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diy solar

Help Us Develop Solar Assistant App for LaMetric Time!


New Member
May 22, 2024
United Kingdom
Hey everyone,

I hope you're all doing great! We at LaMetric are working on an exciting new app for our LaMetric smart devices that integrates with Solar Assistant, allowing you to easily monitor your solar energy production and consumption.

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We're looking for solar enthusiasts who use Solar Assistant and are willing to collaborate with us on app development. Specifically, we need someone who can share access to their Solar Assistant setup via MQTT for testing purposes.

If you're interested in helping us out or have any questions, please reply to this post or send me a private message. Your contribution will be invaluable in creating a tool that benefits the entire community of solar energy users.

Thanks a lot for considering this opportunity, and we're looking forward to hearing from you!

So you have an MQTT broker and just want us to publish the data?
How can we make sure inverter settings are not changed via MQTT? SolarAssistant allows changing values via MQTT.
So you have an MQTT broker and just want us to publish the data?
How can we make sure inverter settings are not changed via MQTT? SolarAssistant allows changing values via MQTT.
Ideally, we need access to the existing MQTT broker where SolarAssistant publishes data. Alternatively we can provide access to our test MQTT broker so that the data from SolarAssistant can be bridged there (one way). In the latter case, we will not be able to accidentally change anything, as we will be working with a "twin" broker. But this setup may be a bit tricky.
I see...
I currently don't have an MQTT broker setup, so sorry, can't help.

diy solar

diy solar