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diy solar

Do We Need a Control Group?

I took Quercitin over the counter D3 and C

looked at it can't hurt:
Quercetin is a plant pigment (flavonoid). It's found in many plants and foods, such as red wine, onions, green tea, apples, and berries.
Quercetin has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects that might help reduce swelling, kill cancer cells, control blood sugar, and help prevent heart disease.
Quercetin is most commonly used for conditions of the heart and blood vessels and to prevent cancer. It is also used for arthritis, bladder infections, and diabetes, but there is no strong scientific evidence to support most of these uses. There is also no good evidence to support using quercetin for COVID-19."

i had covid twice no heart damage
I took Quercitin over the counter D3 and C

looked at it can't hurt:
Quercetin is a plant pigment (flavonoid). It's found in many plants and foods, such as red wine, onions, green tea, apples, and berries.
Quercetin has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects that might help reduce swelling, kill cancer cells, control blood sugar, and help prevent heart disease.
Quercetin is most commonly used for conditions of the heart and blood vessels and to prevent cancer. It is also used for arthritis, bladder infections, and diabetes, but there is no strong scientific evidence to support most of these uses. There is also no good evidence to support using quercetin for COVID-19."
I'd just add some zinc balance.
I'd just add some zinc balance.
Took some of that too... minute dosage. Zinc poisoning is bad. Can get it from welding on zinc coated galvanized piping and such. Milk was always stated to help against zinc poisoning not sure if validated but drank it when zinc poisoned from welding. Again zinc is good but easy to od on it. I had a chart but must have deleted it for zinc. Still looking for it
Took some of that too... minute dosage. Zinc poisoning is bad. Can get it from welding on zinc coated galvanized piping and such. Milk was always stated to help against zinc poisoning not sure if validated but drank it when zinc poisoned from welding. Again zinc is good but easy to od on it. I had a chart but must have deleted it for zinc. Still looking for it
I only take small doses of zinc .... and not all the time. Zinc can also deplete copper from your system in too large a dose ... and copper is important to the iron cycle. Zinc balance also contains the appropriate amount of copper.
Zinc is a proven anti-viral ... but as with all things must be used appropriately.
For a male over 40, the RDA for zinc is 11 mg .... and too much zinc is considered 40 mg. Zinc balance contains 15 mg of zinc .... well within the safe range. Care needs to be taken not to get zinc from multiple sources .... such as a multivitamin.
Good article here ....

None of my family have had any problems taking the zinc balance along with quercitin every other day or so.
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The anti-vax were ridiculed so much by the vax that they, vax also refused to acknowledge the sources they were promoting for anything else. They, Vaxxed went full retard with only the vaccine as an only treatment. Damn those supplements. Hahahaha Honestly the nasty ones - I hope they die like my cousin...... rotten miserable bitch got her clot shot then got clots and died. She was a rotten miserable person and am glad she is dead. i told her get 3 or 4 more of them before she died. No one in the family misses her. No one. I have ppl in my family doctors, nurse practitioners, nurses all regret the shots and don't want to talk about it. ...... I hope some of the vax die a miserable death.... not all but just the nasty ones. Unfortunately it probably won't just target the nasty

I don't want to see ppl that were tricked.... die. My family has a lot in it that were forced based on career or quit. That is forced The nasty attitude yes I want to see them die a miserable death in pain and agony. The stuff that they have done is beyond my tolerances for any mercy or compassion. Lock downs and control dictators..... I hope they die. Good ridden. A vax only crazy is brain damaged and their dying is no loss to society.

A reasonable person can put these things together. I have very little patience with stupid ppl.... the source of this is the NIH. Yet their Vax retarded illness can't and won't accept any thing but their vax.
Nutrition is proven over and over and over and over and let me say this OVER.

NIH SOURCED vax would not read it.... my cousin acted like shot was magic....I said, good bye bitch. They listed her dead from SEPSIS with clots as reason in hospital .... she had covid Positive too. Sepsis on death certificate. 2 other family died too. None of them took diet supplements. None ..... all had sepsis once in hospital.... the unvaxxed one was listed as covid death certificate.

