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diy solar

Issue with new Shed install


New Member
Dec 27, 2019
Hi all

I just recently mounted a new set up in my shed.

I was previously running a washing machine on a old AGM Deep cell which had been taken from a Truck hydraulic system hooked to a panel via cheap PWM I got with the Panel. This temp system ran the Machine without a problem for over 12 months

In comes my permanent install based on wills 400w system

100/50 Victron MPPT Smart Solar controller
and a 1500/3000 pure sine wave inverter

Battery is charged and I tested the inverted with a number of power tools and it working fine.

Upon hooking up the Washing machine water pumps in however the agitator motor does not start. Plugged it into the mains worked fine. plugged into the invert no go.

I then plugged my shed fridge into the inverter and it worked fine.

I'm scratching my head. Any ideas.


Does the agitator kick or feel like it is trying to start? Is this an old washer or a new whizz bang model? New one might be using an inverter design (it's more like a VFD) and might be getting upset at the waveform from the inverter, or if its an old AC motor style the power factor of the motor might be beyond the pure sine wave inverter's capability to drive. The inverter may not trip off in this circumstance but it just can't provide the oomph to get the motor running.
This machine is a Fisher and Paykel top loader and has been working with this inverter for 12months. The the Battery and the Charge Controller have changed in the setup

The water fills then it just sits there. When I pull the plug the power cord the agitator motor kicks but obviously doesn't continue due to the unplugged status.
Now previously I had the inverter sitting on the concrete floor. Now it's mounted on a board. I have been scratching my head about grounding as there is no grounding lug on the inverter and I haven't found any info around about how to go about grounding the system like this. It seems all the videos etc online assume you know how to ground the system.

In regard to the wires I have actually increased the size of them from the thin dodgy ones that came with the inverter.
Can you plug machine into Kill o watt or similar to see how many watts its pulling when motor starts. Im suspecting The "SMART" batter is so smart it wont output necessary amperage.
I'm not at home at the moment. But I'll do it when I get home this Arvo. I thought the specs said the battery is supposed to pull 100amps.

I'm hoping not but thinking the battery might be the issue. It's odd that it runs the fridge compressor tho. It may be that initial draw it needs. Will have a look.
How did you get on with your problem? Curious, what make is your inverter? I suspect the washing machine pulls a lot more current than a fridge. I’m very interested to hear the outcome as I am thinking of doing a similar setup.
Regards, Ross.
How did you get on with your problem? Curious, what make is your inverter? I suspect the washing machine pulls a lot more current than a fridge. I’m very interested to hear the outcome as I am thinking of doing a similar setup.
Regards, Ross.

Hi Ross

Been dealing with Bushfires heat and the like over the last week for work so time has been a bit light on. When I finally got a day off I look at the system and everything there seemed to be work. I had my fringe (which draws more power than the Washing machine) running all day on the inverter without a hitch. This machine had been working on this inverter for about 2 years now without a problem.

I tried the washing machine and again the water pump worked for pumping in/out but the agitator motor didn't work. I plugged it into to the mains power and the agitator motor didn't work either. Going to have a look at the motor on the machine when my oldman is over next.

In the meantime I've driven a ground spike and looking to wire the earth up to the system.


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