diy solar

diy solar

measurement unit consensus.

Or maybe agree depending on what it is exactly you meant to say.

What I meant so say is, obviously, is that it really makes no difference to the system as a whole. They use litres for things like water - so it's easily converted to cubic metres/tons, and so on, drinks in pubs can be in pints, it makes no difference. Nobody wants to know the price per ton.
They just use metric for things that matter. Quite pragmatic.

On road signs... they would have to change them all.
Actually, in Spain, a few years ago the limit on motorways was 130 kmh. Then they changed it to 120. Then, to 100, thought better of it, changed it back to 120 after a year or so. They did have to change all the signs. They did it with adhesives. Cheap and quick.
In fact, in Palma, they recently made the main "ring road" (which is semi-circular, 12 km long) 80 kmh - from 120. It took a few hours to change the signs.
What I meant so say is, obviously, is that it really makes no difference to the system as a whole. They use litres for things like water - so it's easily converted to cubic metres/tons, and so on, drinks in pubs can be in pints, it makes no difference. Nobody wants to know the price per ton.
They just use metric for things that matter. Quite pragmatic.

On road signs... they would have to change them all.
Actually, in Spain, a few years ago the limit on motorways was 130 kmh. Then they changed it to 120. Then, to 100, thought better of it, changed it back to 120 after a year or so. They did have to change all the signs. They did it with adhesives. Cheap and quick.
In fact, in Palma, they recently made the main "ring road" (which is semi-circular, 12 km long) 80 kmh - from 120. It took a few hours to change the signs.
May I challenge that you are an actual Spanish person? I think you have native English roots and just migrated to less rainy parts of the world like we all should do ;)
I'm Italian, actually. Born there, still hold citizenship, lived here for more than 25 years.
English is my main language, though. Learned it as a child. My children are fully trilingual, and we speak a mix of the three :·)
ahh the Italian.

It's a breed of it's own. With great renown.

Can't really say much. I have not yet had my run ins with their women.

I do however am in awe of the Tuscany landscape.
If one ever needs a benchmark on how it's done right then look no further.

I do hear their woman are with fire though. Something I have still on my bucket list is a night or two and see how things go.

Respect bro!!

Come va?
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It's a breed of it's own.

I didn't think the apostrophe pandemic had made it to Holland too. More catchy than Covid, that thing is ;·)

As a breed, the Italians... they aren't much of one. Mainly a mix of Arabic and Germanic bloods, with a sprinkle of just about everything else thrown in. The mother of my children is Sicilian, mainly Arabic genes, I'm of mainly Viking/Germanic ones.
I didn't think the apostrophe pandemic had made it to Holland too. More catchy than Covid, that thing is ;·)

As a breed, the Italians... they aren't much of one. Mainly a mix of Arabic and Germanic bloods, with a sprinkle of just about everything else thrown in. The mother of my children is Sicilian, mainly Arabic genes, I'm of mainly Viking/Germanic ones.
Yes sir, that was a misinterpreted and poorly executed attempt of mine of giving praise.

It's like I said before. I do not want to fight.

Also English is not my native tongue. So sometimes it can happen that what in my head sounds as the nicest thing ever it gets butchered while I type it and even less well received by the readers.

Please just trust I am here in good fun. Let's have a party everyone!

By the way Don. Can you confirm the temperature of Italian ladies?
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Well, the apostrophe thing wasn't meant as a jab at you, more at the pandemic itself :·)
agreed, this pandemic did give a whole new meaning to temperature reading.

Especially in China once you offboard a plane it's a temp sensor to the head or wrist or both.

I just long for the good old times, in where temperature was still only related to something sensual/emotional.
Especially in China once you offboard a plane it's a temp sensor to the head or wrist or both.
Try Korea where it was temp check off the plane, temp check at baggage claim, temp check at customs, temp check at the quarantine hotel twice a day for 14 days, then temp checks twice a week when we pull into port in Busan...

All those IR readings are going to give us skin cancer by the time I get off this boat! ?
Watts - check
Amps - check
Volts - check

Checks SI unit notes... . Yep were good. Nothing to see here moving on.
Not entirely sure but there still seems to be an issue, very much related to the things we do on this site, between Gauss and Tesla.

