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diy solar

Leaking Electrolyte from Bigbattery Powerblock

Hello SethRR,

I am sorry that you had a bad experience with your recently received battery from our company.

1.) Per our Warranty, your new replacement battery was already shipped out earlier this week.
2.) Our engineering team is awaiting the return of your battery in question to investigate further what may have caused this problem.
3.) Whatever our findings, I will be posting them here to this forum for everyone.

I am seeing the new pictures that you posted to this forum for the first time of a burnt BMS? These pictures were not shared with our customer service team prior. If it is in fact a leaking cell that caused your issue, you would be the first confirmed case of Will Prowse video's watched by (80,000) people after (15,000+) [NEC/Lishen Battery] Packs were sold. We will soon find out. Our team will update after we have had time to inspect your return.

As per your request for two (2) replacement batteries for your inconvenience, unfortunately that is not how our "Warranty Policy" works. If any business offered a return policy on high-value product like this - they wouldn't be able to stay in business. The best we can do is to offer a new replacement and cover all logistics costs (or) provide you with a free return label and give you a full refund. I believe that you chose to replace the battery. I hope you enjoy your new battery replacement. Have a wonderful weekend.

If I can do anything else to assist you, feel free to eMail me at:

Best Reguards,

Eric Lundgren : CEO
Hi everyone, did not realize this chat was going on here until Will just directed me to it. I figured Noone really cared since there were no comments on my post or update on the YouTube video. Here are the pics. Some more info too, I could smell a terrible smell as soon as I opened the outer carton but was hoping it was just manufacturing odors. Once I opened the inside carton, I knew for sure it wasn't right as the smell was VERY strong. The power button would not light up and the volt meter would not turn off and was reading about 7 volts. In the pics you can see the red and white wires are so corroded that they are no longer attached. Also I am a fairs fair type of guy...the type that on several occasions when two candy bars fall out if a vending machine when I paid for one have returned the free one. I would never take advantage or exploit anyone! I simply asked that since they gave Will 2 free packs, if I could be compensated the same? Why not? I paid for the first pack and had the same issue before even getting to use it.
In my humble opinion, Lishen may need to revisit that advice. I hope they are already in the loop re your recent issues.
Hello Solarbot,

Good Advice, we have actually spoken with Lishen about it and they claim that these new LiFePO4 cells are in fact able to be installed sideways.
Furthermore, After eight (8) months of safety testing, our (12V/Owl) using this Lishen Cell & Design has just been granted UL Certification.

After Will Prowse released his video to 80,000 Viewers and 15,000+ Customers of this product in question, there has been only one (1) unconfirmed case of a leaking battery by SethRR of which is TBD upon receipt and inspection. I know 1/15,000 is still too many and we hope to bring that number down to 0/15,000 in the future. : )

Thank you for your comments!


Eric Lundgren : CEO
Why is the information not on your web site or shared with your tech support? It seems that it would be a great selling feature.
Hello DouglasHHI:
It would be a great selling feature, but we are giving them away in units. It's not really meant to be something we profit on - just a 4th added safety feature. - Thank you for your comment. - Eric Lundgren
Per our LiFePO4 Batteries that use this fire extinguisher, we were unable to get them to hit thermal runaway in our tests.
The fire extinguisher is a (4th) safety feature provided for free in all our new lines of LiFePO4 Batteries that we sell. It auto-ignites at a certain temperature and disperses a fire-retardant within the pack. To my knowledge, the only two companies that are offering this added safety feature are ourselves and BYD. BYD China has done tests on the same unit using LFP that you can see online. To date, we have produced 37,000 Battery packs with ZERO thermal runaway issues. I find it fascinating that you have chosen to blast us over a free added safety feature.
I have to agree with you . You make a massive investment of money to try to get a good business going and the one or two problems you are always going to get on something new like LFP get blown out of all proportion . They won't leave it alone . better to just clam up and let it pass . You can't win with this forum so why try.

Forget it move on . They keep pushing thermal runaway but that's the doomsayers . They were out 5 years ago posting pictures of burning boats and aeroplanes and they are still there and here lurking about waiting for an opportunity to strike . Can't help themselves . All batteries and metals burn if you get them hot enough .
LFP ? Best damn thing to happen to DIY energy in 50 years . Stick with it mate.
Hello SethRR,

I am sorry that you had a bad experience with your recently received battery from our company.

1.) Per our Warranty, your new replacement battery was already shipped out earlier this week.
2.) Our engineering team is awaiting the return of your battery in question to investigate further what may have caused this problem.
3.) Whatever our findings, I will be posting them here to this forum for everyone.

I am seeing the new pictures that you posted to this forum for the first time of a burnt BMS? These pictures were not shared with our customer service team prior. If it is in fact a leaking cell that caused your issue, you would be the first confirmed case of Will Prowse video's watched by (80,000) people after (15,000+) [NEC/Lishen Battery] Packs were sold. We will soon find out. Our team will update after we have had time to inspect your return.

As per your request for two (2) replacement batteries for your inconvenience, unfortunately that is not how our "Warranty Policy" works. If any business offered a return policy on high-value product like this - they wouldn't be able to stay in business. The best we can do is to offer a new replacement and cover all logistics costs (or) provide you with a free return label and give you a full refund. I believe that you chose to replace the battery. I hope you enjoy your new battery replacement. Have a wonderful weekend.

