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diy solar

Free Power???

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The yellow metal container is likely lined with 18650s. What is consistent across these scams, not just the videos, but when they try to demo to people, is that they always hide the contents of one of the black boxes. Typically they'll claim that it is a secret with patent rights. Unless you can see all the parts, there is a high probability there are hidden batteries. Usually the most obvious answer is the right answer.

BTW, I bought one of those light bulbs from a magic shop when I was a very young kid. But, I can proudly say I never stuck it where it doesn't belong like that guy in that video. :) I would light it in my hand, typically connecting it with a quarter no one saw. To make it seem real, I'd do something that created static electricity, like rubbing a balloon on your head, then light the bulb. It had a battery inside it!

The real magic trick is how did the guy in the video connect the bulb to a quarter inside his butt cheeks?
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So looks like this was a stupid question on my part,
There are no such things as 'stupid' questions, it's just that some have the added advantage of being able to 'tickle one's fancy'.
I'm working on a device that converts internet opinions into usable energy.
LOL! Or the sound energy originating from my sister's mouth whilst 'talking' to her children...

The only processes I am aware of that approach near unity transfer of energy are:
  1. Matter / antimatter annihilation and
  2. Extracting the angular momentum of a spinning black hole
Nowt done on earth is going to come even close.
+1 for ElectroBoom, that man is a star!

Does a lot of work for charity too.

Totally agree -- in my senior year of EE school I had one crazy professor that during the breaks would put on this guys videos on the big screen ... I remember one episode where he was changing out an electric plug in a kitchen and crossed the wires and it punched him hard ... I remember that episode every single day that I open up this equipment at work -- "DON'T CROSS THE WIRES" ...that episode alone probably has saved the lives of 100's of young EE's severalo times .. LOL
Stop. Stop. Solar Panels are blocking too much sun from hitting the ground.. it will be the end of humanity as we know it.. Soon there will be so many solar panels that no sun will be able to reach the ground. Humans will develop huge eyes in order to see and our skin will become more pale. Cave Dwellers in essence.
Stop. Stop. Solar Panels are blocking too much sun from hitting the ground.. i
Not to mention how selfish solar PV owners are! There's only so much sun to go around and what about the poorest, most vulnerable in our communities ... those that can't afford PV systems? What will they do when you 'off-grid PV' people take all the sun? Sun thieves more like! Should be ashamed of yourselves.
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Not to mention how selfish solar PV owners are! There's only so much sun to go around and what about the poorest, most vulnerable in our communities ... those that can't afford PV systems? What will they do when you 'off-grid PV' people take all the sun? Sun thieves more like! Should be ashamed you yourselves.
Like weeds.
Electrons spinning/jumping/vibrating (or however the "experts" view it) about are an example of perpetual motion now if one could capture/harness that energy, magnify it to a workable degree then VOILA!
Electrons and any other particle do none of the above really. They just exist in a wave function. Interact with them in any way and they change energy levels and thus wave states. No perpetual motion, just interchange of energy. Thus it will be until all matter exists at an equilibrium, still interacting but at a minimum, and thus the end of the universe.
Define "wave function".

Remember Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, whereby there is an uncertainty relation between position and momentum. A wave function describes the probability of the state (as a function of position, momentum, etc.) of a particle (like the electron). The reason this is a probability function is because the variables (position and momentum) that determine each are Fourier transforms of each other.
Tesla mentioned, and it has been confirmed, that at any given moment there are billions of volts wafting through the air - this does not include lightening.

Now to harness that would be a "fait accompli" or "done deal" on energy harnessing, it can be done its just peeps may need to THINK OUTSIDE THE CURRENT "common core" curriculum boxed mindset!
Just ask John Galt; he did it!
Stop. Stop. Solar Panels are blocking too much sun from hitting the ground.. it will be the end of humanity as we know it.. Soon there will be so many solar panels that no sun will be able to reach the ground. Humans will develop huge eyes in order to see and our skin will become more pale. Cave Dwellers in essence.
Define "wave function"?

