diy solar

diy solar

How long can you (and your family) survive if the grid went down for an extended period?

No one mentioned how they intend to deal with the massive amount of people who have a massive number of assult weapons
They be hard pressed to out gun my next door neighbor. It's been wild to watch them grow from thier humble beginnings to what they are today.

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Interesting idea. I'm assuming the water from the dehumidifier should be put thru some sort of filter before drinking?

No need. I keep it spotless. The resulting water is distilled. I have some mineral drops to make it more palatable, and so it won't leach minerals from the body. If it were to get dirty from use, I've got a half-dozen LifeStraws.
What's the difference between those and any other semi auto rifle?

To me assault weapons are select fire, i.e. can be switched between semi and full auto.

Nothing. An AR-15 is functionally identical to a Ruger Mini-14. The reason people aren't all bonkers about Mini-14s is that they don't *look* like a weapon of war. The hysteria is all about appearances, not functionality.

Yup. And automatic assault weapons are already illegal in most locations.
and so it won't leach minerals from the body.

I believe this has been debunked many times already. Consensus is that drinking distilled water in similar amounts to what you would regularly drink during the day with meals etc. doesn't have any negative impact on the body. As far as I remember, the 'leaching minerals from the body' was in a paper from the 1980's, but has since been revised. While it might impact you in some cases when you don't have a proper diet, there are enough minerals in food that get expelled anyway because of excess.
No one mentioned how they intend to deal with the massive amount of people who have a massive number of assult weapons
That plus I wouldn't take any comfort knowing you're sitting there prepared and you have something others don't have, be it food, electricity, whatever.
When push comes to shove, things get ugly no matter how well prepared you think you are.
I believe this has been debunked many times already. Consensus is that drinking distilled water in similar amounts to what you would regularly drink during the day with meals etc. doesn't have any negative impact on the body. As far as I remember, the 'leaching minerals from the body' was in a paper from the 1980's, but has since been revised. While it might impact you in some cases when you don't have a proper diet, there are enough minerals in food that get expelled anyway because of excess.

"Leach" may not be the correct term, but drinking distilled water only can lead to not enough of the minerals one would normally get through "normal" water. You're still going to eliminate electrolytes through urine, but you won't be replacing them through distilled water.

Granted, that these minerals can certainly be replenished through a proper diet, I suspect that a proper diet may not be possible in a SHTF scenario, and maintaining a proper mineral and electrolyte balance could be crucial.
That plus I wouldn't take any comfort knowing you're sitting there prepared and you have something others don't have, be it food, electricity, whatever.
When push comes to shove, things get ugly no matter how well prepared you think you are.
Exactly. You have to come out of your bunker at some point. Good luck keeping your guard up, and all your loved ones guards up as well, 24/7. Criminals / ne'er do wells always have the advantage.. they don't have to do anything productive with their time (usually) and generally have the element of surprise.
At least ten years, but more while we have enough health to gather food. The wife and I have ten years of freeze dried food (that we freeze dried ourselves) and dried goods stored in root cellars off grid. That's ten years of eating nothing but stored food and not including the grouse, snowshoe hare, bear and moose we can harvest on the property or the fireweed, blueberries, cloud berries, currants and other food we can gather or grow. In Alaska, in two weeks we can harvest enough salmon river fishing during the run to both eat a pound of salmon a day for 365 days. This was our first year growing anything other than potatoes and this year we dipped our toes in with two types of lettuce, bak choy, broccoli, collard greens, cauliflower, and onions growing along with the potatoes. Based on our results we'll plan an underground greenhouse so we can grow some things year round and then an above ground high tunnel to extend into tomatoes and peppers and hopefully corn. Chicken coop once I can figure out a plan to feed them indefinitely which will include growing their food (barley, black soldier fly, duckweed) and storing enough grain for them while we experiment with growing their food. Trout and catfish and tilapia eventually with the underground greenhouse growing mostly greens.

Power all provided by solar, heat provided mostly by solar via a heat pump (firewood for backup), and water provided by rain but we have a spring to develop as well if we can figure out how to filter the iron out.

Low population around us, surrounded by public forest, and we're in a tough to get to spot (1000 foot up on all four sides, all hard to traverse terrain and forest, one mile tracked ATV trail to get to our place from the nearest dirt road). And being in the center of our fifty acres, we have the benefit of trenched fiber and power lines throughout the forest running thermal and other cameras and sensors with AI detection so we'd have a good idea if somebody were trying to pay us a visit. We do that so we can keep track of the bears and moose before we leave the safety of the cabin since we don't have people showing up uninvited around here.

