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Do We Need a Control Group?

Follow the money .... always follow the money ...... police have always followed the money as a practice.

true or not

"Speaking at Australia’s Lowy Institute as part of a talk entitled “Preparing for Global Challenges: In Conversation with Bill Gates,” the Microsoft founder made the following admission:
“We also need to fix the three problems of [COVID-19] vaccines. The current vaccines are not infection-blocking. They’re not broad, so when new variants come up you lose protection, and they have very short duration, particularly in the people who matter, which are old people.”"
You have some realy weird fantasies...

Not my fantasy to know the weakest members in our society were intentionally exposed and MADE to die as a result of covid-19. People were intentionally exposed in retirement homes damn the science full speed ahead get the death kill numbers up.

in 2020 to increase deaths from covid the elderly were sacrificed. The greatest transfer of wealth in history of world was carried out. There were no vaccines untl end of 2020 early 2021. They did not listen to medical doctors and scientist and packed the retirement homes with covid sick. The seemingly obvious goal was to murder grandpa and grandma to increase covid-19 death counts. Several democratic governors in 2020 did this practice knowing the results. Just like democratic governors promoted blm riots and such in 2020. Knowingly. A reasonable person would think it was to disrupt the 2020 election and massively change the way we vote.

This has already been discussed and shown to you for covid sick ppl sent to die and INFECT others in retirement homes as reported by major news outlets and even a dept justice paper. Look back through your spam to bury it AND READ UP.
Simply retiring got cuomo off the hook but those other democrat governors remain. I bet he won't be sent to a retirement home or asked to see angel of death when his health degrades.

i don't think you are grounded in the facts. I think you are hormonal and imbalanced like a female probably from to much artificial consumed estrogen. Look back through this post for details hidden in your mad meme sprees - spam attempt to bury post -= for what will be the answers. Doing that meme spree means you have no argument and have displayed a mental break. I took a few required - elective classes in college.

The USA has a debt to GDP that we can't recover from so it is coming. More will die. Social Security in USA is on the chopping block and a time line has been given. Welfare will be the last to go before the riots start. We have been massively robbed since 9-11. Covid-19 was the biggest wealth grab. BLM was the biggest show of over throwing the Govt (not 6 jan2021) and nothing was peaceful about their riots. You can also read the article where Bill Gates after selling his shares knocks the covid vaccine. He, Gates defines it very well for the covid vaccines. That is reality
The covid induced deaths was to get USA to authorize EUA and make Pfizer rich with an ineffective vaccine.

Do you pet unicorns in your fantasies and tippy toe through the tulips with tiny tim?

what country are you in Leo?
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All the controversy about Covid vaccines is causing people to take another look at ALL childhood vaccines .... they are not finding what they wanted to find. It's kinda looking like Children's Health Defense and Robert F Kennedy Jr have been right all along.
There are some very disturbing evidence in the various charts in this study ..... below is a link to the study and a snippet from the conclusion.

View attachment 135923

Spot on.
From the horses' mouth (Former head of NIH, listen at 13.50)

Spot on.
From the horses' mouth (Former head of NIH, listen at 13.50)

Very rarely will a criminal that has murdered and robbed ppl admit or give evidence to convict themselves. There will be no studies from them. As ppl dump their stocks and grab their profits they will do just as bill gates has done and become some what honest. They will never admit the full truth.
If you request the criminal to investigate their own crime they will always remain free
Aenyc .... The supposed godmother of vaccines in your video is extremely nervous in her deposition. Even more so when admitting no testing has been done to see if vaccines caused harm NoNe nada.
this is but a small portion.

this video should be hosted on a govt website like cdc and fda so it can be seen by all . It should have been listed since vaccines began for actual studies with as much resources put in to evaluate harm. Doctors have an oath to do no harm. Yet it is obvious they are falling under the words of the ppl over them.

Ppl on the Right have become way to dependent on ppl Left side of the fence. The Right are as much to blame as the Left. There were 4 years under Trump to get things done the first 2 years Trump had both house and senate. So when the left says Trump was not ready what they mean is he did not have enough dirt on the Right to control the swamp. Certainly when the house went Left he was in even more trouble. Fact is Trump is a swamp rat and pushed the covid pfizer eua vaccines. When ppl admit that then we can maybe find and elect a presidential canidate in 2024 that will be an election and not a selection. These things and thoughts are being delivered from middle of the road.
Spot on.
From the horses' mouth (Former head of NIH, listen at 13.50)

I like the phrase he used .... religion of wishful thinking .... They don't do studies that use the unvaccinated control group .... they just plod forward saying ..... there is no evidence .... when they purposefully try to prevent that evidence.

I continue to be amazed by people who just go along .... take the word of these people and agencies as gospel .. without questioning them at all.

We recently had lunch with my brother and his wife who live out of state .... they were here visiting relatives. My sister in law was going on and on about her sister who had ... gone full Qanon. Apparently her sister had bought into some of the things about tracking and other stuff in the Covid vaccines.
I told here ... yea, those things aren't true ... but the booster is only about 30% effective and only lasts for a couple of months. They both looked at me like I was the boogey man.
The next day, I sent them a link to the Cleveland Clinic study and asked them what they thought about it .... Never got any response.
I'm sure they now have me in the same category as my sister in law's sister.
I like the phrase he used .... religion of wishful thinking .... They don't do studies that use the unvaccinated control group .... they just plod forward saying ..... there is no evidence .... when they purposefully try to prevent that evidence.