As far as I understood Tesla and Gausse are liniar, unlike celcius and farneheit. So still things should be ok. But I actually went to the trouble to buy a flux meter and guess what. THe default setting was Tesla.
Not entirely sure but there still seems to be an issue, very much related to the things we do on this site, between Gauss and Tesla.

As far as I understood Tesla and Gausse are liniar, unlike celcius and farneheit. So still things should be ok. But I actually went to the trouble to buy a flux meter and guess what. THe default setting was Tesla.
Nah, totally different things. The Tesla just hurts, about 50 or 60 times a second where a Gauss hurts all at once! :)
Nah, totally different things. The Tesla just hurts, about 50 or 60 times a second where a Gauss hurts all at once! :)
We should not promote topics like that, But brother I'll tell you this. Once my turbine is operating I am sure I learned anough to make some wicked EM fields to propel some nasty objects at crazy speeds to nasty people.
First of all, metric has been an official and legal system of measurement in the US since 1866. Anyone who wants to use metric is free to do so.

What the government has not done is to mandate its use - which is not a legitimate function of government.

Second, metric units are often unintuitive.

Consider the units for energy. In the boating community it's common to use Watt-hours. But that's not a metric unit. The SI unit is the Joule, which is 1/3600th of a Watt-hour. Nobody uses it in this use cases because it's worthless when trying to envision how long your batteries are going to last.

We have the same issue with electric charge. The SI unit is the Coulomb, boaters use Amp-hours. 1 Ampere-hour = 3600 Coulombs. But again, nobody in boating uses Coulombs.

So no, we're not going to go all metric.
First of all, metric has been an official and legal system of measurement in the US since 1866. Anyone who wants to use metric is free to do so.

What the government has not done is to mandate its use - which is not a legitimate function of government.

Second, metric units are often unintuitive.

Consider the units for energy. In the boating community it's common to use Watt-hours. But that's not a metric unit. The SI unit is the Joule, which is 1/3600th of a Watt-hour. Nobody uses it in this use cases because it's worthless when trying to envision how long your batteries are going to last.

We have the same issue with electric charge. The SI unit is the Coulomb, boaters use Amp-hours. 1 Ampere-hour = 3600 Coulombs. But again, nobody in boating uses Coulombs.

So no, we're not going to go all metric.
well those sound like valid points to me! thank you for sharing. I will have to admit though that I am not qualified yet by miles (see what I did here ;))to form opinions for others.
By the way gang, call me paranoid or what ever you want.

I will make it obvious to what ever agency might be lurking here that they can better buy more noodles as what ever is being done here does not cross any boundary yet.!! Or are we now all of a sudden on the radar because all those million times before there were actual signals they did nothing?

So gang, My name is Fouad Daniels from the submerging country of The Netherlands.

Now at least I trust less of our hard spend tax goes to bad use ;)And gang I am still of a very strong and sound mind so don't worry. Yes I ramble a lot.

But I also have strong opinions ;) let's see if we can safe the world inch by inch together yes?
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hahhahahhahha. how silent it becomes once everyone realizes that we are being watched by agencies.

Don't fear guys. even the FBI is tripping over their own feet while they might be the best there is.
Read up on it in this post: Pronouns and apostrophes
Yes I read your post in the mean time.
It's better written than what ever English classes we had here in the NL.

I am sure non natives will make the occasional mistake. But let me share something really shameful. My own language I also butcher all the time ;( ;)

Other than of course the correct use of punctuation. One thing I think can prevent a lot of misunderstandings, that can arrise from written conversation between natives and non natives, of intend are emoticons.
My own language I also butcher all the time
I pride myself for my ability to butcher any language.

The interesting thing to me is that Dutch seems to be a very good mix of English and German with a few other languages thrown in. Having had a few German classes, I found that I could usually read printed text in The Netherlands, but I could never understand any of it spoken. My first exposure was at the airport when the customs officer asked if I had anything to declare. I was so surprised at hearing the language spoken that my jaw dropped and I uttered, "uuuhhhhhhhh." He then asked me in English....

diy solar

diy solar