diy solar

diy solar

Followed Thread Notifications


Staff member
Apr 24, 2020
Somewhere South of Denver
I've been noticing that quite a few threads that I'm following are not sending me email notification when there are updates to the thread. I've checked my junk/spam folders and nothing shows there. I do get notifications for some threads.

After reading the forum I mark all threads as read. That should cause new posts to followed threads to send an email notification, right?
Somebody must have called in Roto Rooter. I just received about 60 thread notifications emails. Some of these notifications were for posts from a few days ago.
Seems this got fixed this week - I started getting emails from the site, have not had ANY since I signed on last year.
I went in and turned off all my email notifications. LOL

Anyway, seems to work now. (y)
Back in the day, some months ago, I was able to scroll through many pages of "ALERTS". ?
Now I can only look at a single page. ?

Did something change recently?