We have had medicine from the beginning of man kind..... there is no reason not to know almost everything about the human body by now. other then the invasion and replacement by Rockefeller Medicine in early 1900's. Our food has been stripped of nutrients. Some good some bad from Rockefellar medicine but old medince was referred to as witch doctor hacks. IT DIDN'T MERGE GOOD WITH GOOD. Rockefeller is money market.

Ginseng has been associated with china for almost all time.

"'The common cold
Researchers have hypothesized that zinc could reduce the severity and duration of cold signs and symptoms by directly inhibiting rhinovirus binding and replication in the nasal mucosa and suppressing inflammation [55,56]. In studies examining the effects of zinc supplements on the common cold, zinc is usually administered in a lozenge or syrup that temporarily “sticks” to the mouth and throat, placing the zinc in contact with the rhinovirus in those areas.

The results from clinical trials that have examined the effects of zinc supplements on the common cold have been inconsistent. But overall, supplemental zinc in lozenge or syrup form appears to reduce the duration, but not the severity, of signs and symptoms of the common cold when taken shortly after a person develops a cold [57-60].

In one clinical trial, 50 adults took a zinc acetate lozenge (13.3 mg zinc) or placebo every 2–3 wakeful hours within 24 hours of developing the common cold for as long as they had cold symptoms. In comparison with placebo, the zinc lozenges reduced the duration of colds by 3 days and the severity of cold symptoms (cough, nasal discharge, and muscle aches) [61]. In another clinical trial, 273 adults with experimentally induced colds were randomly assigned to take zinc gluconate (13.3 mg zinc) or zinc acetate (5.0 mg or 11.5 mg) lozenges every 2 to 3 hours while awake, for a total of 6 lozenges per day, or placebo, for up to 14 days [62]. Duration of illness was 1 day less with the zinc gluconate supplements than with the placebo, but the lozenges had no effect on symptom severity. Furthermore, the 5.0 and 11.5 mg zinc acetate lozenges had no effect on either cold duration or severity. In a second trial described in the same report, neither zinc gluconate nor zinc acetate lozenges affected the duration or severity of cold symptoms in comparison with placebo in 281 adults with colds [62].

A 2021 systematic review and meta-analysis included 28 randomized controlled trials (including the three described above) with a total of 5,446 participants (mostly adults younger than 65 years) who had a community-acquired viral respiratory tract infection or were inoculated with a rhinovirus [57]. Most trials provided zinc in the form of zinc acetate or gluconate lozenges at total daily doses of 45 mg to 300 mg for up to 2 weeks, but some trials used nasal sprays or gels. In participants who used products containing zinc, symptoms resolved an average of 2 days earlier than in those who received a placebo. However, average daily symptom severity did not differ between those who were and were not treated with zinc. The author of an earlier systematic review concluded that the use of zinc lozenges at doses of over 75 mg/day reduced the duration of the common cold, whereas lower doses did not [59].

Additional research is needed to determine the optimal dosage, formulation, and administration schedule before a general recommendation can be made regarding the use of lozenges, gels, and sprays containing zinc to reduce the severity and duration of symptoms of the common cold [58-60].

Pneumonia in children
In low-income countries, pneumonia is responsible for 15% of all deaths in children younger than 5 years and for 19% of all childhood deaths [63]. Poor zinc status is associated with greater susceptibility to pneumonia, more severe disease, and higher mortality risk in children [64-67].

Several clinical trials have examined the effects of zinc supplementation on the incidence of pneumonia and as an adjunctive treatment for pneumonia. A 2016 Cochrane review of 6 trials in low-income countries found that supplementation with 10–20 mg zinc for up to 20 months in a total of 5,193 children aged 2 to 59 months resulted in lower incidence and prevalence of pneumonia than placebo [63].

