diy solar

diy solar

Lishen 272ah cells after 1-3/4 years


Solar Wizard
Sep 27, 2020
Update on the batteries in my MotorHome.

Today I did a useable capacity test and I am excited!

I installed eight 272ah Lishen cells - (12v - 544Ah battery) about 1-3/4 years ago. I did not do individual cell capacity tests, but after I got the battery made and installed I did a useable capacity test.

The way I did my test was when the battery is in absorbing mode and charging very little, and my Victron Smartshunt has reset to 100%. I cut all incoming energy and then used power until my Victron Multiplus cuts out. I call that the end of the test (yes my cells still have some Ah left in them - but I figure this gives me a good-safe- repeatable mark to test).

Right after I installed the battery, I got 527ah out of the battery. I was happy with my purchase! I figure a bit of the difference between 527ah and 544 ah is in the bottom few percentage.

We have been full-time RVers, so now 1-3/4 years later I redid the test and I got 521ah out. Wow! That really gives me confidence in these cells. They have probably operated the whole time above 50%, most days they get charged to 100% then down to 70 to 80% overnight, then back to 100%.

Anyway I just wanted to share how my cells are aging!


Here is a photo of my computer screen with the Batrium software. My cells were still between 3.04 and 3.08v, I was still burning 201w of DC power.

Yes it took 6hrs and 47 min to drain my battery! I made brownies (yum!) in the convection oven, had all the lights on, had an electric heater on plus computers, Starlink, Refrigerator, etc. I was using about 1000w of AC power at the end of the test plus 200w of DC power.
So “85 cycles” and loss of 1.1% capacity. I wonder how the next few years will treat you.

How are the cells in balancing? How often do you get them up to 3.65?
So “85 cycles” and loss of 1.1% capacity. I wonder how the next few years will treat you.

How are the cells in balancing? How often do you get them up to 3.65?
Yea I would have thought there would be a lot more than 85 cycles…

For charging I have my solar (1220w) as my main charger source - I have it set to 14.3v - 3.585v per cell. I have my Multiplus set for 14.2 - 3.55v per cell for generator and shore.

The cells seem to keep in balance ok. When I want to do a balance I set the “equalization” on my mppt’s to be correct for balancing- so I trigger an equalization manually.
Yeah I don’t know how the smart shunt tracks full cycles if you bounce around 80% and say 40% SOC

Either way I think you’re on track to hit the calendar aging vs “cycle count” if your usage stays the same.