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diy solar

GUIDE to properly Top-Balance and Charge a LFP Battery: Part 1


Solar Enthusiast
Sep 16, 2023
UP, India
Do you know that LFPs need to be balanced every few months and not at every charge cycle? OR
Are you aware that setting float voltage of your LFP battery above 3.37V/Cell is overcharging it and harming its potential lifespan and causing cell imbalance?

Chances are extremely high that you don't. The entire point of this post is to explain exactly why that is the case for LFP but is also applicable to other Li chemistries. Whenever in doubt, always consult the datasheet supplied by your Cell manufacturer.

For ease of understanding, this guide is divided into five sections:
  1. Correct/Standard charge model for a LFP Cell (or Cells in parallel)
  2. Initial Top-Balancing of a LFP Battery (Cells in series) before commissioning
  3. Modified/improved charge model for a LFP Cell/Battery
  4. Maintaining Balance in the context of BMS settings
  5. Approaching proper LFP charging with Lead-Acid chargers

1. Correct/Standard charge model for a LFP Cell​

One can consult any reputable LFP cell manufacturer datasheet, including but not limited to CALB, EVE etc. The proper and correct charging model for a modern LFP Cell is identical everywhere.
For example, This is what the EVE 230 Ah Cell datasheet (Section 4.2) says:
r/SolarDIY - HOW TO properly Top-Balance and Charge a LFP Battery!
Alongside CC at 0.5C and CV at 3.65V, pay careful attention to the "0.05C cut off" part.
0.05 C for 230Ah LFP cell is equal to 230 × 0.05 = 11.5 Amps.

It means that charging must be strictly terminated/stopped once the charging current falls to 11.5 Amps @ 3.65 Volts and the cell is left to rest.
The Cell is rated for 0.5 C or 115 Amps max. recommended charge current. Once charging current falls to one tenth of the Cell's rated charge current 0.05 C @ 3.65V, charging should be terminated.
That is how capacity, cycle life etc. are measured by cell manufacturers in their labs.
For LFP Cells with older chemistry, you may see its datasheet recommended a value of 0.033 C as charge cut off. For calculations just remember to substitute this value instead of 0.05 C.

2. Initial Top-Balancing of a LFP battery​

Combining multiple Cells in series is required to achieve voltages higher than 3.2V.
Balancing basically means bringing all Cells (in a battery) to same SOC. In this case, top-balancing means bringing all cells to 100% SOC. Bottom balancing means 0% SOC. It is implied at this point that all Cells that will be used in a battery are well matched. i.e., same capacity in Ah, same age (new, aged or cycled), same chemistry (manufacturer), similar in internal resistance etc.

The ideal (and most time consuming) way to do initial top-balance for a battery will always be to take each Cell, subject it to standard charge model as mentioned above and then connecting all such cells to yield a top-balanced battery. After that, the battery can be charged and discharged just like a single LFP cell with charging voltage proportional to number of cells in series and same 0.05 C cut off. All this assumes you got a charge controller capable of doing exactly that !

The second best way to top-balance is to bring cells to 100% SOC at once by charging them in parallel.
For the purpose of this section, I will assume you have four LFP Cells that can be combined in series later to give a 12.8 V battery (4S configuration).

If you have new cells straight from the factory, chances are good that they are shipped at roughly the same SOC/voltage. Then, It is possible to connect them all in parallel without much drama, (sparks flying due to Cells at different voltages trying to quickly distribute charge) !
Multiple Cells in parallel is basically a very large capacity Cell and can be then easily brought to 100% SOC using Standard charge model in Section 1 above. This is of course assuming that you have got a power supply to maintain the proportionally larger current required at cut-off.

For example, 0.05 C cut off for four EVE 230 Ah LFP Cells connected is parallel will be 4 × 0.05 × 230 = 46 Amps @ 3.65 Volts.
It basically means once current has dropped to 46 Amps @ 3.65V, charging should be stopped and cells should be assumed to be top-balanced.

3. Modified/improved charging model for a LFP Cell/Battery​

In section 2 where we were top-balancing 4 EVE 230 Ah Cells, it is obvious that pushing 46 Amps @ 3.65 V according to standard charge model is beyond spec of commonly available benchtop DC power supplies. Most of them are rated for 5/10 Amps max.

What this means is we need to improvise on the standard charging model a little. And this is where things get 'somewhat' complicated and the main source of confusion lies.

