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diy solar

Illegal Immigrants just ffs

You can't even see any difference between the current and previous administration ..... so, how would you know?

I am still patiently waiting to hear what Trump's administration actually DO to derail the globalist agenda and to fight the state-corporate merger.
I know for SURE that he gave billions to big pharma via warp speed. Without warp speed, there would be no toxic goo they called vaccines.
That was sarcasm lol
Either way, we will revisit these forums in 2026, when the selection that will take place in 2024 will change absolutely nothing, no matter who is selected.
Aenyc … you know agree with lot of things you say. The supposed difference is am most likely older then you seen a lot more. I have lived in and been around the World. Lot of dangerous bad places.

The biggest difference I have not given up. You have surrendered. The Star Spangled Banner was made famous because ppl died to keep that flag flying. The British out gunned them but still they kept the flag flying. If you had been there doubt you would of stayed. You’d of went home. Said the British can have it.

We got Our Bill of Rights and the British got us back financially. So maybe it wasn’t worth it. Fact everywhere I went in the World ppl even though they did not like America they respected the ppl. They knew we were tough mf’ers and if we decided to do something then it would happen. I have my doubts about Trump. However I know for a fact Biden is certain doom. I’ll take Trump for some breathing room.

Trump with drew from most of the globalist plans ….. you know that. A President does not have King Decree
Aenyc … you know agree with lot of things you say. The supposed difference is am most likely older then you seen a lot more. I have lived in and been around the World. Lot of dangerous bad places.

The biggest difference I have not given up. You have surrendered. The Star Spangled Banner was made famous because ppl died to keep that flag flying. The British out gunned them but still they kept the flag flying. If you had been there doubt you would of stayed. You’d of went home. Said the British can have it.

We got Our Bill of Rights and the British got us back financially. So maybe it wasn’t worth it. Fact everywhere I went in the World ppl even though they did not like America they respected the ppl. They knew we were tough mf’ers and if we decided to do something then it would happen. I have my doubts about Trump. However I know for a fact Biden is certain doom. I’ll take Trump for some breathing room.

Trump with drew from most of the globalist plans ….. you know that. A President does not have King Decree

I am still patiently waiting to hear what Trump's administration actually DO to derail the globalist agenda and to fight the state-corporate merger.
I know for SURE that he gave billions to big pharma via warp speed. Without warp speed, there would be no toxic goo they called vaccines.
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I am still patiently waiting to hear what Trump's administration actually DO to derail the globalist agenda and to fight the state-corporate merger.
I know for SURE that he gave billions to big pharma via warp speed. Without warp speed, there would be no toxic goo they called vaccines.
What you were asked was whether there is a difference between the current and previous administration ..... and you just want to name a few things you didn't like with the previous.

Does that mean you can see no difference?
I am still patiently waiting to hear what Trump's administration actually DO to derail the globalist agenda and to fight the state-corporate merger.
I know for SURE that he gave billions to big pharma via warp speed. Without warp speed, there would be no toxic goo they called vaccines.
I’m in agreement and know what he did. I also know he would not have forced ppl like Biden Admin did with taking the vaccines. Trump said it was volunteer for vaccines. He was on way out. No one would court his contest they didn’t want to set off civil war.
That is my opinion. The only way back is 2024 but feel it is going to result in a civil war anyway.

It seems to me you looked at Trump as a savior vs as a one man show. I hope the ignorant bastard vets ppl this time. Leaves that shit bird son in law and commie daughter at home. Trump made huge mistakes last time and biggest was playing up to that Q shit. It madd ppl angry because they jumped in over their head then felt abandoned. I have seen the Military use that shit before in foreign country’s Called winning hearts and minds.

I am no more privy to current govt things with Trump then you. These ppl on talk shows are not either. Corbett is repeating stuff I learned first hand. Something might be updated but not the majority. Why don’t listen to him. The average person does not follow long shit anymore. History which is vital has to be condensed…… Putin went into that long history which loses ppl.

These ppl in our society right now want shit McDonald quick. Or they are just wasting your online time aka Tommy.
I’m in agreement and know what he did. I also know he would not have forced ppl like Biden Admin did with taking the vaccines. Trump said it was volunteer for vaccines. He was on way out. No one would court his contest they didn’t want to set off civil war.
That is my opinion. The only way back is 2024 but feel it is going to result in a civil war anyway.

It seems to me you looked at Trump as a savior vs as a one man show. I hope the ignorant bastard vets ppl this time. Leaves that shit bird son in law and commie daughter at home. Trump made huge mistakes last time and biggest was playing up to that Q shit. It madd ppl angry because they jumped in over their head then felt abandoned. I have seen the Military use that shit before in foreign country’s Called winning hearts and minds.

I am no more privy to current govt things with Trump then you. These ppl on talk shows are not either. Corbett is repeating stuff I learned first hand. Something might be updated but not the majority. Why don’t listen to him. The average person does not follow long shit anymore. History which is vital has to be condensed…… Putin went into that long history which loses ppl.

These ppl in our society right now want shit McDonald quick. Or they are just wasting your online time aka Tommy.

I never looked at Trump as savior.
I simply realized that whoever occupies position of POTUS is completely irrelevant. its all one big theater, that is designed to distract the plebes every 4 years.
What i also learned is that we are ACTUALLY governed by unelected system of corporate oligarchy which actually controls what politicians will actually do once they are selected.

