diy solar

diy solar

Hello from Mexico

Sorry WY , I spent 20 yrs at 5800 ft of elevation in Utah dealing with all the B.S that goes with that... never again!
Ok. Now I’m curious about the issues with living at 5800 ft….

Somebody beat me to the inverter minisplit. And in case you haven’t seen it yet. Mr. Cool seems to be a diy-able system. Lots, and lots, of installs. Maybe check out the Garage Journal Forum.

And welcome!
Looks like I can reduce my daily usage significantly by changing out the old ac units. The old unit pulls 3380w according to the manual and a new one specs out at 1880w.
Ok. Now I’m curious about the issues with living at 5800 ft….

Somebody beat me to the inverter minisplit. And in case you haven’t seen it yet. Mr. Cool seems to be a diy-able system. Lots, and lots, of installs. Maybe check out the Garage Journal Forum.

And welcome!
Where I was it's cold , weeks where the temps were high teens, lows in the negatives, snow, lots of wind, I've seen 70mph gusts , coldest day ever was -26f . Frozen pipes, plastic truck door handles snap off if you try to open them , if you get the door open it shreds the door gasket.
Miserable for 9 mos a year. Beautiful for 3 mos
Where I was it's cold , weeks where the temps were high teens, lows in the negatives, snow, lots of wind, I've seen 70mph gusts , coldest day ever was -26f . Frozen pipes, plastic truck door handles snap off if you try to open them , if you get the door open it shreds the door gasket.
Miserable for 9 mos a year. Beautiful for 3 mos
Yep, except I got to see -32 Fn degrees. Only miserable here for 4 months tho. Gonna pack my stuff and head for Loreto, BC, my favorite spot on the east coast of the west coast. ?
Yep, even outdoor cats make it through somehow.

Do you mind sharing a ball park on housing costs?
You can build a home here for 70 usd a sq ft.
We are currently renting a 2 bedroom apt with gated parking area for 630 a month. I know a guy here who rents a 2 bedroom home with a 4 car garage for 600. Depends on what your after, beachfront or in town etc.. , nothing is more 5 min to the beach. You can rent 4 bedroom homes for under 900.
You can build a home here for 70 usd a sq ft.
We are currently renting a 2 bedroom apt with gated parking area for 630 a month. I know a guy here who rents a 2 bedroom home with a 4 car garage for 600. Depends on what your after, beachfront or in town etc.. , nothing is more 5 min to the beach. You can rent 4 bedroom homes for under 900.
The annual fishing license for foreigners was $10 USD last time I bought one. A fishing license is more important than a house. :rolleyes:

diy solar

diy solar