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diy solar

Do We Need a Control Group?

My apologies, I didn't realize you posted recent data, I only glanced at the chart. My prior comments still stand.
Apologies accepted.

It really doesn't matter what evidence says, the moment you get into the conspiracy theory mindset, everything that does not agree with the conspiracy is evidence of an even larger conspiracy. Just pick a conspiracy theory or two you personally don't subscribe to and you will see the pattern.

I don't mind if Bob does or does not get the vaccine, or uses ivermectin when the manufacture tells him it doesn't work. Bob asked if there should be a control group and the answer is that there is a control group of self selected individuals who refuse to get vaccinated (regardless of the way the vaccines are manufactured) Those people are dying at a far greater rate than those vaccinated. Sad, but it is their right to make an informed choice.

Now we might find out things in the future that we could have done better, we still learn about solar and batteries as well, but it is unlikely any of us amateurs know better fast majority of the people who studied physics, engineering and chemistry. Even the smartest and most accomplished amateurs here (which I am certainly not)
Apologies accepted.

It really doesn't matter what evidence says, the moment you get into the conspiracy theory mindset, everything that does not agree with the conspiracy is evidence of an even larger conspiracy. Just pick a conspiracy theory or two you personally don't subscribe to and you will see the pattern.

I don't mind if Bob does or does not get the vaccine, or uses ivermectin when the manufacture tells him it doesn't work. Bob asked if there should be a control group and the answer is that there is a control group of self selected individuals who refuse to get vaccinated (regardless of the way the vaccines are manufactured) Those people are dying at a far greater rate than those vaccinated. Sad, but it is their right to make an informed choice.

Now we might find out things in the future that we could have done better, we still learn about solar and batteries as well, but it is unlikely any of us amateurs know better fast majority of the people who studied physics, engineering and chemistry. Even the smartest and most accomplished amateurs here (which I am certainly not)
Leo the modern medicine approach is driven by MONEY. This is not conspiracy this is not nutter. Rockefeller whisked this in with his money to make money in the eatly 1900's. Rockefeller wanted to reduce medical science and practices to his version of medicine. This is fact not fiction not conspiracy it is fact.

Rockefeller also set out to control the news media hence the CFR becoming reality. He started by buying several news papers in the early 1900's. Oil money your carbon source gave him all this power with Standard Oil. These things are facts. Not even denied.

So both work together. Fact not conspiracy. Fact.

Bill Gates involvement in Covid then dumping his stock then coming out with his negative statements is fact. That is not conspiracy. He promoted investigated had studies done then made money got out. Fact not conspiracy..

Science is controlled by money or no research fees funds grants given.

The USA lost $5 trillion dollars to covid response. We were robbed. Fact not conspiracy.

Profiteering from an Emergency is considered illegal and ppl have been brought up on charges already .... case example of ppl hoarding and selling hand sanitizer when it was limited for availability by mass purchase is an example. What ppl like the investors in EUA vaccine companies have done is criminal if compared to the hand sanitizer. Tack on Emergency Use Authorized vaccine and profits. It is not just Bill Gates that made money.

Fauci while in office was allowed a $1 million dollar reward from foreign country.... while representing and suggesting financial limiting means on ppl here and around the World. Fact not fiction or conspiracy. That is illegal while holding an office in our govt. if not illegal there are the implications for outside influence. Not conspiracy but facts and just how it is. Ppl profiting off sickness and death. Controlling other ppl in the process ...... Our Govt spending $5 trillion dollars influenced.

The Covid-19 data for Nigeria still stands not posting it right now.... because you refuse to see it. Already posted over and over.

you refuse to see these things.... Motives are simple to see and both sides loses it.... control, power, and money.
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Leo the modern medicine approach is driven by MONEY. This is not conspiracy this is not nutter. Rockefeller whisked this in with his money to make money in the eatly 1900's. Rockefeller wanted to reduce medical science and practices to his version of medicine. This is fact not fiction not conspiracy it is fact.

Rockefeller also set out to control the news media hence the CFR becoming reality. He started by buying several news papers in the early 1900's. Oil money your carbon source gave him all this power with Standard Oil. These things are facts. Not even denied.

So both work together. Fact not conspiracy. Fact.

Bill Gates involvement in Covid then dumping his stock then coming out with his negative statements is fact. That is not conspiracy. He promoted investigated had studies done then made money got out. Fact not conspiracy..

Science is controlled by money or no research fees funds grants given.

The USA lost $5 trillion dollars to covid response. We were robbed. Fact not conspiracy.

Profiteering from an Emergency is considered illegal and ppl have been brought up on charges already .... case example of ppl hoarding and selling hand sanitizer when it was limited for availability by mass purchase is an example. What ppl like the investors in EUA vaccine companies have done is criminal if compared to the hand sanitizer. Tack on Emergency Use Authorized vaccine and profits. It is not just Bill Gates that made money.

