diy solar

diy solar

Just an observation


Solar Enthusiast
Nov 21, 2023
Private USA
Throwing this out there.
  • Went to the auto parts store today. Could have walked out money ahead if I didn't guide the kid into the correct amounts.
  • Got two different neighbors mail.
  • Picked up an order at the store, get mine, and another order - brought it back in.
  • Thinking about all this while at the ice cream shop on the way home. Ordered a large Strawberry shake as always. Out comes a raspberry shake. Girl asks "do you want me to re-make it?"
I am not trying to be mean. I honestly feel sorry for these people Seems like the school system is failing, or maybe they didn't try hard enough. I'm not sure. This is a partial day list, not a comprehensive list...

General societal decline? Not even a real problem, I just happen to notice patterns?
Throwing this out there.
  • Went to the auto parts store today. Could have walked out money ahead if I didn't guide the kid into the correct amounts.
  • Got two different neighbors mail.
  • Picked up an order at the store, get mine, and another order - brought it back in.
  • Thinking about all this while at the ice cream shop on the way home. Ordered a large Strawberry shake as always. Out comes a raspberry shake. Girl asks "do you want me to re-make it?"
I am not trying to be mean. I honestly feel sorry for these people Seems like the school system is failing, or maybe they didn't try hard enough. I'm not sure. This is a partial day list, not a comprehensive list...

General societal decline? Not even a real problem, I just happen to notice patterns?
You are not wrong.

It’s the movie “ Idiocracy” in real time.

Zero pride in job, zero personal accountability.
Zero pride in job, zero personal accountability.
That sums it up well. Not sure it is just to do with the job though. Zero drive period?

I suppose I am late to the party noticing since I live in a really rural area, and things take time to work their way over to us. Schools in this area were still even teaching things until recently I hear. Now the I'm a victim/I'm different than everyone thing is starting to take root.

Most of the issues are in the relatively big city of 8,000. Our small towns and co-ops still have some good smart kids working there. Maybe not for long, the way things are going.
That sums it up well. Not sure it is just to do with the job though. Zero drive period?

I suppose I am late to the party noticing since I live in a really rural area, and things take time to work their way over to us. Schools in this area were still even teaching things until recently I hear. Now the I'm a victim/I'm different than everyone thing is starting to take root.

Most of the issues are in the relatively big city of 8,000. Our small towns and co-ops still have some good smart kids working there. Maybe not for long, the way things are going.
It’s definitely a cancer.

We are fighting it daily.

Have managed to keep the purveyors of this crap out of positions of power in our county so far.

Requires daily pushback.
You are experiencing what USSR experienced in the mid-80s.
In the USSR there was a common belief of "they pretend to pay us, and we pretend to be working".
The attempted "equalization" of anyone thinking outside the box quickly made these people become quiet and apathetic

I will leave it up to you to do the research as to what happened next. Having lived there in the time period, I can confirm the rhyming of history. The only difference is that USSR was a very homogenious society when things finally fell apart in the 90's so the very real chaos that came after at the very least did not turn out into the very real civil war. With the US, all bets are off with all the d & i here...

This is an interesting comparison, at least on the surface it is very true, not in a sense of senile POTUS, but in a sense of nomenclatura (aka. deep state) really running the country in the open (it always has been, its just that the mask is finally off)

They get pissed off if you send the shake back - best to ask for a refund .... unless you want something extra in it.

IDIOCRACY was based on REAL LIFE..... watched it first time when came out ...... was laughing and thinking it is REAL LIFE.
That sums it up well. Not sure it is just to do with the job though. Zero drive period?
And you are correct also.
It’s stems from Participation trophies, parents not showing their children the real cost of success, that everyone is entitled to success regardless of effort.

It’s just not the real world.

As I have said many time I wish we could go back to a subsistence existence and things would change very quickly.

Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times.”
Exactly. "They pretend to pay us, we pretend to work."

In the last 10 years average pay for engineers has decreased 12%, and that's not including inflation. Most groups are like this. I had to cancel my dentist appointment last week because my employer decided I need to go support a plant in Mexico. The next available appointment is in February. They don't have enough hygienists. The fact they get paid the same as they did 15 years ago might have something to do with it.
Exactly. "They pretend to pay us, we pretend to work."

In the last 10 years average pay for engineers has decreased 12%, and that's not including inflation. Most groups are like this. I had to cancel my dentist appointment last week because my employer decided I need to go support a plant in Mexico. The next available appointment is in February. They don't have enough hygienists. The fact they get paid the same as they did 15 years ago might have something to do with it.
If we didn’t have rampant inflation then there wouldn’t be a need for wage increases.

Plus you have more kids wanting to be TIK TOK influencers rather than work.
“If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.”

I sincerely believe that banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies, and that the principle of spending money to be paid by posterity under the name of funding is but swindling futurity on a large scale.” –Thomas Jefferson to John Taylor, 1816. ME 15:23
My kid noticed I'm a little different from the other dads
I told him this story
In the forest, there was a crooked tree and a straight tree.
The straight tree would say to the crooked tree every day
I'm tall, and I'm straight, and I'm handsome.
Look at you... you're all crooked, and weird.
And they grew up in that forest together.
One day the loggers came, saw the crooked tree and the straight tree.
They said... take the straight trees and leave the rest
They turned all the straight trees into lumber.
And the crooked tree is still there, growing stronger and stranger every day.

diy solar

diy solar