diy solar

diy solar

Error 70 on Axpert King ii


New Member
Sep 30, 2022
So this morning, after showering and breakfast I went out and peered at the inverter because I'd noticed on the house smart meter monitor that we were drawing from the mains a fair bit with now only the houses base load drawing. This didn't make sense.

Watchpower said we were in line mode, generating about 450w PV, house drawing about 350w (fridge freezer plus whatever else), there can be some draw at that due to inefficiency and inverter draw but nothing like what the meter was showing.

Last night going to bed, battery capacity was at 44% (10kWh of Pytes 48100r). Inverter mode was set to SUB. i.e. after sun down please draw from utility and leave the battery alone.

And....the inverter is showing Error 70. Which, badly (and meaninglessly) translated in the manual is:
If battery status must to be charged after the
communication between the inverter and
battery is successful, it will show code 70 to
charge battery.

Which means...??????????????? Goodness knows what.

I've seen one post on here that says the error means the battery has dropped to such a low SOC that the BMS say 'no, charge from mains now to avoid killing the battery". Fair enough, except my battery was half full and nowhere near a low SOC. LEDs on the batteries were at 50% too.

Sure, the shower will draw off the mains and it does so, as it's supposed to do. I have my back to mains voltage set fairly high @ 52V to try to avoid going to low on batteries, it still can do sometimes if its just trickling away so you still have to watch it SOC was 44%???

Anyway, I cleared the warning by resetting the batteries but having subsequently seen on here what the error is supposed to mean maybe I should have let them charge to 100%. No idea why though as the SOC was nowhere near anywhere dangerous.

It was a cold night last night 2 deg C and the batteries are in the garage. I'd got 'allow charge from mains' switched off to stop the constant 2A draw with these inverters. Would that have anything to do with it? Should the trickle from mains be kept on in low temps? Although that's counterintuitive as you're not supposed to charge in freezing temps. That's something I've to sort actually, bit of heating on the batteries. Next task.

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Hello, following on from above, can someone do a better job than the manual in explaining this code, it’s cause and how to clear it. I got this code this morning after low temp last night, unexpected SoC this morning and mains would only supply 2A to battery. So similar circumstance to above. Thanks