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diy solar

LF280K EVE cells FAKE Grade A cells !

Hello, can you tell us who the seller is? The community needs to know which sellers to avoid, those who cheat and lie about the quality of the cells. Thank you.
Now eve 280ah cells grade is a mess. In previous days, orginal QR (not fake QR) cells are grade A, B-marked cells are grade B. but now there are original QR A- cells which have better looking but similar performance as B-marked cells.

It is not able to know a cell is grade A or grade B by testing a single cell. You have to connect 16 cells together to make a pack, then know they are grade A or grade B, cells consistency matters.

How to guarantee to get real grade A cells? Sign a Purchasing Contract with EVE Directly! QR and Excel data report are all unreliable.

Now eve 280ah cells grade is a mess. In previous days, orginal QR (not fake QR) cells are grade A, B-marked cells are grade B. but now there are original QR A- cells which have better looking but similar performance as B-marked cells.

It is not able to know a cell is grade A or grade B by testing a single cell. You have to connect 16 cells together to make a pack, then know they are grade A or grade B, cells consistency matters.

How to guarantee to get real grade A cells? Sign a Purchasing Contract with EVE Directly! QR and Excel data report are all unreliable.


You'll need to provide some proof of your claims. This is the first I have heard of EVE having a low spec test report and a high spec test report. You said version 1 and version 2 test report, upload both so we can see.

I know for a little while EVE had a test report that only had 1 OCV and R OHM reading and these were on 18650 vs the ones on Ezeal and Sunfunkits they had 3 readings for OCV 1 / 2 / 3 and R1 / R2 / R3

but I verified with EVE directly and they said both are fine (note the reports of cells with the single value where white vs the normal green/yellow they have).

They never stated one of the test reports meant lower quality than the other.
If a reseller is willing to sand down QR codes and relaser them, you don’t think they could fabercoble up some fake excel “test reports”.

To me that seems like the easiest thing to fake. I’ve never been a fan of people holding up “test reports” as being the gold standard to EV grade vs trash.
If a reseller is willing to sand down QR codes and relaser them, you don’t think they could fabercoble up some fake excel “test reports”.

To me that seems like the easiest thing to fake. I’ve never been a fan of people holding up “test reports” as being the gold standard to EV grade vs trash.

Yes, to make fake test report is easier than QR.

I think only two kinds of cells: QC passed and QC failed.

Manufacturers only sign a contract with customers for QC passed cells. QC failed cells are sent to several large wholesale distributors.
You'll need to provide some proof of your claims. This is the first I have heard of EVE having a low spec test report and a high spec test report. You said version 1 and version 2 test report, upload both so we can see.

I know for a little while EVE had a test report that only had 1 OCV and R OHM reading and these were on 18650 vs the ones on Ezeal and Sunfunkits they had 3 readings for OCV 1 / 2 / 3 and R1 / R2 / R3

but I verified with EVE directly and they said both are fine (note the reports of cells with the single value where white vs the normal green/yellow they have).

They never stated one of the test reports meant lower quality than the other.

Grade A- cells test report has no OCV3 Time column.

Even test report format is not same, but it is very easy to make a fake one, so useless.
Claims who? You?
That is a 105 test report, no OCV3 column, in fact many EVE cells do not have a OCV3 column.

LF100 report

You claim its grade A-, EVE themselves say its fine.

I am beginning to think all you want to do is make the narrative, Hey Guys: Our grade B stamped cells are just as good as the "Grade A-" !

That is all the Ali Mafia want to really sell, I saw your review on Andy garage, a ridiculous overpriced priced battery with grade B cells that is $4700 without shipping.

NO ONE SHOULD BE PAYING MORE THAN $60.00/CELL FOR GRADE B STAMPED CELL in the 280/300 class. Regardless of the marketing bs a company may want to spin on it and making up baloney terms like LSEV, LSEV+, HSEV just makes you look bad.

Nice marketing, but still BS.

The only thing I give you is that you aren't re-lasering cells like so many others, but you are really pushing some dubious claims.
Claims who? You?
That is a 105 test report, no OCV3 column, in fact many EVE cells do not have a OCV3 column.

LF100 report

You claim its grade A-, EVE themselves say its fine.

I am beginning to think all you want to do is make the narrative, Hey Guys: Our grade B stamped cells are just as good as the "Grade A-" !

That is all the Ali Mafia want to really sell, I saw your review on Andy garage, a ridiculous overpriced priced battery with grade B cells that is $4700 without shipping.

NO ONE SHOULD BE PAYING MORE THAN $60.00/CELL FOR GRADE B STAMPED CELL in the 280/300 class. Regardless of the marketing bs a company may want to spin on it and making up baloney terms like LSEV, LSEV+, HSEV just makes you look bad.

Nice marketing, but still BS.

The only thing I give you is that you aren't re-lasering cells like so many others, but you are really pushing some dubious claims.

What I mentioned is LF280K.

If you are in China, and know some distributors, you will know what i am saying is truth.
Claims who? You?
That is a 105 test report, no OCV3 column, in fact many EVE cells do not have a OCV3 column.

LF100 report

You claim its grade A-, EVE themselves say its fine.

I am beginning to think all you want to do is make the narrative, Hey Guys: Our grade B stamped cells are just as good as the "Grade A-" !

That is all the Ali Mafia want to really sell, I saw your review on Andy garage, a ridiculous overpriced priced battery with grade B cells that is $4700 without shipping.

NO ONE SHOULD BE PAYING MORE THAN $60.00/CELL FOR GRADE B STAMPED CELL in the 280/300 class. Regardless of the marketing bs a company may want to spin on it and making up baloney terms like LSEV, LSEV+, HSEV just makes you look bad.

Nice marketing, but still BS.

The only thing I give you is that you aren't re-lasering cells like so many others, but you are really pushing some dubious claims.
Where can I order these $60 cells?

diy solar

diy solar