However, most research suggests that the adjunctive use of zinc supplements to treat pneumonia in children does not affect mortality or time to recovery. A 2020 systematic review and meta-analysis included 11 clinical trials in children aged 2 to 60 months with mostly severe pneumonia in low- and middle-income countries [68]. Mortality rates from pneumonia and time to recovery from severe pneumonia did not differ between children treated with 10–20 mg/day supplemental zinc and those treated with placebo for 7–14 days or until discharge. Another meta-analysis of 6 placebo-controlled trials that included 2,216 children aged 2 to 60 months found that zinc supplementation reduced mortality rates from severe pneumonia but not rates of treatment failure or of changes in antibiotic therapy [69].""

"NIH sourced

Dietary Supplements in the Time of COVID-19"​

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Satire..... however I bet some retard somewhere was wearing a mask when in the shower. I've already seen them driving all alone in a car with their mask on. I always wondered if they read side of the box. Can they read?


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Satire..... however I bet some retard somewhere was wearing a mask when in the shower. I've already seen them driving all alone in a car with their mask on. I always wondered if they read side of the box. Can they read?
Still a mystery Covid-19 is suppose to really like black folk... around 220 million ppl only 3155 reported covid-19 deaths Very low covid vaccine rate .... Nigeria country size .... of Texas Something just doesn't add up for a control group.... if the USA had taken no vaccines how do we know there would have been a difference. We don't What happened we can definitely confirm is that someone STOLE $5 trillion dollars. That is a fact The USA got $5 trillion dollars stolen by a bunch of clowns........ spreading fear with what is actually an unproven EUA VACCINE. What if the vaccine accelerated the covid and mutated it.... it sure doesn't last long shot every few months. Big Pharma smiling at a life long customer uuntil death do you part.

Nigeria did fine and if truth known the USA had it not had numbers inflated for covid death by our govt shoving sick in with elderly hmmmm we might have only lost a few thousand too. Nigeria did well for a poor african country. I read covid loves black folks. I bet they didn't spend $5 trillion dollars for a shill vaccine.

fauci got his $1.7 million dollars for 2020. He sold out cheap - $1 million from a foreign country while telling ppl here to mask social distance and get vaccinated. Hmmmm foreign pay off. he should have held out for a billion or 2 from that $5 trillion dollar pay out We Got Robbed. We can't sue them over the EUA but we should demand every penny back from alll the EUA vaccine companies How much was fauci paid for 2021 and 2022?


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Communications Medicine thanks Peter Klimek and the other, anonymous, reviewer(s) for their contribution to the peer review of this work.
Other Anonymous reviewers sound "REAL" scientific ..........
The problem with EUA vaccines the ppl injected are the lab rats. Crash Test EUA Dummies. There is no recourse other then the govt aka the tax payers to pay for the damages. Who pays for everything = tax payers. The govt has no money.

Takes time for the truth and real science to develop. The left never let anything develop - they always hurry it especially if fits their agenda.
Amazes me how many ppl want science like McDonalds with drive thru order then say science is done.... confirmed. .Leo is like that.

Lot of Ppl use to be bright enough to know never buy first new model of anything. Cars in particular... wait until the second or third year to work out the defects and recalls. Prices often drop too. However with covid-19 they went full retard mode. The badge stickers for getting a vaccine were humorous- charged to tax payers. Local Govts were giving govt workers days off with extra pay as a reward for getting vaccine charged to tax payers. They knew it was going to make the low level employees sick charged to tax payers offices closed no business shut down lock downs.

Both sides of the political spectrum are responsible as are all the investors that promoted these drugs - EUA lab rat fluid concoctions. Look at SV40 mix ups ...... Whoops.

Sad thing those ppl made their decisions in your videos to shoot up. Once vaxxed it is done. You can't vax. There age group was not at risk.... neither are were children. The science they love had already determined elderly were the group at risk.

I do not want any blood - organs - whatever from the vaxed in case it is ever required. If can't get it from unvaxxed then would rather pass away.
I'll leave my junk to help a lesser man be able to stand up and say no to the next vax..... DRAFT TO FIGHT WW3. If the spin doctors are real good could say China and Russia did it. Yeah they caused covid then tainted the vaccines.

