diy solar

diy solar

Make Multiplus switch to grid when battery is low?


New Member
Feb 16, 2021
My system is a 2.5 kW with BB 24v 100ah batteries. The M+ is 24/2000 with cerbo (rsp) monitored through Victron VRM.
A BMV-712 is also part of the system.

Presently, the M+ is set to Solar and Wind priority and when the batteries or SOC get low I switch to "On" (grid) using VRM.

VE Config settings

The Charger tab on VE Config does not have Enable charger checked. I DO NOT want the grid charging the batteries, regardless.

What settings do I have to make so that when the battery voltage drops to a certain value the inverter instantly changes to grid?
I'm guessing the changes to made are in the Virtual Switch settings?

Here are my present M+ settings;
01- General Tab.png
02- Grid Tab.png
03- Inverter Tab.png
04- Charger Tab.png
05- Virtual Switch Usage Tab.png
06- Virtual Switch A Set VS ON Tab.png
07- Virtual Switch B Set VS OFF Tab.png
08- Virtual Switch VS options Tab.png
09- Advanced Tab.png
Simple way - connect with VictronConnect -> Settings -> AC input control ->
1. Conditional AC input connection: enable
2. Connect when battery voltage drops below X V
Simple way - connect with VictronConnect -> Settings -> AC input control ->
1. Conditional AC input connection: enable
2. Connect when battery voltage drops below X
I changed the settings, initially, by using VEconfig, after downloading the M+ settings file and then changing Advanced to remove the check on "limit internal charger to prioritize other energy sources". Those settings were then uploaded to the M+.

Once the above was done I could then switch to my phone (USB connected to M+) and make the changes to the settings in the areas of the M+ using VictronConnect, that you mentioned above.

Interestingly, once the changes were made you can't change the M+ mode "On" or "Inverting" while on VRM portal. My guess is since using the "limit internal charger to prioritize other energy sources" has been disabled the Conditional AC settings decide entirely when the grid takes over and when batteries take over.

Pretty far. I'll see how it works later today as the batteries voltage drops.

Thank you
Later tonight....

The changes made per Sigunas suggestions work perfectly and are exactly what I wanted (for now). The trouble I was having consisted of not understanding what the Virtual Switch is and what it does.

So, a few minutes ago I watched the system switch from Solar/batteries alone to Grid.

Attached are all of the settings the M+ was set to accomplish the above.
Grid is connected to the loads when battery voltage is below 25.2vdc for 20 seconds.

I'm sure I'll change them in the future.


  • Multiplus settings July 2 2024 1709.pdf
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diy solar

diy solar