If SHTF, it won't take long for the population to decline even further. For the zombie situation an AR-15 is nice but if you have to use that you're in a bad spot unless you have an army on your side and can feed it. Sensors and homebuilt drone technology is where the real defense is to be found for small scale family/community types. Anti-drone technology is where Second Amendment folks should be concentrated on for hostile government action, but at that point all bets are off and vulnerable solar panels will be the first thing they take out.
At least ten years, but more while we have enough health to gather food. The wife and I have ten years of freeze dried food (that we freeze dried ourselves) and dried goods stored in root cellars off grid. That's ten years of eating nothing but stored food and not including the grouse, snowshoe hare, bear and moose we can harvest on the property or the fireweed, blueberries, cloud berries, currants and other food we can gather or grow. In Alaska, in two weeks we can harvest enough salmon river fishing during the run to both eat a pound of salmon a day for 365 days. This was our first year growing anything other than potatoes and this year we dipped our toes in with two types of lettuce, bak choy, broccoli, collard greens, cauliflower, and onions growing along with the potatoes. Based on our results we'll plan an underground greenhouse so we can grow some things year round and then an above ground high tunnel to extend into tomatoes and peppers and hopefully corn. Chicken coop once I can figure out a plan to feed them indefinitely which will include growing their food (barley, black soldier fly, duckweed) and storing enough grain for them while we experiment with growing their food. Trout and catfish and tilapia eventually with the underground greenhouse growing mostly greens.

Power all provided by solar, heat provided mostly by solar via a heat pump (firewood for backup), and water provided by rain but we have a spring to develop as well if we can figure out how to filter the iron out.

Low population around us, surrounded by public forest, and we're in a tough to get to spot (1000 foot up on all four sides, all hard to traverse terrain and forest, one mile tracked ATV trail to get to our place from the nearest dirt road). And being in the center of our fifty acres, we have the benefit of trenched fiber and power lines throughout the forest running thermal and other cameras and sensors with AI detection so we'd have a good idea if somebody were trying to pay us a visit. We do that so we can keep track of the bears and moose before we leave the safety of the cabin since we don't have people showing up uninvited around here.

If SHTF, it won't take long for the population to decline even further. For the zombie situation an AR-15 is nice but if you have to use that you're in a bad spot unless you have an army on your side and can feed it. Sensors and homebuilt drone technology is where the real defense is to be found for small scale family/community types. Anti-drone technology is where Second Amendment folks should be concentrated on for hostile government action, but at that point all bets are off and vulnerable solar panels will be the first thing they take out.
You might just make it sir. The cold and the long winters would be OK with me, but the wife couldn't do it.
You might just make it sir. The cold and the long winters would be OK with me, but the wife couldn't do it.

We all make it until we don't. I think we're well set up in a Great Depression scenario, just like others who owned their land and grew their food were in the 1930s and 40s. I'm not worried about regular people during hard times. But in an economic collapse situation, I'd be worried about government action. Whether ours or China or whoever that might make moves on our homeland that is guarded by politicians with a very global mindset and a willingness to hand over the keys to our kingdom for a handful of silver. And should that government action occur, our situation is no better than the Starbucks barista. In our digital reality and with the technology state actors possess, pew pew is absolutely worthless and there really is no defense.
We all make it until we don't. I think we're well set up in a Great Depression scenario, just like others who owned their land and grew their food were in the 1930s and 40s. I'm not worried about regular people during hard times. But in an economic collapse situation, I'd be worried about government action. Whether ours or China or whoever that might make moves on our homeland that is guarded by politicians with a very global mindset and a willingness to hand over the keys to our kingdom for a handful of silver. And should that government action occur, our situation is no better than the Starbucks barista. In our digital reality and with the technology state actors possess, pew pew is absolutely worthless and there really is no defense.

The first shot will likely be nukes detonated in the atmosphere. That renders anything wit a semiconductor N-P junction inop.

Good luck!
We have a genset for the Broup B well serving the 4 houses. We all get along well so that is not an issue. We would move to the RV, set up the solar panels and get all the gas and propane tanks filled first thing. We all have various small gensets for supplement.
When we do have an extended outage I run that big generator sparingly to charge up the pressure tanks and fill the gravity tank. It takes an hour a day to draw flushing and drinking water for all.
We personally do not have huge prepper stores so we would run out of food before anything else.
Collapse is a process, not an event. Having backup, security & stocks doesn't mean shit unless you have folks around you that can lend a hand if it's beyond your capabilities. When the snow cuts the road here the farmers, hillbillies, dope smokers and the off grid types all turn up to do the work.
"Leach" may not be the correct term, but drinking distilled water only can lead to not enough of the minerals one would normally get through "normal" water. You're still going to eliminate electrolytes through urine, but you won't be replacing them through distilled water.

Granted, that these minerals can certainly be replenished through a proper diet, I suspect that a proper diet may not be possible in a SHTF scenario, and maintaining a proper mineral and electrolyte balance could be crucial.
All the more reason to add mineral powder to your stash of nutreints.

diy solar

diy solar