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diy solar

Mixing different capacity cells in a battery

D. Abineri

New Member
Jun 25, 2021
Blacksburg, VA
Is there a problem in mixing, for example, some 200 Ah cells with 240 Ah cells in the same 48V pack? I realize that the internal resistances may be different but will that be a problem for a balancer to handle?

The entire battery capacity will be the capacity of the lowest cell. There will be increased difficulty determining when the battery is depleted as the lower capacity cell voltage will drop much faster than the others at the bottom of the curve.
I’m going to assume you’re talking LFP cells.
It shouldn’t be a problem for the most part, you’ll have to do a little extra work, and your battery will only be able to provide the Ah of the weakest cell. In reality, we all mix capacities in our batteries since the cells aren’t all identical. You’re just planning to do a little more extreme version.
Here’s what I would do:
1. Top balance the pack prior to assembly. You should always do this anyway, but it’ll be more important in this case.
2. Assemble the battery pack and do a discharge test. When you get near the end of the test, monitor the voltages of your cells to determine if you want to make some changes to a ‘normal’ LFP operating model based on what happens when your battery is nearly empty. In a perfect battery, you could run your loads down to (for example) 43.2 volts (2.7V x 16) and every cell would be right at 2.7V. Your battery will not be like that. When the weakest (lowest Ah rating) cells are mostly discharged, the stronger cells will still have lots of life left… So you may not ever be able to run a load down that far because the BMS will cut power when a single cell is depleted, even though the battery voltage might still be, say 47.5V (one cell at 2.5V, and the rest around 3.0V). That’s an extreme case, but it should basically be the only real problem you’re likely to have.
From the top end of SOC to near the bottom, you probably wouldn’t be able to tell the cells apart based on how they perform. You’ll just find that the weaker cells start to drop in voltage quicker at the bottom end.

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diy solar