diy solar

diy solar

EG4 LL series and bmstools


New Member
May 2, 2023
Alajuela Costa Rica
Hello users of EG4 LL V2 batteries. i have tried for weeks to get one of my two windows laptops (10/11) to talk using BMS tools to the batteries.

I tried it with an amazon USB to RS485 using the two pins per the manual (which works on a 3d axis mill machine) and now EG4's cable and on both windows 11 HP machine where the usb identified as comm 5 and on my macbook pro running bootcamp with windows 10 where it was comm 4, tried 9600/19200 and nothing turned the red comm state button green. when you select start monitoring nothing happens. both machines use this driver FTDI 2021-07-05 ver also I set the address to 64 as in the video they have and also disconnected from inverter and tried address #1 as it normally runs. i also check to see if #2 the next battery would work and again nothing. I used 9600 ( as the bmstool guide says and 19200 baud as video says with 8 bits, no parity and 1 stop bit and no flow control as none of that info is available anywhere. At this point I have decided not to buy more of these batteries and sell them and get some that I know other software works with and work with my luxpower/EG4 18kpv. I see many that say it works and many that cant get it too, like me. it shouldn't be this difficult and it seems even with this bms tools V1.0 you still cant find battery cycles. I wish i could make sense of this and I am a 35 year IT manager. that tells me this is either very buggy (hit and miss) software or no one has put all the steps in one document after all this time. by the way this video says to connect to the battery comms connector at the lower right of the battery yet there is an rs485 comm port to the inverter. now i am wondering if that is what should work but not what he shows in the video. the documentation is for a older/different version and is in Chinese.

any of you that got this to work want to share?

I've been having trouble connecting to mine as well with the cable that came with the batteries. (Should I have received more that 1 cable? I have 5 batteries.) I was able to get one to connect but then it cycles online,offline,online,offline. I believe that was on the rs485 port. Works great with CAN to the solark. I agree, there manuals and videos are all over the place as far as consistent and none of the combinations work.

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diy solar