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diy solar

Is, 18650 Battery Store owned by Epoch Batteries?


New Member
Oct 9, 2022
I ordered Eve 304AH batteries from 18650 battery store, And UPS sent a message for the shipment form EDG SALES INTERNATIONAL LLC.

When I go to there site, It's Epoch Batteries, They even have the same Address as 18650 battery store.
They are affiliated, but not sure exactly how. My guess is that they are legally separate entities with common/overlapping ownership. If you go in their warehouse, both Epoch and 18650 products are on pallet racks right next to each other, and boxes with both companies’ labels are intermingled in the area waiting for UPS/FedEx pickup.
They are affiliated, but not sure exactly how. My guess is that they are legally separate entities with common/overlapping ownership. If you go in their warehouse, both Epoch and 18650 products are on pallet racks right next to each other, and boxes with both companies’ labels are intermingled in the area waiting for UPS/FedEx pickup.
Interesting, Thank's for the info, I hope for the same quality as Epoch.

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