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Do We Need a Control Group?

My opinion is Sebastián is paid off, like you.
I am not surprised that to conspiracy theorists I am part of the conspiracy. But you have to have a few screws loose if you believe "They paid doctors and nurses to murder innocent patients."



This is messed up if there's any truth to it.

24:25 Pfizer's declaration in court: "We did not defraud the government. We delivered the fraud that the government ordered."

I could go on and on.
If you love junk food, yea. I'll buy ya a pint. Yes, free donuts after getting vaccinated was a thing and a big red flag for me.
Something is wrong when you can buy shit processed foods cheaper than healthy unprocessed.
Hey, that is your problem, not mine.

Failure is fine as long as you learn from it.
Up to a point of course, we do want to prevent serious accidents and deaths.

Wrong, wrong. As I've said many times the censorship during all this was disgusting. You followed the advise of uncensored 'experts'
Oh, I followed the advise of uncensored experts, but I am careful to go with mainstream science, not the conspiracy nutters.

Vaers used to have good data, haven't looked in a while.
Here's one to ponder. What happened to the super dangerous flue during the first year of covid? Why was there no reporting or tracking of cases?
The most plausible explanation is social distancing, but from what I have learned from all other conspiracy theories out there, is that anything that seems like the most plausible explanation is dismissed as being part of the conspiracy.

Glad I'm not in that category.
I was never anti-vax before the mrna experiments.
mRNA has been worked on for a long time and it is safe, but if your concern is only mRNA, would you accept Novavax. Not saying you or any one should get vaccinated, that is totally up to you, I am just making fun of the conspiracy nutters here.

The only major negatives I've seen related to 5g had to do with interference of certain weather satellites.
I am not concerned about 5G.

Glad we are still human.
Are we?

Getting immunity from the live virus is not the smartest way to go about it. Right?


Up until Covid the doctors seen when sick had always told me, "a virus just has to run the course and nothing could be done."
In the Past and Traditionally the vaccines when made were made from weakened or dead virus. Not mRNA. So common sense means maybe doctors that said "nothing could be done for a virus were wrong?" That should be obvious with a presented vaccine against a virus. Right?

China reportedly did that traditional approach with sinovac =reported dead covid virus components were used to make their sinovac vaccine .
To my knowledge that drug - sinovac vaccine was never allowed here in USA. With EUA nothing can be done to Pfizer or others in a personal injury law suit so why not EUA sinovac from China? If it doesn't matter then it doesn't matter EUA sinovac was approved by WHO but not the USA. Right?

It is reported by graphs and charts that Brazil like the USA lost a large percentage of their population to Covid-19. The USA with only a population of ~330 million ppl lost over 1 million ppl. Highest deaths per any reported graphed country. We won the covid holocaust death prize. Countries as large India and China ~1.3 billion ppl each only lost recorded ~1/2 million ppl for India dead from covid and ~5272 ppl for China dead from covid. Again China reported only ~5272 deaths to Covid. Hmmmm how can that be and why?

Let's throw Africa in the mix at around ~1.3 billion ppl only lost around ~250,000 ppl in the attached chart. The USA is reported to have lost around ~1.1 million ppl. Africa only lost ~1/4 million ppl with a population equal to the USA plus about billion more ppl. Doesn't add up. Does not follow population per death such as role model for USA. See attached chart.

Now if we look at the USA the most deaths seem to follow the highest population for each State. In these Cases California had over 100,000 reported covid deaths Which is also noted as most deaths for a State relative to population..... in the United States. Then as the link shows it is related to population for all covid deaths. The larger the population the more deaths reported.

So if there are any scientist that can explain how in the USA the largest reported Covid death are the highest in the World and our death covid cases follow population by condensation. Yet recorded covid death is not the same world wide for the biggest and most notable - poorest Countries-Continents with reported billions more ppl for population vs the United States.
How did they side step the massive death that the USA is charted? India is stacked like sardines so they by USA charted population death should follow too.
So how were they spared covid deaths by population percentages vs covid deaths in the USA by population percentage?

Just so ppl know the Population in the USA have average life expectancy of about "79 years."
Population of China has average life expectancy of about "77 years."
Population of India has average life expectancy of about "70 Years." See attached charts
So these ~1.3 billion ppl population countries are not healthier vs USA. How come ppl in USA died in far greater numbers from covid?
The USA again lost more ppl to Covid then any other country in the World by population.

Africa reported the same number of covid cases as the USA yet they only lost 250,000 ppl and the USA lost over 1.1 million ppl by attached data.

