diy solar

diy solar

New build, big block.


New Member
May 5, 2024
QLD, Australia
About to start a shed and cabin build on a 250acre block of natural bush/ rainforest in North Queensland. Not wanting to use grid power and the cost of getting a grid connection to the site mean I'll be going full off grid.
Problem is I'm really struggling to find anyone to help me out with a system. I'd love to just go full DIY but as far as I can see that isn't really legal here. Any reccomendations for an electrician who services the area (4800) and could help me out would be greatly appreciated. IMG_3238.JPGIMG_3260.JPGIMG_3266.JPGIMG_3245.JPG
Nice spot!
Seems Aus has a good network of installers for a dollar per watt, see who is in the area?
Remote enough the rules don't apply???
First thing. Edit your First Post & change the Title to "New build, Offgrid QLD Australia, Help required for DIY - maybe illegal ?"
We have several members from Oz and they may be able to offer good advice & suggestions. Nothing beats local experiences. Especially when dealing with idiot bureaucrats who are clueless.

Now as a very Remote & Rural offgridder (Northern Canada) I can tell you that you can do DIY and set everything up fine BUT preparation and having "everything" you need is the trick, especially if you do not have fast/easy access to bits & pieces. Like all projects, you get going only to discover that niggly stupid thing that you NEED to continue, so stop & go to shop grumbling to high heaven... Sound Familiar ? !! LOL... So you got to have the tools & equipment but also all the "stupid little niggly bits" so once you get going you can finish it. Common tools are never the problem but the proper crimpers & torque wrench/socket, and finer resolution Multimeters (at least 2 decimal point accurate for 0-100 VDC) and so on.

Safety Certification & Requirements GOTCHA.
Most Insurance Companies want to have systems inspected & signed off before covering systems. Inspectors look for the certification labels, stamps & docs, such as UL and others as applicable to your country/region. Sad to say but some folks are great at bodging together a mess that may work but not safely for long. A great point about a proper inspection, a decent electrician will catch short cuts & cheapo equipment being used. 1 single cheap knock off breaker or fuse can very easily burn your ass to the ground... Electrical Systems have ZERO FORGIVENESS !

Seriously, DO NOT GUESS ! Get onto the QLD websites that discuss Solar Systems and see what the REAL Requirements & Limits are if any. Maybe one of our local members can help direct you there. NEXT, find out what your Insurance Company will want & need... Better have a seat when asking those questions... Assuming of course you want insurance. Then look around for any local/regional suppliers that can provide equipment & the bits & pieces to do an installation.

BUY NOTHING !!!! Get your information about what you "have" to do and what you can do on your own. Then figure out how much power you think you will need daily and ADD 20% on top. Everyone always underestimates, especially a new build with no history. Once you have a Firmed up Plan with real information then and ONLY THEN start buying gear.

Again, as a Rural & Remote offgridder I cannot understate that it is Far Cheaper to Conserve & Build Energy Efficient from the get go than it is to Generate & Store power. Use the knowledge gained over centuries globally and deeply that knowledge in your build. A Cool Roof system prevents homes from absorbing heat from the roof while using passive convection to move air over the roof subsystem keeping the home cooler in the heat. Additionally it prevents heat losses when cold out as it is a passive thermal break. In the same vein, a Ranscreen Siding System can accomplish similar results with the walls, preventing them from gaining heat or losing it in the cool periods. Case in point, my own house never goes above 27C/80-F even with it is 40C/104F outside and I have NO AC ! When it is -30C/-22F outside my home stays at 25C/77F and the heating system only runs for 4 hours within a 24hr period to maintain that. Energy efficient appliances & devices is a key part of successful & affordable offgrid living.

Hope it helps, Good Luck.
About to start a shed and cabin build on a 250acre block of natural bush/ rainforest in North Queensland. Not wanting to use grid power and the cost of getting a grid connection to the site mean I'll be going full off grid.
Problem is I'm really struggling to find anyone to help me out with a system. I'd love to just go full DIY but as far as I can see that isn't really legal here. Any reccomendations for an electrician who services the area (4800) and could help me out would be greatly appreciated. View attachment 213717View attachment 213718View attachment 213719View attachment 213720
cant suggest on the help, but wow what a beautiful spot you have there !
... preparation and having "everything" you need is the trick, especially if you do not have fast/easy access to bits & pieces. Like all projects, you get going only to discover that niggly stupid thing that you NEED to continue, so stop & go to shop grumbling to high heaven... Sound Familiar ? !! LOL... So you got to have the tools & equipment but also all the "stupid little niggly bits" so once you get going you can finish it. Common tools are never the problem but the proper crimpers & torque wrench/socket, and finer resolution Multimeters (at least 2 decimal point accurate for 0-100 VDC) and so on.
Can't agree with this more. I am only building a 24v 105ah battery and if the local hardware store doesn't have that grub screw, or that crimper, everything comes to a halt, for a while.
Prepare and have everything you need. 🛠️

Good luck!!! Sounds like a lot of fun!💡⚡
About to start a shed and cabin build on a 250acre block of natural bush/ rainforest in North Queensland. Not wanting to use grid power and the cost of getting a grid connection to the site mean I'll be going full off grid.
Problem is I'm really struggling to find anyone to help me out with a system. I'd love to just go full DIY but as far as I can see that isn't really legal here. Any reccomendations for an electrician who services the area (4800) and could help me out would be greatly appreciated. View attachment 213717View attachment 213718View attachment 213719View attachment 213720
Great place to own dude…. Damnnnn…👍

diy solar

diy solar