diy solar

diy solar

Getting a refund, can’t use my 48 vdc windmill with EG4 system.

:) Being that the items are on backorder till mid next month, it was only a return of the money.

Worth a call if it doesn't work out with EG4.

Pair the Classic with the Clipper for a solid wind turbine controller. Midnite products are very high quality with support AND repairs available here in the USA. 5 year warranty on most products i believe.
Part of off grid is being able to use any available energy sources, hydro, wind and solar as long as it’s within the system’s working range in regards of voltage, current and quality. If system is so fragile that the manufacturer needs an easy out….I’m out. Next
And hydro was another source EG4 mentioned in our phone conversation that needed to be addressed as well. Meaning they've had several calls besides mine about the addition of wind and hydro.
Maybe EG4 will rebrand a hydro / wind controller and throw a closed loop RJ45 jack on it. Then it will be kosher.
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I am being told my warranty would be void because the equipment I wish to 'tie in' hasn't been tested or approved by EG4 and therefore, should there be any issue and I have 'added equipment' hooked up, that's not approved, it will void my warranty.

You are being told incorrectly. @SignatureSolarJess said as much.

There are likely MANY 12V LFP battery brands that are being used with EG4 hardware that hasn't been explicitly tested by EG4. Would those void the warranty? Only if they damage the equipment in some way.

The ONLY way they could preemptively void a warranty is if there's KNOWN issue with a piece of hardware, and they tell you about it in advance... you know... like using the correct RJ45 cable when paralleling 2X EG4 18KPV so they don't send 280-420VAC to the AC in terminals and destroy anything connected.

Too soon?
Thought experiment: If you used a voltage regulated wind charge controller and set the output to 54.0V (MFG Float Voltage) then you would never overcharge the battery. You may loose the top end of the charge by the wind but at least it is doing something for you. Any loads and/or battery charging would take advantage of the wind voltage/current without ever threatening to overcharge the battery.

How could a float charge hurt the battery?
Thought experiment: If you used a voltage regulated wind charge controller and set the output to 54.0V (MFG Float Voltage) then you would never overcharge the battery. You may loose the top end of the charge by the wind but at least it is doing something for you. Any loads and/or battery charging would take advantage of the wind voltage/current without ever threatening to overcharge the battery.

How could a float charge hurt the battery?
It wont hurt anything. Wind is just another controller that needs to be PROPERLY SETUP. Same with the OP'S generator. A DC bus doesn't care where the power came from or what brand name is on it.
It wont hurt anything. Wind is just another controller that needs to be PROPERLY SETUP. Same with the OP'S generator. A DC bus doesn't care where the power came from or what brand name is on it.
Exactly. I'm a bit surprised this hasn't already been mentioned, maybe it has and I missed it. It's no different than running out of usable MPPT's on an AIO then adding an external charge controller for the new array.

**Of course the wind turbine or any other DC source has to have it's own controller. SS's position may come from a bad experience where someone tried to hook up an unregulated wind turbine directly to an MPPT intended only for solar.
Curious about the max voltage limit. Whats the magic number where someone can do damage? Both the inverter and battery has overvoltage shut down, but i imagine there is a max Voc like anything else, i just dont see it published.
Curious about the max voltage limit. Whats the magic number where someone can do damage? Both the inverter and battery has overvoltage shut down, but i imagine there is a max Voc like anything else, i just dont see it published.
EG4 LifePower default settings:
But is a float of say 56V adding more electrons? 3.5V per cell?
I wanted to start with recommended float voltage because nobody can argue with that logic. If there is any loads on the batteries they will find 54V at least usable. Just use their closed loop MPPT and input the wind generator through that. May need to double the voltage to get it in the middle of the MPPT range. Since the invention of money there is a way to do it that doesn't variolate the rules of man or physics.
EG4 LifePower default settings:
Right, but whats the "smoke" number?
Another reason I buy eg4 products thru current connected and not directly from them AND I will never buy one of their inverter products.

I do own a chargeverter but I will not buy their inverter/aio products because of these kinds of things.
I'm not sure where their warranty (above) differs significantly from any other vendor on the planet. Regardless of any verbal communication, the only warranty for this or any product is what is written. How does your Sungold warranty differ? Does it cover outside damage? This thread seems a little FUD'y.
Please define “open-loop lithium battery communications.”
When the only communication the charging device has with the battery is voltage and current sensing.

I know we are trying to be cute, but don't get in the weeds. You close the loop when the battery also talks to the charging device, advising it's status.
I am being told my warranty would be void because the equipment I wish to 'tie in' hasn't been tested or approved by EG4 and therefore, should there be any issue and I have 'added equipment' hooked up, that's not approved, it will void my warranty.
You keep saying this . . . By whom? Please provide receipts.
I'm not sure where their warranty (above) differs significantly from any other vendor on the planet. Regardless of any verbal communication, the only warranty for this or any product is what is written. How does your Sungold warranty differ? Does it cover outside damage? This thread seems a little FUD'y.
Sungold doesn't tell me not to connect solar assistant to their inverters :)
I'm not sure where their warranty (above) differs significantly from any other vendor on the planet. Regardless of any verbal communication, the only warranty for this or any product is what is written. How does your Sungold warranty differ? Does it cover outside damage? This thread seems a little FUD'y.
Well now that you mentioned it (Does it cover outside damage) sungold never asked me how any of the problems occurred. They just figured out what they thought was wrong and sent parts....
Asked and answered:

Post in thread 'Getting a refund, can’t use my 48 vdc windmill with EG4 system.'’t-use-my-48-vdc-windmill-with-eg4-system.85477/post-1118465
Didn't read ahead, was stated multiple times prior without identifying the culprits. If true as stated, someone needs to have a sit-down with these people and get them up to speed. My guess is over-zealous tech support or a simple misunderstanding of the question. Anyone who calls and starts a conversation with "Does this warranty cover", probably starts setting off alarm bells. A warranty is only as good as the company behind the product. Thus far while sometimes somewhat sluggish, getting it resolved, I've seen no indication that eg4 has failed to honor their warranties. If you want to bash them a bit for past sins, I shant comment, but AFAIK all the incidents reported here have been resolved one way or another.

diy solar

diy solar