And the insight into that comes from determining the fully charged resting voltage for a LFP Cell.
Let's say you take a brand new LFP Cell and charge it exactly like the Standard Charge Model says above.
Can you guess how its Voltage will change with time at rest with no current going in or out?
Naturally it can be observed that it will settle down to a voltage lower than 3.65 V. If you've got a spare Cell and lab equipment lying around, this value is easy to determine.

This 'full charge voltage' or FCV which will be obviously <3.65 is the resting voltage of a fully charged LFP Cell. Basically it represents the charging limit beyond which reversibility of LFP chemistry starts diminishing. To keep a cell topped up, standard charging model can be re-initiated once the cell has discharged somewhat and its voltage drops below FCV.

So, if you don't want to (or are not able to) cut off current as mentioned in the standard charging model in section 1, you can also (in theory) fully charge any LFP Cell by maintaining FCV across its terminals and allowing current to go zero. It will take basically forever but it should also fully charge a LFP Cell.
This is basically the same as saying cut off current is 0 C for charging at FCV for a LFP Cell.

Then it is a simple matter of applying linear regression to find the desired (voltage, current) pair connecting these two extremes. (FCV, 0 C) and (3.65 V, 0.05 C).

For example, Let's tackle the example of top-balancing 4 EVE 230 Ah Cells in parallel using a 10 Amps power supply.
The equivalent cell capacity is 230 × 4 = 920 Ah of which 10 Amps charging current constitutes ~0.011 C rate.

The charging voltage for this cut off current will obviously lie above FCV @ 0 C and at the same time below 3.65 V @ 0.05 C.

This is the proper way to determine what charging voltage to target in your DC power supply for top-balancing.

Anyone saying top-balancing of cells in parallel is done by setting DC power supply to 3.65 V beforehand and letting current drop to 0 is unaware of complete charging model for LFP.

Needless to say, the damage this 'top-balancing' and improper charging causes to the otherwise 2000+ cycle-life LFP cells remains to be investigated.

The second part of this guide will cover maintaining top-balance in the context of BMS settings, good LFP charging parameters and how to closely emulate it using Lead Acid charging parameters.​

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Do you know that LFPs need to be balanced every few months and not at every charge cycle? OR
Are you aware that setting float voltage of your LFP battery above 3.37V/Cell is overcharging it and harming its potential lifespan and causing cell imbalance?


For those that want an actual guide that's been in use for years by hundreds, maybe thousands:

Initial Top-Balancing of a LFP battery

In my opinion, this would be valid before active balancing became common. Right now, I would just say put your pack together and let the active balancer take care of balancing and no need to do an initial top balance manually. I've done that with my last packs (280Ah, 48V) with only a 0.6A active balancer in the JK BMS and it was done after a few days or so in summer, while the battery was in general use already.

And in addition, I would stay under 3.65V (and not below 3.0V - no need to go to 2.5V) in any and all cases. 3.55V is as high as mine go - plenty far up the knee to balance, and you're at essentially 100% state of charge. It's also not an issue to have the active balancer keep the pack in balance on a daily basis (if you charge to 100% daily). The amount of energy transferred between cells in doing so is tiny.

For those that want an actual guide that's been in use for years by hundreds, maybe thousands:

I actually went and checked the 'actual' guide.

Wayy too much overcomplicating stuff involved for what should really be plug and play calculations and is the exact opposite of what can be scientifically termed 'information complete'.

Please, pull it down immediately. It's doing more harm than good. That's not how LFP works.
Right now, I would just say put your pack together and let the active balancer take care of balancing and no need to do an initial top balance manually. I've done that with my last packs (280Ah, 48V) with only a 0.6A active balancer in the JK BMS and it was done after a few days or so in summer, while the battery was in general use already.
I also did the same with my very own 100Ah, 48V battery with 0.6A JK BMS.

And in addition, I would stay under 3.65V (and not below 3.0V - no need to go to 2.5V) in any and all cases. 3.55V is as high as mine go - plenty far up the knee to balance,
This is the thing I don't expect anyone with complete understanding of Standard LFP charge model to say.

The resting voltage of a fully charged LFP Cell is around 3.37 V.
Any voltage above 3.37/Cell upto 3.65 V/Cell with proportional cut off criteria will charge LFP fully. If not cut off, it will then gradually overcharge it.

There's a subtle difference. Please try to understand its implications regarding LFP charging and balancing.

I don't know how to put it better than this.
This is going to be an interesting thread..?

@shvm You may have some valid points, but I'm not sure of your experience or background with so few posts, and there are some very experienced others here, which your on the path to rubbing up the wrong way very quickly, which won't help the discussion!