Fauci while in office was allowed a $1 million dollar reward from foreign country.... while representing and suggesting financial limiting means on ppl here and around the World. Fact not fiction or conspiracy. That is illegal while holding an office in our govt. if not illegal there are the implications for outside influence. Not conspiracy but facts and just how it is. Ppl profiting off sickness and death. Controlling other ppl in the process ...... Our Govt spending $5 trillion dollars influenced.

The Covid-19 data for Nigeria still stands not posting it right now.... because you refuse to see it. Already posted over and over.

you refuse to see these things.... Motives are simple to see and both sides loses it.... control, power, and mone

Also, covid came from a lab. There are no novel viruses in nature anymore.

Also, covid came from a lab. There are no novel viruses in nature anymore.

Almost certainly. Luckily for us (and thanks God) it was almost a nothing-burger and quickly mutated towards pretty much regular flu, but they decided to play it to the max, as they perceived (correctly) that the majority of sheep are ready to be fleeced and I can assure you that they are very happy with the results. In fact they did not imagine in their wildest dreams that so many would be fooled so easily. So they are very satisfied with phase 1, and took many notes.

Also, it was incredibly important for technology to be where it had to be for them to pull this off - specifically high speed internet availability (both wired and wireless) and advances in tele/video conferencing. Without these two, they would never ever be able to get people to accept the lockdowns and general restrictions of freedom (Just imagine if there was no high speed internet/video conferencing) and they tried to lock people down? Everyone would revolt in a few days, lol, and they knew this too well!). The other part is almost universal access to smartphones, without which things like Vaccine Passports/QR codes would be impossible. And late 2010's is when this technology really became advanced enough for the first time in human history for them to try, and it happened almost immediately. Also notice how they made batteries in these non-removable, and now we are getting back to non-removable SIM (e-sim) cards, etc - this is most certainly not by chance)

As Billy Gates said "Just wait till there is a next plandemic! The next one will really make them notice".
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Also, covid came from a lab. There are no novel viruses in nature anymore.
What are you talking about. It came from a wet market in China and mutated from some other mammal, I heard it on the news... There's no way Fort Detrick or a Lab in China could have been working together with funding from elites....
?? Plandemic
It really doesn't matter what evidence says, the moment you get into the conspiracy theory mindset, everything that does not agree with the conspiracy is evidence of an even larger conspiracy. Just pick a conspiracy theory or two you personally don't subscribe to and you will see the pattern.


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My biggest problem ppl on the left and right never want to meet in the middle anymore..... only way we can beat the controllers.


Leo would really love to kill, Bob to silence him. He thinks, Bob is all powerful and made him the enemy as an atheist replacement for Satan.

quote from Leo:
"So what?
Food production is driven by money, does that mean you are not going to eat?"

As a matter of fact that is controlled too. Production and destruction is happening to create shortages. Why else would preppers be storing so much food. Go ask Murphy. Man .... come on you can do better.... use that thing between your ears. Seen grocery prices increase lately?

Control and food is one of the oldest forms "Let them eat cake." Cake was shit ie: manure.

blemished food was never wasted on the farm that I grew up on. The bad part was cut away fed to animals. The rest was processed and stored.
Ppl are left to starve to get their EBT.... CONTROLLED
The Final End game is Money - Currency Control.

Once they control this then anything they, Powers That Be say then you must do and comply.

"The executive order aims at developing a digital assets policy plan and organize federal regulators' efforts in this area. The order outlines five main goals, which includes protection of consumers and investors, monetary stability, decreasing financial and national security risks, economic competitiveness, and responsible innovation. It also asks for more work to be done into developing a United States Central Bank Digital Currency(CBDC)."

This was very effective in Canada at controlling what was considered opposition.... and it was not fully implemented.

Everyone should look at what has happened as a conspiracy since 2020 until now. Even then they should go back in history and honestly look at all of it in pieces. It is a huge puzzle just needs to be assembled. The USA has been robbed of ~$27 trillion dollars since pre 9-11. They, Powers the Be always create and controll the diasters for their takes. Covid-19 cost the USA ~$5 trillion dollars plus wasted years off our lives. It was Gain Of Function weaponized.... for a specific out come. Stop trying to put why would they do it and look at the why for it in this post. Can you see it? GAINED CONTROL.

Patriot Act as an example Home Lane Security as an example TSA as an example.... so on... by design. Patriotic approaches for acceptance. The ppl doing this have done it for centuries 1 generation raises the next just as royalty was taught and heirs raised. Again you have been played your whole life. This is a fact. The system owns you and we have all been a part of it. The Powers the Be get a kick out of us fighting amongst ourselves. Generational Damage and Control.

Don't just look at Covid-19.... tie it all together. The ppl that fear you the most and their pet lap dogs will call you names and even physically attack you.