Why are the scientist not looking at these things. They scientist supposedly gathered the data and such as presented in attached charts.

Personally might think that maybe the covid deaths were over stated for the United States just as many ppl claimed from the beginning.
i am not a doctors but have had several classes on Statistics. Why is someone that is not a doctor having to point these concerns out? I doubt anyone on here is qualified to make a definite answer. So my questions should be let unanswered. You are not qualified to answer.

Why are the medical ppl not examining and explaining these things from the charts and data they have presented as I have now questioned and shown? It is their data. . Some ppl say there should be a Nuremberg 2.0 trials to determine these things. Where doctors aka "the ppl that are suppose to do no harm by oath" are put on trial....


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I am well aware. Am also aware of what doctors have stated from their own mouths for my personal experiences when sick with a virus.

It can't be one way without the other as a possibility. I don't think science works that way. We can either treat viral sickness or we can't.
Doctors can't say, " it just has to run it's course." Doctors can also say "big pharma has not taken it on because not enough money". Big money is in covid so Big Pharma is cashing in with EUA. Fact. Another Fact big pharma are into treating symptoms not really into finding cures.

What I have taken my time and composed above - below should make ppl wonder how and why. Those are not my statistics and graphs. I merely assembled them as it came to me for an obvious with shown death totals from Covid-19. The USA population follows amount of deaths by population where as China, India, and Africa do not. 5272 dead in China from Covid-19? The USA closest competition is not the 3 areas most population reside.... ALSO Why these are often called 3rd world countries for status - corrupt govt, poor, and over crowded..given India's living conditions covid should have been an easy target. Even Bill Gates was amazed over lack of WORLD deaths from Covid.

Here is the China update and note how they now define by still only saying a low number from a country with over 1.3 billion ppl. New number is 60,000 dead in china from covid=19 with other problems up from previous 5000 covid dead count. COMPARE The UsA 1.1 million reported dead from covid with ~330 million ppl for population. Hmmmm the numbers just don't match I took calc 2 in college as well as many other math courses ..... so..... have to wonder. Given the reported numbers as have described over and over ppl should be asking their own questions.
Watch this new video about china saying they now have 60,000 deaths. China was put under pressure by something or someone to re-evaluate their own covid deaths. Given their huge population size vs the USA the covid 19 was obviously very kind to them with only revised 60,000 covid deaths.
Did the USA over report covid deaths? 1.1 million in USA .... closest country is India for 1/2 million with population around 1.3 billion...

Not sure if you have taken statistics but ppl in SALES can and do manipulate the numbers. What do you see in the attached graphs? Did you look?

My Family had and has several nurses, nurse practitioner, and even a doctor or two. They were all for the vaccine but not so much anymore. When doctors select ppl for trials and studies ...... the doctors look for ppl that are most likely to be a success to make themselves look good and prove their point-procedures. For new procedures that is why ppl must qualify and meet certain standards to be selected to participate. By contrast they can also select ppl that won't survive and make the procedure and practice look bad if disagree with it. That is one of the secret relations between doctors, procedures, and big pharma. Here in USA ... one of them is called American Medical Association for setting standards.

Are you aware that new anti-biotic are not being developed for sickness that is and will be needed as current anti-biotic- sickness become resistant? There is no money in new anti-biotic development. Big pharma is a business. If you deny that then you are not living in the obviouc real world because money makes the World go round. Big Pharma is not even trying make new anti-biotic.... not profitable .... look it up......

FIGURE OUT WHY this forum and these discussions mean nothing - ZERO We have no weight in our own future. Both sides and neither wants to admit it. Why everyone is so aggravated and ready to snap at one another ........
if you don't like what Bob is saying make your own post .... read and do something else. Because really it doesn't matter..... no reason to spam this post anymore with your meme


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A post for Bob. "Report released 11-29-2022 and for first time reports"


Being unvaccinated remains a major risk factor COVID fatalities, but vaccine efficacy wanes over time.​

A Kaiser Family Foundation data analysis done for The Washington Post shows that for the first time most Americans who died with COVID-19 had been vaccinate or boosted.
The analysis found that 58% of the people who died from COVID in August received at least the primary series of the vaccine. It was 23% a year earlier and 42% in January.
“We can no longer say this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated,” Cynthia Cox, the KFF vice president who conducted the analysis, told the Post.
Despite the numbers "steadily rising," being unvaccinated remains a major risk factor COVID fatalities, the Post reports, but vaccine efficacy wanes over time."