We gave our wealth away, we surrendered in Afghanistan just like the Iraqi did in gulf war by leaving billions of dollars of our military equipment in place. We allow foreign invaders coming across the southern border carrying their flags not ours, dressed well, talking on cell phones, all while appearing to be fat, dumb, and happy. ~$27 trillion dollars wasted since 9-11. Me thinks we get what we get for allowing it.

Fauci made out like a fat cat. So did Bill Gates. We have laws against ppl profitting from bad situations and price gouging. $5 trillion dollars wasted is price gouging at the most extreme level possible. I don't know why ppl will not attack them for laws broken. Chages should be filed against the profiteers...... how many in govt are profiteers.... I'd bet that the criminals investigating the crime never find the criminals that did the crime. 1 in the same

Remember guys bought the hand sanitizer and was locked up for auctioning it off to highest bidder when Covid-19 started ? ??? He did not set the price - the market did. Then the buyers in the market got mad. Red faced like baboons ran those prices up then mad.... at seller. Hahaha
these guys were forced give their product and invested monies away.

There is either something similar there or there is not for the vaccine pushers with vested interest. War profiteering is also illegal

when a bank has been robbed the money might be recovered. We need to recover our monies ~$27 trillion dollars worth
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Here's a lesson in why you can't trust "official" data from any country that was highly invested in the Covid vacs.

Here's a lesson in why you can't trust "official" data from any country that was highly invested in the Covid vacs.

"News" outlets will grab the flawed headline and flawed data .... Then people like Leo will pick up the headline and run with it.
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A colleague I'm in close contact with every day, except the past few, had the sniffles at the beginning of the week. They took a 'covid test' and came back positive, followed by two additional positives the next day. Sounds like crap, bad congestion, sore throat, some chest pains. Doubled vaxxed and boosted.... I hope they are OK. Dumb ol 'conspiracy theorist' me is just fine and dandy with 0 'covid' vaccines, boosters, or flue shots. The last needle in my arm was to give blood not be experimentally injected.
A colleague I'm in close contact with every day, except the past few, had the sniffles at the beginning of the week. They took a 'covid test' and came back positive, followed by two additional positives the next day. Sounds like crap, bad congestion, sore throat, some chest pains. Doubled vaxxed and boosted.... I hope they are OK. Dumb ol 'conspiracy theorist' me is just fine and dandy with 0 'covid' vaccines, boosters, or flue shots. The last needle in my arm was to give blood not be experimentally injected.
Do you take any supplements or anything?
Do you take any supplements or anything?
On and off.. D3, K2, Zn, quercetin, C, pre/probiotic, allicin... some that I can remember off the top of my head... I have a shelf of goodies. Haven't taken much of anything in a while, besides CBD daily.
Fluids are primarily water, black coffee, and recently a turmeric and ginger tea with some honey... Mmmmm now I'm thirsty.
Here's a lesson in why you can't trust "official" data from any country that was highly invested in the Covid vacs.
Translation: There should be a control group, but when the results don't match the (conspiracy nutters) expectation, all of the official studies done in countries that vaccinated, can't be trusted.

Perfectly sane...
What year are we in again? Where's the up to date data?
Does it matter? Conspiracy nutters WILL dismiss ALL the results that disproves the "conspiracy" regardless of what the conspiracy happens to be. Chemtrails, flat earth, global warming deniers, election deniers, anti-vaxxers, the pattern is always the same and you have Russian bots amplifying the distrust in science and the institutions of government.

To conspiracy nutter, even the makers of ivermectin, Merck, stating that ivermectin doesn't work is "proof" of the global conspiracy.


Does it matter?
In this scenario it 100% matters, open your eyes and see how many other people are posting here with contradictory data.
Conspiracy nutters WILL dismiss ALL the results that disproves the "conspiracy" regardless of what the conspiracy happens to be. Chemtrails, flat earth, global warming deniers, election deniers, anti-vaxxers, the pattern is always the same and you have Russian bots amplifying the distrust in science and the institutions of government.

To conspiracy nutter, even the makers of ivermectin, Merck, stating that ivermectin doesn't work is "proof" of the global conspiracy.


Blahh blahb blahh same shit different day. I'm starting to realize you are the nutter.

diy solar

diy solar