If I can do anything else to assist you, feel free to eMail me at:

Best Reguards,

Eric Lundgren : CEO
Actually my replacement didn't get sent out til late Friday, AFTER I started commenting on this thread. I did share the pics of all the outside damage with your customer service. After your customer service and engineer insinuated I caused the damage, I removed the top and took pics of the wire damage. If it's really 1 outta 15,000, shouldn't be a problem to provide some kind of compensation. How many have you GIVEN to Will and other reviewers?
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After your customer service and engineer insinuated I caused the damage, I removed the top and took pics of the wire damage.
Would you be so kind as to get on some nitrile gloves and open the main compartment now? More than a bit curious about what happened inside.
I gotta say this is NOT reflecting favorably on BB.
I don’t necessarily agree that an extra free battery should be given ( although how cool would that be) maybe an accessory or even a future generous compensatory discount but BB C service should give rapid priority to customers that have bought these faulty expensive goods in good faith.
There may be more problem batteries out there that haven’t been discovered yet. ?
Those who have the problem battery model should keep a close eye on things.
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On Friday, I ordered 3 of the 24v HAWKS. Reading the responses here give me hope that the QA @ BB is sky high right now. The additon of the fire extinguisher to the HAWK was (as mentioned in this thread) is why I am keeping my order. My install will horizontal in a fixed location so should be good, I hope.

Now just waiting on them to ship . . . .
This is a great thread. @SethRR - that does look like an exterior issue - like something above it was leaking (water damage?). Was the box dry upon arrival? It does look like something got the inside of the bag/box wet. And for @Will Prowse - you have GREAT luck!!! This happened to the perfect person and you are relaying this story to all your viewers in real time. It was very informative watching you deal with that and then to read all the comments afterwards.

Now for @MrGreen - I will be ordering TWO 24V HAWKS tomorrow (payday/bonus day). You have been very responsive even when you are getting beat up. :)

I will report back to the forum when I get the units!

Actually my replacement didn't get sent out til late Friday, AFTER I started commenting on this thread. I did share the pics of all the outside damage with your customer service. After your customer service and engineer insinuated I caused the damage, I removed the top and took pics of the wire damage. If it's really 1 outta 15,000, shouldn't be a problem to provide some kind of compensation. How many have you GIVEN to Will and other reviewers?
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FYI - My batteries have shipped. To be clear, I had ordered 2 earlier and just added on the 1 on last Friday. In any event, they should be here (SE USA) next week. I'll post an update on how the install / 1st use goes.
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This is a great thread. @SethRR - that does look like an exterior issue - like something above it was leaking (water damage?). Was the box dry upon arrival? It does look like something got the inside of the bag/box wet. And for @Will Prowse - you have GREAT luck!!! This happened to the perfect person and you are relaying this story to all your viewers in real time. It was very informative watching you deal with that and then to read all the comments afterwards.

Now for @MrGreen - I will be ordering TWO 24V HAWKS tomorrow (payday/bonus day). You have been very responsive even when you are getting beat up. :)

I will report back to the forum when I get the units!

Need to do some more reading of the thread way its an exterior issue.
Wanted to provide everyone an update. I did receive my replacement on Tuesday and this one arrived in much better condition and seems to be fully operation unlike my first battery.

The leaking unit was delivered to BB mid-day on Wednesday (3/10), No word on the inspection...
If they’re smart they will document the entire receiving and inspection process. Sure hope they don’t expect people to just believe them.
If they document and post the process here I’ll buy one of their products purely out of positive reinforcement.
Actually my replacement didn't get sent out til late Friday, AFTER I started commenting on this thread. I did share the pics of all the outside damage with your customer service. After your customer service and engineer insinuated I caused the damage, I removed the top and took pics of the wire damage. If it's really 1 outta 15,000, shouldn't be a problem to provide some kind of compensation. How many have you GIVEN to Will and other reviewers?
I'm going to agree with BB here on the warranty. You get a replacement or refund. You don't get TWO new batteries for your one that had an issue. It's ridiculous that you asked in the first place and even more so that you persist in doing so.
Need to do some more reading of the thread way its an exterior issue.
I examined the pictures Seth. The top top plate of the unit is stained with whatever killed the BMS. Underneath that top plate shows where it seeped thru the sides. The strange pattern in the 3rd pic looks to be from the plastic bag. This unit has 2 pieces (Wills Review Photo), the unit would have had to been upside down for battery juice to flow into this section. Because of the bag impressions I would agree this was packed in the bag this way. Did UPS (assuming it was UPS) somehow drop it on it's head in transit? If there is a busted battery, that could be the reason.

Become an internet market mover and shaker. Then companies will throw things at you trying to get favorable coverage.
But if you care more about your reputation, that won't sway you and you will leave them off your recommended list, at great loss of affiliate revenue to yourself.
Absolutely agree, NOBODY does! But if ONE does so should EVERYONE else that has the same issue. I actually paid for mine, Will got his FREE, then got 2 MORE FREE.
Sorry, but you need to drop this line of thinking or you are just going to cause people to have sympathy for BB.

BB had good reason to try to appease Will .... I don't have any idea the amount of sales he sends there way, but I'm sure it's a lot.

Expecting the same treatment as Will gets is a totally unreasonable expectation.
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diy solar

diy solar