A post for Bob. "Report released 11-29-2022 and for first time reports"


Being unvaccinated remains a major risk factor COVID fatalities, but vaccine efficacy wanes over time.​

A Kaiser Family Foundation data analysis done for The Washington Post shows that for the first time most Americans who died with COVID-19 had been vaccinate or boosted.
The analysis found that 58% of the people who died from COVID in August received at least the primary series of the vaccine. It was 23% a year earlier and 42% in January.
“We can no longer say this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated,” Cynthia Cox, the KFF vice president who conducted the analysis, told the Post.
Despite the numbers "steadily rising," being unvaccinated remains a major risk factor COVID fatalities, the Post reports, but vaccine efficacy wanes over time."

The numbers are so messed up because of the way hospitals reported "Covid" deaths that it is almost impossible to know the truth .... People that died with Covid were all listed as dying from Covid. People aren't listed as vaccinated til 2 weeks after injection .... a good way to cover up vaccine injuries.
If people checked into the hospital for any reason and were unvaccinated, they were treated like pariah.
We saw the evidence that they were giving people on a ventilator a medicine cocktail that pretty much euthanized them.
They have done a VERY good job of muddying the waters.

I think it is only future research that examines hospital records closely and studies like the Cleveland Clinic study are necessary to get to the real numbers.

I believe the best evidence we have is the comparison to other countries where very few people were vaccinated ..... places like Uttar Pradesh where people were given a packet of medicines and instructions on how to use it.
It wasn't really the virus itself that was killing people, it was the severe reaction some people had .... apparently to the spike protein .... that overwhelmed their system. Something about Covid also caused radical inflammation and blood clots .... those things are what took people out.
It's kinda like when a person gets pneumonia following the flu ... the virus is pretty much gone, but now there is a serious bacterial infection in the lungs.

I did a lot of research into Dr Chetty in South Africa who claimed to have successfully treated thousands of people for Covid .... he looked for what he called the 8th day symptoms that happened in some people, that was the point where a whole new stage of the illness happened in people who were going to get seriously ill. He would give his patients a cocktail of medicines to take home with them and if their symptoms began to suddenly start to get worse around the 8th day they were instructed to immediately start taking those meds.
Dr Chetty trained a lot of other doctors around the world how to treat Covid ... and all the Drs who used his methods were successful.

There were a number of doctors who had med cocktails that would help seriously ill people .... by the time those people got seriously ill, the virus itself had already ran it's course.

Sorry for rambling .... we went out to eat for my wife's birthday and I am suffering from eating too large a steak.
The numbers are so messed up because of the way hospitals reported "Covid" deaths that it is almost impossible to know the truth .... People that died with Covid were all listed as dying from Covid. People aren't listed as vaccinated til 2 weeks after injection .... a good way to cover up vaccine injuries.
If people checked into the hospital for any reason and were unvaccinated, they were treated like pariah.
We saw the evidence that they were giving people on a ventilator a medicine cocktail that pretty much euthanized them.
They have done a VERY good job of muddying the waters.

I think it is only future research that examines hospital records closely and studies like the Cleveland Clinic study are necessary to get to the real numbers.

I believe the best evidence we have is the comparison to other countries where very few people were vaccinated ..... places like Uttar Pradesh where people were given a packet of medicines and instructions on how to use it.
It wasn't really the virus itself that was killing people, it was the severe reaction some people had .... apparently to the spike protein .... that overwhelmed their system. Something about Covid also caused radical inflammation and blood clots .... those things are what took people out.
It's kinda like when a person gets pneumonia following the flu ... the virus is pretty much gone, but now there is a serious bacterial infection in the lungs.

I did a lot of research into Dr Chetty in South Africa who claimed to have successfully treated thousands of people for Covid .... he looked for what he called the 8th day symptoms that happened in some people, that was the point where a whole new stage of the illness happened in people who were going to get seriously ill. He would give his patients a cocktail of medicines to take home with them and if their symptoms began to suddenly start to get worse around the 8th day they were instructed to immediately start taking those meds.
Dr Chetty trained a lot of other doctors around the world how to treat Covid ... and all the Drs who used his methods were successful.

There were a number of doctors who had med cocktails that would help seriously ill people .... by the time those people got seriously ill, the virus itself had already ran it's course.

