diy solar

diy solar

Growatt SPF 5000 ES software upgrade

I have 4 Growatt 5000 ES and the 4th one does that. Do you think a software update will fix it?
look like the problem was cause by battery. My battery was 16 cells and look like bms not interpret well with growatt. Try check the battery.
look like the problem was cause by battery. My battery was 16 cells and look like bms not interpret well with growatt. Try check the battery.
The batteries were purchased from Signature Solar and match the inverters also bought from SS.
I have 2 spf5000es running parallel. They were purchased about 1 year apart from each other. The PCB boards look different. How do I determine what firmware to use for each one? Is the firmware good for all versions?
I have 2 spf5000es running parallel. They were purchased about 1 year apart from each other. The PCB boards look different. How do I determine what firmware to use for each one? Is the firmware good for all versions?
Look at the current firmware of your units if its 040 that's what you stick with if its 067 then you stuck with that, they are not interchangeable
I have 4 Growatt 5000 ES and the 4th one does that. Do you think a software update will fix it
my battery bms not working perfect with growatt Li mode. With Li mode battery only charged around 60-80%.
Now i used user2 mode and battery are fully charged.

diy solar

diy solar