Although this discussion does interest me, it does seem the datasheets do all say terminate at 0.05C @3.65V, or we can adjust for our desired absorption charge voltage equivalent, and isn't it a fact a cell can be overcharged between 3.37V-3.65V with an extended low tail current. Yet many seem to generally ignore the tail current at absorption voltage and worry more about what the voltage is, and just leave it absorb for an hour or so. Possibly achieving similar results, but also possibly damaging the cells long term.

Saying that if so many don't worry about keeping the voltage equivalent tail current below 0.05C @3.65V and their systems are still running happily, maybe it doesn't matter..

I will however make sure my own banks keep to the strict rule as shown below, and with an active 2A JK BMS and A grade cells, I don't intend to top balance in parallel, especially not outside the datasheet recommendations:


I did ask similar themed questions on this thread:

Does any data sheet even suggest to top balance cells down to 0-2A before first use?
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This is the thing I don't expect anyone with complete understanding of Standard LFP charge model to say.


That's not how LFP works.
yea.. right... nuff said... I'm joining @42OhmsPA with his ? again...

but I'm not sure of your experience or background with so few posts, and there are some very experienced others here, which your on the path to rubbing up the wrong way very quickly, which won't help the discussion!
I will try to be on my best behaviour, Sir !

At the same time, what is wrong must be called out as such !

As far as I know, there aren't any actual LFP chemical engineers on this forum. I mean the kind of engineer who actually designs a battery that is produced for the world market and works for the company physically making them. Are there such manufacturing plants in India? Or are all of them in China?

My point here is you are not the first person to come here and say "hey you're doing it all wrong" and people like @sunshine_eggo, which AFAIK isn't a LFP engineer, but he and @RCinFLA and @Hedges are three who seem to know more about how LFP works than I think most on this forum. So if you work for one of the manufacturing companies and have a high position there, please out yourself so we can learn. Otherwise you're probably going to have a rough time here, because for all we know, you're some 9-year old kid trying to gain attention. If you're not, I mean no disrespect, it's just you've opened a bees nest here!

I like what you're saying about trying to make balancing easier. I agree there is a trend here to never want to go to 3.65v. To my limited knowledge (which is pretty small, I haven't even built a DIY battery yet), there are good reasons for that. One of the reasons is that batteries are advertising things like "10,000" cycles if you only discharge 50% and "2,000" cycles if you discharge 100% and "4,000 cycles" if you discharge 80%. Which fits with how most battery chemistries work - if you veer away from the top and bottom, you don't stress the chemistry so much and it "lasts longer". Or at least that is how I understand it as a layperson.
This is going to be an interesting thread..?

@shvm You may have some valid points, but I'm not sure of your experience or background with so few posts, and there are some very experienced others here, which your on the path to rubbing up the wrong way very quickly, which won't help the discussion!

Although this discussion does interest me, it does seem the datasheets do all say terminate at 0.05C @3.65V, or we can adjust for our desired absorption charge voltage equivalent, and isn't it a fact a cell can be overcharged between 3.37V-3.65V with an extended low tail current. Yet many seem to generally ignore the tail current at absorption voltage and worry more about what the voltage is, and just leave it absorb for an hour or so. Possibly achieving similar results, but also possibly damaging the cells long term.

Saying that if so many don't worry about keeping the voltage equivalent tail current below 0.05C @3.65V and their systems are still running happily, maybe it doesn't matter..

I will however make sure my own banks keep to the strict rule as shown below, and with an active 2A JK BMS and A grade cells, I don't intend to top balance in parallel, especially not outside the datasheet recommendations:


I did ask similar themed questions on this thread:

Does any data sheet even suggest to top balance cells down to 0-2A before first use?
Should have tagged me because I didn't saw this post. We could totally discuss things over video and chat about your remaining doubts if you want.
In my opinion, this would be valid before active balancing became common. Right now, I would just say put your pack together and let the active balancer take care of balancing and no need to do an initial top balance manually. I've done that with my last packs (280Ah, 48V) with only a 0.6A active balancer in the JK BMS and it was done after a few days or so in summer, while the battery was in general use already.

And in addition, I would stay under 3.65V (and not below 3.0V - no need to go to 2.5V) in any and all cases. 3.55V is as high as mine go - plenty far up the knee to balance, and you're at essentially 100% state of charge. It's also not an issue to have the active balancer keep the pack in balance on a daily basis (if you charge to 100% daily). The amount of energy transferred between cells in doing so is tiny.
Yes. This.
This is the thing I don't expect anyone with complete understanding of Standard LFP charge model to say.