And dont even get me started on Putin. Putin gave you a very short, and abridged one-sided view.
If you want real history, read Edward's blog, he give much greater details. (And i can confirm it because I actually researched and learned this history first hand when i lived there, so there is a solid chance i know whats going on better than 99% of westerners)
I never looked at Trump as savior.
I simply realized that whoever occupies position of POTUS is completely irrelevant. its all one big theater, that is designed to distract the plebes every 4 years.
What i also learned is that we are ACTUALLY governed by unelected system of corporate oligarchy which actually controls what politicians will actually do once they are selected.

And dont even get me started on Putin. Putin gave you a very short, and abridged one-sided view.
If you want real history, read Edward's blog, he give much greater details. (And i can confirm it because I actually researched and learned this history first hand when i lived there, so there is a solid chance i know whats going on better than 99% of westerners)
I don’t look up to putin

I know a shit ton about him.

I know real history because have lived and looked into it.

Ppl that were Qtards got left at the Trump Train Station.

The only way to fix things is bottom up. I have told you that over and over. That is called grass roots. Ppl should have been doing that before trump. Your locals - elected can shelter you more your State can shelter you more then your federal. At some point the Right became completely withdrawn RINO took over because no one vetted them. Nobody gave a shit they were fat dumb stupid and happy. They got drink fuck and watch the game. That is all they wanted. So they let the world get all fucked up.

We are hanging on by a thread right now and you are running around with scissors. When you cut it all hell is going to break loose. You will probably get killed. Won’t be me
I don’t look up to putin

I know a shit ton about him.

I know real history because have lived and looked into it.

Ppl that were Qtards got left at the Trump Train Station.

The only way to fix things is bottom up. I have told you that over and over. That is called grass roots. Ppl should have been doing that before trump. Your locals - elected can shelter you more your State can shelter you more then your federal. At some point the Right became completely withdrawn RINO took over because no one vetted them. Nobody gave a shit they were fat dumb stupid and happy. They got drink fuck and watch the game. That is all they wanted. So they let the world get all fucked up.

We are hanging on by a thread right now and you are running around with scissors. When you cut it all hell is going to break loose. You will probably get killed. Won’t be me

You tell me you know this you know that.
Yet you are the one here who trusts Putin (who has been in power for 24 years and sold what was remaining of USSR industrial power to China and all financial controls to international banksters)!!!), Tucker (Who applied to the CIA but was rejected, worked for every single mass media outlet including CNN, and now claims he is the defender of free speech, LOL), Musk (Who makes money on Carbon credit scam) and Trump (Who only cares about Trump) and you still believe we can vote ourselves out of this.
If you truly believe we can still vote ourselves out of this mess, then you truly know nothing.
Grassroots is action at our level. I have posted a gazillion times what that action entails.
What amazes me about Georgia all the republician in office before Trump and then in 2022 the republican Governor on down all got re-elected But in 2020 and 2021 republicans lost. That is a stretch…. No ? Trump lost GA and so did the republican senatorsbut those key top Georgia republicans get re-elected with lot more votes then previous election for them. Crazy

Raffensperger mopped the floor with his opponent.
However the Republican senator candidates both lost in 2020 -2021 run off giving Senate to Schumer. Trump lost too. Hmmmm something fishy.
They - Democrat Left are going to cheat their ass off again in 2024 election. Might as well get ready for the coming War. Either way think 98% the Left will War if Trump wins think 50% the Right might war if Biden wins

The illegals will be voting. Almost guarantee for democrat. The illegals are voting in free shit…for themselves. Who could blame them if we allow it. The law reads if the illegals Vote and are caught - suppose to be deported with no chance of ever coming back. They will just get new id. The system is so swamped they will sneak back.

I know ppl that hired illegal workers because those illegals had real State id: Drivers license and social security cards.
Their workers would work for a year or so, leave, and then come back in few months as someone else - different- new drivers license and social security card. They never paid the obuma insurance, never paid taxes, and went to the govt - hospitals and got free medical care for them and their families. They most likely voted too. The ppl that hired them were managers over large chain restaurants and were not allowed to say anything by corporate policies concerning what they thought - knew were faked id… Again the id and social security cards were usa govt - State issued. Crazy shit. Someone explained to me the govt loved it because these ppl were some how paying into unemployment fund and would never use it so corporations were happy too. They kept their unemployment account topped off with the State. I guess everyone is working a crooked angle. I still don’t understand that scheme. I guess follow the money.
The illegals loved month to month burner phones - used to call home.

The biggest problem with illegals is how to sort out the bad criminals? How to sort out the free shit grabbers? How to stop them from illegally voting for pay?

Dems and RINOS have come a long way since 2007

Back then ppl fleeing coming here were escaping communist and would never voted for democrats. So obuma sent them back.

Now we have communist fleeing contries coming here so the freed ppl there do not harm the communist. … so … the fleeing communist are coming here. The fleeing illegal communist are bringing democrat votes and communist ways. Joe biden says welcome comrades
that damn Southern Border will be sealed up tighter then a frogs butt swimming in the swamp.

Okay okay fixed it now Congress and our news media - our entire mobilization focus will be on the move. Sorry but ppl will be getting drafted tomorrow to seal it up. Shut it Down Shut it Down
$20 trillion going into this one maybe $100 trillion dollars Wait what comes after a trillion dollars?
Shut it all down.

Those ppl in Washington won’t know the difference. Shssss…


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