diy solar

diy solar

Is Sol-Ark still sending data to China?


Solar Wizard
Jun 6, 2020
I'm honestly wanting to know if Sol-Ark is still sending data to servers in China still in order to view your systems status/performance? There was some lengthy discussion last year about someone even sending a message to the "CEO" of Sol-Ark asking them to please stop doing that and setup a server outside of China. I was wondering if that was ever done.
I pulled my dongles after updating software. I don’t need any monitoring. I know whether I need more pv, more battery, more solarks. My JK BMS LCD screens tell me plenty too. If I’m not home, well I can’t do anything about a problem. I sure won’t ask anyone else to enter my power shed.
They are transferring over:

They are transferring over:

I guess the Chinese collected everything they needed, or maybe the kickback to Sol-Ark for the data has ended so Sol-Ark is going to sell it to Amazon now instead. :p
As a cybersecurity professional, I can assure you there is nothing paranoid about knowing (not worrying if) your data is being collected by foreign agents. We've tested network interface cards and found some beaconing to Chinese registered IP addresses before the servers containing them even booted up.

Only solution? Don't use the internet. No other way to say it.
As a cybersecurity professional, I can assure you there is nothing paranoid about knowing (not worrying if) your data is being collected by foreign agents. We've tested network interface cards and found some beaconing to Chinese registered IP addresses before the servers containing them even booted up.

Only solution? Don't use the internet. No other way to say it.

That doesn't sound very fun at all, does it Precious?

I'm honestly wanting to know if Sol-Ark is still sending data to servers in China still in order to view your systems status/performance? There was some lengthy discussion last year about someone even sending a message to the "CEO" of Sol-Ark asking them to please stop doing that and setup a server outside of China. I was wondering if that was ever done.
As posted previously in the thread we are expecting to move to US-based servers very soon! The website will also be handled in-house here at Sol-Ark giving us greater control over feature fixes. This move should be happening very soon although I am hesitant to give an exact timeline. If you are still not comfortable connecting to the monitoring platform in the meantime it is not required for the functionality of the inverters. We only recommend connecting it temporarily, even through a hotspot, to get a firmware update on commissioning to ensure the inverter is running with the latest firmware. Some inverters have been sitting in warehouses for some time and may still contain older firmware versions with known issues.

We by no means require you to have the monitoring platform and do not require you to make an account for the update, but it does have to be connected to the internet briefly for the update. You can also purchase an "Autoupdater" from us with the firmware pre-loaded onto it which can allow you to update without the internet. This is typically reserved for installers, but you can always call and ask about it. We can not send out the firmware files through email or USB.

Although we do not currently have any local monitoring options ourselves, I have seen good success both with other consumers and myself with solar assistant and our inverters. This is not an endorsement in any way from Sol-Ark as they are 3rd party to us, but it may be worth looking at.
Or for the state side off-gridders when they invade the USA
While being mindful of China, we all should be more on guard with our current overbearing federal system.
Also, state and local governments.
All three, especially with the state of our country currently, will be a bigger threat to your way of life than China.
So keeping our inverter data off the internet to me, is the safest bet.
Or for the state side off-gridders when they invade the USA
They have no need to invade us. They already have our dollars. Last I checked they own one trillion in US Treasury debt instruments. The good news is that is still the safest investment and in some bizarre twist they have an incentive to not jeopardize that. They are still on a track to have the largest economy again, but that may still take a while.
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They have no need to invade us. They already have our dollars. Last I checked they own one trillion in US Treasury debt instruments. The good news is that is still the safest investment and in some bizarre twist they have an incentive to not jeopardize that. They are still on a track to have the largest economy again, but that may still take a while.
I think you’re correct, there’s no need to invade the US. They’re just going to work with the BRICS countries to put an end to the Petro-Dollar and the US dollar as the worlds default currency. Buying and selling oil in currencies other than the USD.
The US treasuries aren’t performing well and are not a safe bet like they used to be. I believe that is PART of the reason you’ve seen a couple of these banks fail. Not to mention, there are other factors that not dare be mentioned on this forum.

Our government may be doing its best to put an end to petroleum in this country. However, other world powers such as Russia, and China etc, are going to continue to buy/sell/USE oil. Most of the world will continue to operate with fossil fuels and petroleum products. These very poor countries need cheap energy no matter what. Poor countries do not have the money to invest in renewables. This will allow China and Russia to buy/sell oil. Becoming more wealthy and more powerful.
For reference, Will did a video on China versus America a while back. He laid it out very well. Too many people in this country have become fat, lazy and hooked on social media. Too many people in the US have first world problems and really, truly forget other nations around the world need to operate at the cheapest cost no matter what just to survive daily. IE; oil.
So, therefore China being the worlds largest economy, in my opinion, won’t take as long as some people may think. I guess we’ll see how things play out?
Living off grid, trying to make myself as independent and self-sustaining as possible. In preparation for when things go bad, hoping they never will.
Many opinions on this subject however....

Edit: PS: Not to forget how much debt we owe to China in US treasury as you mentioned!!
Our government may be doing its best to put an end to petroleum in this country. However, other world powers such as Russia, and China etc, are going to continue to buy/sell/USE oil. Most of the world will continue to operate with fossil fuels and petroleum products. These very poor countries need cheap energy no matter what. Poor countries do not have the money to invest in renewables. This will allow China and Russia to buy/sell oil. Becoming more wealthy and more powerful.

China and russia control all of the resources needed to fulfill this pipedream of the climate change cultists where fossil fuels are out of the picture. Every solar panel you buy, every battery that is installed does the exact same thing you just spoke of above...sends money to china.