large percentage of all populations have been tricked. Leo will fight like cats and dogs to prove he did not make a mistake. The fact so many of us did not vax and survived worries and makes them even madder. Do you know anyone that likes to admit they were wrong or made a fool of?

The vax is not proven. If no one had taken it doubt the current death results would have changed.

I planted a daisy in my front yard and it is suppose to keep elephants away. Haven't seen any elephants so it must work.
Same same for vaccine
As i posted earlier, heart problems with MRNA tech were know years ago, as early as 2003. Back in 2003 they did first trials of these injection, this is right around the time of the SARS-Cov1 and MERS "outbreaks". They did experiments on mice. The interesting thing was all mice in the experiment died from essentially heart problems. So, this information was available if you were paying attention to this research (I did). This is why it scared the crap out of me when they first hinted at MRNA tech injections in late 2020, and then they rolled them out, without testing. Those of us who followed the research knew that we would not take the shots under any circumstances and we didnt.

In law got first shot. Ok. Second shot, his thyroid swelled up like a baseball and stayed that way for 6 weeks.

These are people that used to work (retired) from working in the hospital who didn't think anything about getting the jabs and now will never get jabbed for anything again.
I am fairly certain that is how Israel knew what the results would be so far ahead of the game when it rolled out. These ppl think they are fooling everyone. Very Large percentage of all populations have been tricked. Leo will fight like cats and dogs to prove he did not make a mistake. The fact so many of us did not vax and survived worries and makes them even madder. Do you know anyone that likes to admit they were wrong or made a fool of?

The vax is not proven. If no one had taken it doubt the current death results would have changed.

I was reading the other day that the efficacy is simply due to general intrinsic immunity stimulation. In other words getting jabbed for anything (tetanus, flu etc) are all as efficacious against covid as the covid shots are.

This stimulation only lasts for a handful of weeks after getting the shots.
I was reading the other day that the efficacy is simply due to general intrinsic immunity stimulation. In other words getting jabbed for anything (tetanus, flu etc) are all as efficacious against covid as the covid shots are.

This stimulation only lasts for a handful of weeks after getting the shots.
Why placebos work sometimes "Placebo Effect" But don't get ppl to thinking the human body can be tricked into healing itself..... reports are Jesus did just that in some cases. I believe in God but not like the traditional religion we have now. Money money money joel olsteen



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The Churches use to handle CHARITY.... ppl had to bow their head and pray. Communities applied love and help thy neighbor. You knew where the monies were going.
At some point the churches got govt to handle charities...... the churches were able to pocket the monies from offering plates and the govt gained control for dishing out charities now called welfare. Now we have no idea where govt charities - welfare goes. We know it is expensive as tax payers and is deducted from pay.

In case anyone wonders this is why so many Churches shut down during covid...... look at Joel Olsteen home in previous post. Bought with church monies
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The Surgeon General of Florida is one of the very few public health officials who's data you can trust.
He is reporting 17 times increase in adverse event reporting the year the vaccine rolled out.

I watched this one at 1.5 speed.
There is a self selected control group, mainly comprised of conspiracy theorists and they are are dying at a far greater rate than those who did get vaccinated.

Nagase, who has resigned his licence to practise in B.C., is accused of violating professional standards by "making public addresses regarding the COVID-19 pandemic and related issues that included his making misleading, incorrect, or inflammatory statements about vaccinations, treatments and measures for COVID-19," the public notice says.

That includes falsely stating, in public, that the vaccines are dangerous, publicly suggesting that the anti-parasitic drug ivermectin is a safe and effective treatment for the virus, and "making at least some of these public statements while appearing in front of effigies of political figures who were [hanged] from nooses."

This one cracks me up... In the US they tried to entice people to get the vaccine with free donuts, alcohol, junk food, etc. Why don't you talk about that?

I really do feel bad for your blindness and ignorance Mr Leo. Someday hopefully later than sooner, for your sake, you'll realize you screwed up.

Keep spewing your bs and old data. I enjoy a good laugh every now and then.

Ps nope, I haven't ignored you yet.


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This one cracks me up... In the US they tried to entice people to get the vaccine with free donuts, alcohol, junk food, etc. Why don't you talk about that?
Really, America's love for junk food? You need me, a foreigner, to go there?

I really do feel bad for your blindness and ignorance Mr Leo. Someday hopefully later than sooner, for your sake, you'll realize you screwed up.
I have screwed up many times in my life and I will again. Following the advise of the fast majority of experts is not a mistake, it is the rational thing to do as I keep pointing out. Following the advise of some guy on-line (Bob), to ignore the experts, but instead rely on ivermectin, when even it's manufacturer says it doesn't work, would be stupid. Right...? Right?

Keep spewing your bs and old data.
Posting the information from the fast majoriy of the experts isn't bs, nor isn't the mortality rate, old data, that graph shows the COVID-19 weekly death rate by vaccination status is from December last year and spans 2 years.

But one thing I have learned about conspiracy theorists from listening to flat earther, anti GMO, anti nuclear power, anti 5G, climate change deniers and anti-vaxxers before covid is that there is nothing that will convince them they are wrong. To them it is ALWAYS the fast majority of the experts who are wrong.

I enjoy a good laugh every now and then.
As do I.

Ps nope, I haven't ignored you yet.
I don't have any one on ignore, like you, I enjoy a good laugh.

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If you are only going to watch one video .... watch this one.

If anyone finds it on YouTube or Rumble ... please post a link. That way you can choose a speed to watch it.

edit: Here it is on Rumble, but it looks like an even longer version.
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If you are only going to watch one video .... watch this one.

"GOVERNMENT CRIMES: They paid doctors and nurses to murder innocent patients."

Conspiracy nutters....

If you are only going to watch one video .... watch this one.

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"GOVERNMENT CRIMES: They paid doctors and nurses to murder innocent patients."

Conspiracy nutters....

If you are only going to watch one video .... watch this one.

I gave it a few minutes while reading the comments... You should read some of them too Leo.
Mum is always right.
My opinion is Sebastián is paid off, like you.
Really, America's love for junk food? You need me, a foreigner, to go there?
If you love junk food, yea. I'll buy ya a pint. Yes, free donuts after getting vaccinated was a thing and a big red flag for me.
Something is wrong when you can buy shit processed foods cheaper than healthy unprocessed.
I have screwed up many times in my life and I will again. Following the advise of the fast majority of experts is not a mistake, it is the rational thing to do as I keep pointing out. Following the advise of some guy on-line (Bob), to ignore the experts, but instead rely on ivermectin, when even it's manufacturer says it doesn't work, would be stupid. Right...? Right?
Failure is fine as long as you learn from it.

Wrong, wrong. As I've said many times the censorship during all this was disgusting. You followed the advise of uncensored 'experts'
Posting the information from the fast majoriy of the experts isn't bs, nor isn't the mortality rate, old data, that graph shows the COVID-19 weekly death rate by vaccination status is from December last year and spans 2 years.
Vaers used to have good data, haven't looked in a while.
Here's one to ponder. What happened to the super dangerous flue during the first year of covid? Why was there no reporting or tracking of cases?
But one thing I have learned about conspiracy theorists from listening to flat earther, anti GMO, anti nuclear power, anti 5G, climate change deniers and anti-vaxxers before covid is that there is nothing that will convince them they are wrong. To them it is ALWAYS the fast majority of the experts who are wrong.
Glad I'm not in that category.
I was never anti-vax before the mrna experiments.
The only major negatives I've seen related to 5g had to do with interference of certain weather satellites.
As do I.

I don't have any one on ignore, like you, I enjoy a good laugh.
Glad we are still human.

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diy solar