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Control and food is one of the oldest forms "Let them eat cake." Cake was shit ie: manure.

blemished food was never wasted on the farm that I grew up on. The bad part was cut away fed to animals. The rest was processed and stored.
Ppl are left to starve to get their EBT.... CONTROLLED
I grew up on a farm as well ..... when we went to the grocery store we bought salt, sugar, and flour ..... maybe something like orange juice occasionally. Our "allowance" was the money from the cream we sold .... milked the cows by hand twice a day to get that. Ran it thru the separator and mixed the skim with some feed to slop the hogs. Kept some of the unprocessed stuff for ourselves.
That separator had a gazillion pieces that had to be taken apart, cleaned and put back together each time.

Maybe there's a pattern to how we grew up ..... had to develop critical thinking skills at a young age to get things done, see problems before they happened, and fix problems that did happen. We used to be amazed at how helpless the city kids were.

I can still remember when Crisco came along to replace the lard and butter we cooked with .... they tried to kill us off with that stuff, and it took about 40 years before people figured it out.
I grew up on a farm as well ..... when we went to the grocery store we bought salt, sugar, and flour ..... maybe something like orange juice occasionally. Our "allowance" was the money from the cream we sold .... milked the cows by hand twice a day to get that. Ran it thru the separator and mixed the skim with some feed to slop the hogs. Kept some of the unprocessed stuff for ourselves.
That separator had a gazillion pieces that had to be taken apart, cleaned and put back together each time.

Maybe there's a pattern to how we grew up ..... had to develop critical thinking skills at a young age to get things done, see problems before they happened, and fix problems that did happen. We used to be amazed at how helpless the city kids were.

I can still remember when Crisco came along to replace the lard and butter we cooked with .... they tried to kill us off with that stuff, and it took about 40 years before people figured it out.
It is why communist always control the food and farmers are often murdered or govt portrays the farmer as the Enemy. In South Africa the govt politicians scream, kill the boer white farmers for a reason. Remove the power the farmers are perceived as having. Until white farmers arrived in Africa ppl died due to lack of foods and water. The whites provided both .... now they are seen and treated as enemy - murdered. Fact. Communist always moves ppl into concentrated cities with no independency allowed unless communist govt approved.

The communist use racial and anything else they can to bring about their change over... to eventual communism. I've seen communism and it is always short lived. I stood on West Germany Border watching it as a soldier. I seen and did a lot as a soldier..... some of the things speak about is from that time and what I learned from the experienceS.

Farming is not an easy life. Ppl need to understand we raised animals and slaughtered them with a disconnect ..... which is a reason why farmers children make great soldiers. They were raised do not get attached to the animals - food. Most ppl if left to think about it can figure that out. In CW the Southern Soldiers from farms slaughtered the Yankees city dwellers.... the yankees often dropped loaded rifles and ran. Or panicked and shot their reload rods - left it in the barrel during a fast reload... away it went. Hmmm. Maybe they, Powers that Be should fear farmers and Military Vets....

The communist murdered ppl by the millions simply by restricting food. Mao Zedong and Holodomor both intentional Communist directed elimination of opposition. What significancy does Holodomor have to Ukraine which was a food basket farm production country? Ppl should read it.

Ppl always say the Nazi were horrible in the last Century... they are totally ignorant about communism because it was being implemented here.

Communism was fought by Senator Joe McCathy in the USA after WW2. McCarthy the good guy is now the villain. The sad part the USA sided with the Russian communist to fight the ppl that were fighting jewish communism - Marxist. Antifa in WW2 germany were communist. Russia was communist... and we helped them.... we also gave them military secrets and war machinery plans materials.

we gave the communist Russians the plans and they captured our planes when our B29 crews made landings there....

Communism won WW2. That is the truth... they Russia formed the USSR from captured countries and we in the West Allied Command helped the Communist to do it. Poland the Communist Russians invaded ..... before Germany was declared war on by the West was given to them as a spoils divide of the War. The allies did not declare war on russia for forming a previous pact with germany to share Poland.

The COMMUNIST Russians DID NOT DECLARE WAR on Japan until after we dropped the 1ST nuke on Japan. That is how COMMUNIST Russia got claims in Asia..... from the WW2. SPOILS OF WAR. The communist Russians played it well. They are superb chess players. The Russians changed China over to communism and in came Mao Zedong to murder millions via controlled starvation. The communist won WW2.... and we helped them.

Fidel Castro educated ppl - young students from around the World that returned to foreign schools in their home lands to teach the young ppl there about socialism and communism. The rats ate the cheese... nothing is free. Ppl conform given their surroundings hence Murphy the confused prepper. Obama did the same here with our schools here. You can see and hear the damage he done to the kids that the govt raised.