I continue to be amazed by people who just go along .... take the word of these people and agencies as gospel .. without questioning them at all.

We recently had lunch with my brother and his wife who live out of state .... they were here visiting relatives. My sister in law was going on and on about her sister who had ... gone full Qanon. Apparently her sister had bought into some of the things about tracking and other stuff in the Covid vaccines.
I told here ... yea, those things aren't true ... but the booster is only about 30% effective and only lasts for a couple of months. They both looked at me like I was the boogey man.
The next day, I sent them a link to the Cleveland Clinic study and asked them what they thought about it .... Never got any response.
I'm sure they now have me in the same category as my sister in law's sister.
These ppl did a typical robbery where the robbers set the house on fire to hide their criminal actions .... $5 trillion dollars might make up the interest of no new wars for 4 years. Someone stated that pentagon had lost receipts for another multi-trillion dollar expenditure are covid -19 roll out.

the undeniable fact is our GDP will no longer cover our debt. Went went from living pay check to pay check to deciding which one to pay and which to not. Ppl in USA with money say but I have money. They just don't get it yet but they will.

Qanon was nothing but Operation Trust with Information and Disinformation
this video explains it - Q best.

$5trillion dollars stolen under cover of 2020 and 2021 planned events. Best daylight robbery in the World.
View attachment 136029

Gate's pulled his money with PROFITS ATTACHED His group was also responsible for testing and results for covid responses. Bill and Melinda Gates foundation. Ppl pushing the vax has quoted a lot of material from that foundation as gospel.

"Speaking at Australia’s Lowy Institute as part of a talk entitled “Preparing for Global Challenges: In Conversation with Bill Gates,” the Microsoft founder made the following admission:
“We also need to fix the three problems of [COVID-19] vaccines. The current vaccines are not infection-blocking. They’re not broad, so when new variants come up you lose protection, and they have very short duration, particularly in the people who matter, which are old people.”"

i am glad you are not a U.S. Citizen just remember you are not allowed to vote in our elections. What country is Leo? Anyone... anyone ?
I owned a Mercedes once but did not bad mouth it until after the sale. Biggest pos ever owned.
What is the USA true return of investment roi of the $5 trillion dollars spent to fight covid-19? The tax payers footed the bill to take an EUA vaccine. You were robbed of $5 trillion dollars.
follow the money.... better yet pretend like you bought it at amazon and demand ever penny of that $5 trillion back. Better step back to 9-11 and demand all the trillions spent to be returned
That fauci video will drive Leo nuts. Fauci wanted to follow same protocol that was used for Covid-19 when HIV/AIDS appeared he wanted lock downs, mask, social distances and so on. He is a snake in the grass. Israel gave him $1 million dollars as best scientist of 2020 or 2021.... - bs.

The ppl on the Right need to follow the money. Gates already cashed in jumped ship bad mouthed covid-19 vaccines. Gate's foundation were over some studies for alternatives such as Hydroxychloroquine. Hmmmm do you think they swayed it to cash in.?

There is a control group with unvaccinated people and they are dying at a far higher rate than the vaccinated.


According to Merck, the makers of Ivermectin, Ivermectin does not work.

Look at this control group of vaccinated vs unvaccinated

very few deaths in their country how many vaccines

closer to USA population and much poorer. Well until we went bust spending $5 trillion dollars over covid. Where did our money really go? Bill Gates and ppl that invested made bank on big pharma. Again Bill Gates says vaccine is junk now that he is uninvested


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Wonder how many doctors were secretly treating themselves and their family this way.

Oh, by the way ..... this Dr. did a presentation about the benefits of these treatments and then they escorted him out of the facility.
If you step back up 1 to my previous post about nigeria then read this:

Nigeria is packed into a country the size of Texas and closer to our population size look at their reported deaths from covid-19 Remember everyone states black ppl are more prone to covid-19 deaths

Nigeria ~3155 covid deaths
If you step back up 1 to my previous post about nigeria then read this:

Nigeria is packed into a country the size of Texas and closer to our population size look at their reported deaths from covid-19 Remember everyone states black ppl are more prone to covid-19 deaths

Nigeria ~3155 covid deaths
..... couple of fun facts.

My brother has rheumatoid arthritis .... he is given Hydroxychloroquine as a routine part of his treatment protocol .... it helps overcome some of the negative effects of taking immunosuppressant meds.

Hydroxychloroquine is what is called a zinc ionophore .. it helps zinc get into the cells. Zinc can help the body fight a virus once it enters the cells.
Quercitin is an OTC supplement that does the same thing .... just not quite as effectively.

nigeria size of texas large population almost like usa ..... ~3155 reported covid deaths One of the riches most advanced countries in africa
I believe that suppression of these treatments was one of the most criminal things that was done to pave the way for the vaccines.
In addition to Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine, there were drugs like Fluvoxamine and even Melatonin that showed promise.

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