diy solar

diy solar

Illegal Immigrants just ffs

numbers skyrocketed.
Bob, them must be the ones on the busses, trains. the ones that can't just be sent make to Mexico.

but that show apprehensions and expulsions, I'd think you be all good with that.
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Bob , I think that would also change how you would fix it.
Trumps remain in Mexico policies would still work fine ..... The masses are crossing thru Mexico ... Trump actually talked Mexico into patrolling their side of the border with their military ..... also stopping them at Mexico's southern border.

There are documentaries that show how the flow works ...... They fly them into South America and a series of NGO organizations .... paid by our tax dollars .... are set up to support them on their trek thru South America .... detailed maps, special trains and on and on to get them to our border where Biden forces the border patrol to just turn them loose and bus them wherever they want to go .... It's criminal and a violation of their oath of office.

Stop paying the NGO's that are facilitating them and force them to remain in Mexico and legally apply for entry.
So .... Do we need more judges ..... or less cases?
Bob more judges = less cases
if we had enough judges, we wouldn't need busses. they would have their day in court, then back to Mexico

The build-up means that a typical case now takes more than 4 years. Indeed, the backlog is so large that, even if each judge cleared 5 cases from the docket every single day
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Bob more judges = less cases
if we had enough judges, we wouldn't need busses. they would have their day in court, then back to Mexico
Less illegals = Less cases

Just vote for Trump and watch the cases go down.
Why are you bashing Corbett ad hominem? If someone disagrees with you on something do you automatically bash that person? That is childish!

Does it matter where he lives? I don't know his whole story, but from what I remember he originally went there to teach English, and then got married to a Japanese girl and has been living there ever since... but does that really matter?

Do you disagree about Spy bases in Ukraine?
Do you disagree about Bill Gates?
Do you disagree about Rothchilds?
Do you not support body sovereignety?
Do you not support individual rights?
Do you not support volunteerism (You probably dont, you want to force people to do what YOU want)

Why are you bashing Corbett ad hominem? If someone disagrees with you on something do you automatically bash that person? That is childish!

Does it matter where he lives? I don't know his whole story, but from what I remember he originally went there to teach English, and then got married to a Japanese girl and has been living there ever since... but does that really matter?

Do you disagree about Spy bases in Ukraine?
Do you disagree about Bill Gates?
Do you disagree about Rothchilds?
Do you not support body sovereignety?
Do you not support individual rights?
Do you not support volunteerism (You probably dont, you want to force people to do what YOU want)

Why are you so in love with corbett? You ran right to him when bob posted set you up again 😀🤡🤣
Why are you so in love with corbett? You ran right to him when bob posted set you up again 😀🤡🤣

you should watch the episode. They even bash some of your favorite people.
Why are you bashing Corbett ad hominem? If someone disagrees with you on something do you automatically bash that person?
I don't like the guy .... pure and simple .... I will bash him whenever I see fit ..... I wouldn't like him EVEN IF he was in love with voting ...... but, got a busy day and don't have time to argue about it.
I don't like the guy .... pure and simple .... I will bash him whenever I see fit ..... I wouldn't like him EVEN IF he was in love with voting ...... but, got a busy day and don't have time to argue about it.

Ok, very mature!
When I see people like you, maybe poopiejoe really did get 81M votes.... After all they all hated Trump and did everything they could to bash him!

PS. Globalist scumbags are clapping their hands!
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Ok, very mature!
When I see people like you, maybe poopiejoe really did get 81M votes.... After all they all hated Trump and did everything they could to bash him!

PS. Globalist scumbags are clapping their hands!
You can turn say whatever - you stated you don’t won’t vote so you have no voice
Its the opposite
You VOTED for whatever is coming to you.
When you go to las vegas to gamble you pick your game. Most ppl know odds are in favor of the house but they gamble anyway. Some ppl get lucky or are picked to have a good win.

You by never playing will never win. Won’t take a chance Even a small one like a vote
When you go to las vegas to gamble you pick your game. Most ppl know odds are in favor of the house but they gamble anyway. Some ppl get lucky or are picked to have a good win.

You by never playing will never win. Won’t take a chance Even a small one like a vote

In this game, the only winning move is not to play.
Thank you

That was sarcasm lol
Either way, we will revisit these forums in 2026, when the selection that will take place in 2024 will change absolutely nothing, no matter who is selected.

Why I like Corbett - pretty simple, he presents well researched information, that includes hyperlinks to all sources, many of which are official. He is also one of the few independent journalists that has been consistently correct about things since roughly 2010.
And the main reason - I have observed a lot of this stuff myself, always wondering that many things dont make sense, unless all of it is intentional. I have been taking mental notes, and then when Covid craze started I began researching things of which i took mental notes. This is how i found Corbett, who has much better writing and documenting skills than I do, but the message was pretty much what I have observed.

Not to mention that some very respected people also give credit to him (Such as Dr Malone, Dr Meryll Nass, etc).
I dont care if you two (Bob and D71) bash or ignore him. I know i wont change your mind. If people still believe selections make any difference, well they are normies, the same normies that took the covid jab (I understand Bob took it but later came to regret it? Maybe there is hope for Bob!)

These posts are for anyone actually curious about why things are the way they are.
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That was sarcasm lol
Either way, we will revisit these forums in 2026, when the selection that will take place in 2024 will change absolutely nothing, no matter who is selected.
You can't even see any difference between the current and previous administration ..... so, how would you know?

diy solar

diy solar