Interesting from what i read "absolute zero" doesnt even stop an atom, nor does near absolute zero stop an electron : "... Near absolute zero, electrons "continue to whiz around" inside atoms, says quantum physicist Christopher Foot of the University of Oxford. Moreover, even at absolute zero, atoms would not be completely stationary. They would "jiggle about," but would not have enough energy to change state. In musical terms, it's as if the atom cannot go from middle C to high C. It still vibrates, but cannot change its wave pattern. It's energy is at a minimum...." -

But I accept your outlook.
The whole concept of any subatomic particle as an actual object is just a simplification. Electrons don't whiz around an atom like planets. They're everywhere all at once, just with a very high probability of being within their valence band (energy state). That's how electrons manage to tunnel in some solid state devices. The voltage potential raises the probability of some of them being on the other side of the barrier to a point where they actually start to "flow" through the barrier.
As you approach absolute zero the probability of them being in their valence band approaches 100%, which basically appears as if they are "standing still". Or so I am given to understand from what I have read. Translating Quantum mechanics to plain English appears to be a somewhat clumsy metaphor.
If you want to blow your brain, check out a detailed description of the quantum eraser experiment. Effectively scientists can affect the behavior of photons passing through a slit, AFTER they have passed through the slit. i.e. they can change, at time x, how the photons responded to passing through the slit at time x-1. Effectively changing the past. Sort of. If you can totally get your head around that then you have one up on me.
@tictag Think that's the second time you replied to a post of mine with that excerpt. I'm cool with that :)
Dunno your age, but that was really mocking the era I grew up in. "Revenge of the Nerds" was the beginning of their ascent in society from social rejects to totalitarian dictators.

I was a "chameleon" -- the word one person used to describe me in my high school year book. I fit in all the social groups except "jock".
The voltage potential raises the probability of some of them being on the other side of the barrier to a point where they actually start to "flow" through the barrier.
This is actually one of the biggest challenges now facing CPU designers - nano-scale transistor fabrication is now reaching the point whereby traditional 0's and 1's are becoming increasingly superpositions of 0's and 1's, increasing the demand for further error checking. A true physical limit to Moore's law.
This is actually one of the biggest challenges now facing CPU designers - nano-scale transistor fabrication is now reaching the point whereby traditional 0's and 1's are becoming increasingly superpositions of 0's and 1's, increasing the demand for further error checking. A true physical limit to Moore's law.
This has also become a security issue, as bleeding has become more common.
Dunno your age, but that was really mocking the era I grew up in.
I'm 48 (I think), was definitely one of the 'nerd' crowd. But I like who I grew up to become (he say's as his right eye twitches unconsciously...)
I fit in all the social groups

I think this is something that is much more pronounced in the States than it is here in may European countries. I don't remember ever having these kinds of groups, also I guess because sports isn't such a big deal (if at all) in school as it is in the States.
I'm 48, was definitely one of the 'nerd' crowd. But I like who I grew up to become (he say's as his right eye twitches unconsciously...)
I was just joking yesterday on FB with friends I met in middle school how I copied off one person's math and English assessment test in the 7th grade, when I was in AP classes. He was known as the only person in the school with a 0.5 GPA. It worked. My homeworked dropped from 4 hours a night to 20 minutes a day in the 8th grade, which I was able to complete during "remedial English" class. I'll never forget that teacher saying "I don't know how you got in here, but..." as I laughed but kept quiet how I did it.

And boy did I party in the 8th grade!!! LOL

As you approach absolute zero the probability of them being in their valence band approaches 100%, which basically appears as if they are "standing still". Or so I am given to understand from what I have read.
They also all tend to be characterised by the exact same wave function, meaning that they are all, in essence, the same particle. This then gives rise to the Bose-Einstein condensate where the entire material under test behaves as if it were one atom. A sub-atomic Borg Collective, if you will.
I'm working on a device that converts internet opinions into usable energy.


Put 10 of the BoobTube 'Educated' in the same room, get 31 'Opinions', not a one will have anything to do with reality...
Just when you think people can't be any more gullible, just check the internet! ;)
This thread is proof...

diy solar

diy solar