Sorry for rambling .... we went out to eat for my wife's birthday and I am suffering from eating too large a steak.
man did they every mess up the waters. Almost as if intentional. I still find it hard to believe china upped their covid deaths to 60,000 but if watch the video will maybe see how and why their numbers went up. "With" and "from" My family member that died unvaccinated was listed from covid. He had sepsis as did my other 2 family members that were vaccinated - sepsis..... on their death certificates.
I seriously would like to know if majority of ppl that died in USA had type "A" blood as described by CDC.... and other websites. O type being least likely to die and or get sick. Of course it also stated over all health was a factor. That link right above says "they must now look at vaxxed as dying too". It will no doubt mutate and be back 10-15 years or so as a super bug. Gain of function gain of function.
Bill Gates was disappointed the World did not get hit harder. Gates stated about as much on interview. Another thing to look at is reported diabetes as dying from covid with extreme levels of sugar. Hmmm designer murder death killer ... Gain of Function. Why a lot of ppl denied it even existed they might been type O blood never got sick. Hmmmm

Think scientist missed the boat on several things. It blew me away that they caught blood type. Of course shortly later they tried to deny it. Might make ppl look at it as a targeted designer - killer. Info still on cdc.... for blood type.

I have type "A" had it twice ZERO - heart lung damage from it. According to several doctors after physicals. Otherwise try stay away from doctors. Sick ppl see doctors and they always want to see long term never ending medicine for this or that.

i highly doubt the reported actual death numbers for Covid in the USA .. based off numbers for Africa, India and China... 1 in 10 diabetes in USA may been the magic hour though. gain of function... fauci fund
I still find it hard to believe china upped their covid deaths to 60,000 but if watch the video will maybe see how and why their numbers went up.
I think there are 2 things in play in China .... the first thing being that their reporting to the world was a thousand times worse than ours ... when it comes to accuracy of Covid deaths.
The 2nd thing is that an unbelievable number of people got Covid immediately following their drop of the "Covid zero policy." They had no natural immunity in the population because of all the brutal lockdown policies.

Health agencies want to pretend that our current low death rate is because of the success of the vaccines. The reality is that we were saved by the mutation of the virus .... it mutated to Omicron which was much more transmissible, but also much less lethal.
Omicron brought us a kind of herd immunity that the vaccines could never accomplish.
Health agencies want to pretend that our current low death rate is because of the success of the vaccines. The reality is that we were saved by the mutation of the virus .... it mutated to Omicron which was much more transmissible, but also much less lethal.
Omicron brought us a kind of herd immunity that the vaccines could never accomplish.
More conspiracy theory nutter bullshit! The unvacinated are dying at a far higher rate than the vaccinated.


Hmmm... Why does vaccination matter for blood donations?


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What is the "Hmmm" supposed to mean?

View attachment 135836
Some of us might not want vaccine contaminated blood. When went to donate blood because had been in Europe while in military was not allowed to give blood and blamed on possible exposure to mad cow disease. For over 30 years could not donate until few years ago. Like magic it has come and gone. If remember right the information was up to me to explain and declare.
what would have happened had I been like the drunks on the corner and wanted to sell my blood - plasma for money to buy alcohol?
Some of us might not want vaccine contaminated blood.
Up to you, you are free to refuse a blood transfusion or store your own blood for use during an operation.

Up to you, you are free to refuse a blood transfusion or store your own blood for use during an operation.

What you miss is and was not allowed store my own considered mad cow exposed ... by association to travel and living in Europe. I might have been a vegetarian.... ha still grouped and classed mad cow exposed... not real hard to understand. Btw some ppl say can't store blood to long. A period.

did you know Israel had a big riot over blood. In Israel seems the white jews had been taking the donated black jews blood and pouring it out??? The black jews got mad. Racist white jews.
Hmmm... Makes one pause and think / wonder...
And what are you pausing and wondering about? Like I did, all you had to do was open the section to see the clarification, is there anything there you think is controversial?
And what are you pausing and wondering about? Like I did, all you had to do was open the section to see the clarification, is there anything there you think is controversial?
I suppose the only controversy would be why it even matters if you have had the vaccine or not in order to donate blood and why they request the manufacturer be provided. That's what makes me pause and wonder.
I suppose the only controversy would be why it even matters if you have had the vaccine or not in order to donate blood and why they request the manufacturer be provided. That's what makes me pause and wonder.

You mean why would people who received a live, attenuatedCOVID-19 vaccine have to wait 2 weeks before donating blood?

All the controversy about Covid vaccines is causing people to take another look at ALL childhood vaccines .... they are not finding what they wanted to find. It's kinda looking like Children's Health Defense and Robert F Kennedy Jr have been right all along.
There are some very disturbing evidence in the various charts in this study ..... below is a link to the study and a snippet from the conclusion.


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