The resting voltage of a fully charged LFP Cell is around 3.37 V.
Any voltage above 3.37/Cell upto 3.65 V/Cell with proportional cut off criteria will charge LFP fully. If not cut off, it will then gradually overcharge it.

There's a subtle difference. Please try to understand its implications regarding LFP charging and balancing.

I don't know how to put it better than this.

Gosh darn, better get back to my lab and tell all the people there (and our customers), and the reps from the manufactures that work with us, that they're wrong when we put batteries to the test and design systems with them...

If you look at the charge/discharge curve of LFP, you can see that below 3.0V and above 5.5V there is basically no energy left. So with a standard charge, you don't have to go to 3.65V - this is done only for things like capacity testing because that's what is considered, well, the standard for testing. This does not mean that you have to use this in real life - purely because in real life you may never get to the point where cells are at rest (especially when they are powering a house, outside of summer for example).

In reality, the system is dynamic. You don't charge to 100%, then rest, then discharge. You micro-cycle. You don't have to stress the cells by going to 3.65V (or doing a tail current at 3.65V) when you can fully charge even at 3.45V with long enough absorption time. If you stop charging at 3.55V in regular solar applications, even without a tail current, you're going to be at 100%. The reason: suppose a 280Ah battery. The 0.5C standard charge rate is 140A, or 7kW. How many solar arrays of that size are connected to one 15kWh battery? Very few. I have 14kW of solar, connected to 4 (soon at least 6) 280Ah 48V packs, which means the max charge current each battery sees is, what, 70A - at peak production! This means that the voltage during charging also increases less fast. Have a look:


So reaching 3.5V at 0.5C is completely different compared to 3.5V at 0.1C - and these are at constant charge/discharge, which never happens in the real world.
No really. No disrespect but your degree could be in anything.
There are a wealth of real world information here and I'm going with experience and those that work with manufacturing companies.
Exactly this. There are some very bright people on here who have invested in learning about this that I can count on because of their real life experience applying that knowledge. I think I will follow their lead.

Now, if a newbie comes on here and lays out their creds, say from the manufacturing or testing side of things, I'm all ears.
That depends on real world experience, level of common sense and lots of other things...
I have read the forum's consensus on how it approaches LFP charging and balancing.

I can immediately recognise why it's wrong because I have applied both to my very own battery and witnessed the correct behaviour. That's common sense according to me.
It's better because it can easily tested to be *better* in the real world testing also. I'm not making this up. This is also what every LFP cell's datasheet says.
Exactly this. There are some very bright people on here who have invested in learning about this that I can count on because of their real life experience applying that knowledge. I think I will follow their lead.

Now, if a newbie comes on here and lays out their creds, say from the manufacturing or testing side of things, I'm all ears.

Make a simple video comparing the behaviour shown by cycling 4S LFP battery following both, the consensus on this forum and the proper way according to Nordkyn. Never was my ingenuity in the first place.

The differences alone will speak for themselves. As simple as that.
Why take my words for anything when it can be readily tested and observed to be true in real world experiments.

As of now, there's not a single such video in existence as I know of comparing those two.
Make a simple video comparing the behaviour shown by cycling 4S LFP battery following both, the consensus on this forum and the proper way according to Nordkyn. Never was my ingenuity in the first place.

You mean in a controlled environment, disconnected from an actual solar panel set-up?
3.0V - 3.5V - 3.0V, with solar, in real world conditions and an array scaled accordingly, with a battery aiming to provide days of autonomy in an off-grid application? I've been doing that with mine for close to five years now. What exactly would be 'better' by using a 'standard' cycle method as per Nordkyn when one doesn't even have the solar power available to do a 0.5C charge? (see my post #16 as well).
You mean in a controlled environment, disconnected from an actual solar panel set-up?
3.0V - 3.5V - 3.0V, with solar, in real world conditions and an array scaled accordingly, with a battery aiming to provide days of autonomy in an off-grid application? I've been doing that with mine for close to five years now. What exactly would be 'better' by using a 'standard' cycle method as per Nordkyn when one doesn't even have the solar power available to do a 0.5C charge? (see my post #16 as well).
0.05 C cut off is the entire point of this thread. Not 0.5 C charge.
You mean in a controlled environment, disconnected from an actual solar panel set-up?
3.0V - 3.5V - 3.0V, with solar, in real world conditions and an array scaled accordingly, with a battery aiming to provide days of autonomy in an off-grid application? I've been doing that with mine for close to five years now. What exactly would be 'better' by using a 'standard' cycle method as per Nordkyn when one doesn't even have the solar power available to do a 0.5C charge? (see my post #16 as well).
You beat me to it. Real world vs lab

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diy solar