Castro's schools:
"In fact, the whole discourse regarding the famed literacy plan of 1961 reeks of regime-preservation: teachers were an “army of educators” whose role was to help consolidate the regime in its early years. In essence, the Cuban regime instrumentalized public education to control the information received by its citizens."

Obama did the same here and the developing Critical Race Theory is additional mind control.... communism at work.

This guy was not a hero most ppl don't really look him up... just suck up and eat the surface contaminations about him.

JUST CONSPIRACY THEORY. Right? Our World is multi-facet all tied together. Ppl need to stop drinking and eating out of their toilets.
Ppl like Leo have nothing for this described history.... he is self described extreme leftist and an atheist. Just Conspiracy for all that have shown for history. Most ppl can't handle it. Cognitive dissonance. They get real uncomfortable..... like racial discussions
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Here is the mind control in a nutshell .... There's a longer version of it on Rumble. Once you get to the advertisement .... that's the end of the substance.
Some of us are in the 33%. Others will do whatever the guy in the white lab coat tells them.
What are you talking about. It came from a wet market in China and mutated from some other mammal, I heard it on the news... There's no way Fort Detrick or a Lab in China could have been working together with funding from elites....
?? Plandemic

*shakes fist at Pangolin*
Some people with the connections to make change are digging and digging to get to the bottom of the censorship fiasco .... Good article here.
Oh, and for those who don't know ... NED is the National Endowment for Democracy .... like most things now days it is just the opposite of what it sounds.

Not sure yet if I'm going to get rid of this old Microsoft system .... I'm getting to old to learn tech like Unix, but may have to give it a go.
Some people with the connections to make change are digging and digging to get to the bottom of the censorship fiasco .... Good article here.
Oh, and for those who don't know ... NED is the National Endowment for Democracy .... like most things now days it is just the opposite of what it sounds.

Not sure yet if I'm going to get rid of this old Microsoft system .... I'm getting to old to learn tech like Unix, but may have to give it a go.
Well anyone that studies systems will know the reason the word "Democracy" is tossed around. It is simply a manipulation. We were founded (USA) on a constitutional republic
What is a constitutional republic vs democracy?
Republic: "A state in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives, and which has an elected or nominated president rather than a monarch." Democracy: "A system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives."
we were founded on the individual rights. Democracy is more like "mob rule" think "woke" IE socialism = communism.
Well anyone that studies systems will know the reason the word "Democracy" is tossed around. It is simply a manipulation. We were founded (USA) on a constitutional republic
What is a constitutional republic vs democracy?
Republic: "A state in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives, and which has an elected or nominated president rather than a monarch." Democracy: "A system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives."
we were founded on the individual rights. Democracy is more like "mob rule" think "woke" IE socialism = communism.


Based on official reported COVID-19 deaths, we estimated that vaccinations prevented 14·4 million (95% credible interval [Crl] 13·7–15·9) deaths from COVID-19 in 185 countries and territories between Dec 8, 2020, and Dec 8, 2021. This estimate rose to 19·8 million (95% Crl 19·1–20·4) deaths from COVID-19 averted when we used excess deaths as an estimate of the true extent of the pandemic, representing a global reduction of 63% in total deaths (19·8 million of 31·4 million) during the first year of COVID-19 vaccination. In COVAX Advance Market Commitment countries, we estimated that 41% of excess mortality (7·4 million [95% Crl 6·8–7·7] of 17·9 million deaths) was averted. In low-income countries, we estimated that an additional 45% (95% CrI 42–49) of deaths could have been averted had the 20% vaccination coverage target set by COVAX been met by each country, and that an additional 111% (105–118) of deaths could have been averted had the 40% target set by WHO been met by each country by the end of 2021.


COVID-19 vaccination has substantially altered the course of the pandemic, saving tens of millions of lives globally. However, inadequate access to vaccines in low-income countries has limited the impact in these settings, reinforcing the need for global vaccine equity and coverage.
Well anyone that studies systems will know the reason the word "Democracy" is tossed around. It is simply a manipulation. We were founded (USA) on a constitutional republic
What is a constitutional republic vs democracy?
Republic: "A state in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives, and which has an elected or nominated president rather than a monarch." Democracy: "A system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives."
we were founded on the individual rights. Democracy is more like "mob rule" think "woke" IE socialism = communism.

Yes. Voting isn't that important. Limitations on government power are.
A republic is a system of government where people choose representatives through elections to make decisions in the public's interest.[1][2][3] In contrast, a democracy might rely primarily on sortition (e.g. juries) to make decisions by a representative sample of the public while an autocracy concentrates power in very few hands.

As of 2017, 159 of the world's 206 sovereign states use the word "republic" as part of their official names. Not all of these are republics in the sense of having elected governments, nor is the word "republic" used in the names of all states with elected governments."

Texas is still it's own govt republic and tells the feds no.

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diy solar