diy solar

diy solar

Putting Lipstick on a Pig - Fixing the camp! (Photo heavy)

I know that feeling. Having to turn & burn to get things done on a remote property.

Your wall placard:

"Tasks completed are limited to items on-hand"

Which means you don't leave to get stuff you forgot.?
OK, time for a real update I guess. Yesterday was a Trade Labor Day so I was out by Colville to help a friend split more wood. While I was heading that way I was told of a really good chainsaw shop and I figured maybe they could figure out my chainsaw issues. It was an hour and a half drive in the cold and sometimes snow through the windy pass and when I got to the chainsaw shop I noticed a small issue...

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Hmmm.... what's missing from this picture... :unsure:


Well so much for THAT idea. At least we still got a good cord and a half split. I hope she finds my fingers by this weekend, I think they froze and fell off... ?

So today I was bound and determined to get SOMETHING done on the shed. I started out with just wanting to be able to get in and out of the thing and tackled the front porch.

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1/2"PT plywood for the top because I didn't want to spend through the nose for more PT 2x12's than I needed... and I had already nailed it to the shed and made the legs so there was no way I was undo-ing and re-doing all that for another inch. I did buy the stair stringers because every time I tried to math out making my own I got different numbers so... yeah. I did put the bottoms on concrete pads to keep them out of the dirt as I think they're interior stringers.

So now that I could get in and out without risking a broken ankle, it was time to rough-in all the electrical. I have a GFCI for the washer/dryer unit, a few outlets for general use, and a couple outlets in the ceiling for the lighting. Yes, everything has a 20a circuit on it, better too much than not enough and then I only had to buy 1 spool of wire. There's 1 spare breaker in the panel, and I ran a #6 copper down, out the back, and to a big grounding plate in the dirt. I need to fire up the inverter and see if it auto-magically does the N-G bond when it's on or not, that'll tell me if I need to install the bonding screw in the panel.

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I also ran the PV wire up to the ceiling so we can fish the wires out of the seam at the center for the panels. All the loose wire at the panel will be fed through the interior wall and connect up to the SCC and inverter, so they're just hanging for now. Since I had the extra length of 10AWG wire I decided to use that good stuff for the inverter -> panel connection. There's a jumper between the two hot legs so all 4 breakers get the same power.

Now that the wiring was as done as I can get it until the walls go up and cover plates go on, I figured I'd get started roughing in the plumbing for the washer/dryer and the sink. Sure, PEX is flexible, but not so much at 38F. I'll need to get a couple more fittings to get everything connected up inside and out back where the heater is mounted, but that's another day.

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I figure the sink will be about 40" off the floor, because bending over sucks. I'm also lifting the washer/dryer about 30" or so, again, bending over. That shelf unit will be built after the walls go up so it's not in my way.

Last thing on the To-Do list today ended up being hanging the doors to try and keep some of the wind out. Since nothing on this building is square or plumb (but I have level!) the doors are a little off, but I'm calling it good enough for a storage shed.

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All in all, a productive day. Saturday the roof goes up finally. Hopefully in another week I'll be doing laundry on site!

OK, all that work was doubly difficult as I still can't feel my fingers. I'm going to kick back and get some food in me now.. and something hot to drink...
I think you need more braces in the roof, or a steeper pitch...
It snows a lot where you are, no? cold panels put out more energy than warm ones. ?
Well, it's up to 14a so far, and since yesterday was a net loss (97% in the morning, 93% at dinner, standby draw only) I'm hoping I can catch up today.

I think you need more braces in the roof, or a steeper pitch...
It snows a lot where you are, no?
Well it's a shed kit so that's the pitch I'm stuck with and I'm sure as hell not going to tear them all down and re-design the trusses. See my previous posts about me and math. As to the braces, I was working in the pump house last night on the ATV and took a good look at the roof in there. The pitch on that is a little shallower than the new shed and has 0 bracing between the trusses and I saw no sign of spreading or shifting after 4+ years. Once I get the gussets on the cross braces I put in I don't think it's going anywhere.

My biggest issue I think is that I have a pretty big spready tree almost due south of the shed so I don't know how much solar I'm actually going to get once the leaves come in. ?
So my BMS is dead. First and last time I ever buy a JK again. It just sits there and buzzes & beeps at me, 7 short and a long flash on the LED. Gonna get a Daly shipped lickity-split mail I guess.

Is there a way to post a video from my phone or do I need to put it on youtube?
Let's see if anyone can tell me a fix before I have to wait until next week and then re-wire the guts with a Daly.

I poked everything with a meter, the voltage is good at the cell terminals and I've got as perfect as my meter will measure on connectivity from the pins to each balance lead.
If that sound is coming from the BMS. It sounds like a loose connection (could be internal) or some arcing between spots.
I've never used one of the open frame BMS's.
But I think that I have seen where others have reported problems too.
Yup, that buzzing has been happening since day 1. Usually I can hold the start buttin down a few times and it'll kick on but today the sun came out so it's refusing to behave at all.

In other news...
Started the interior today. Still can't feel my fingers...
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Ok, it's getting dark and threatening to snow so I'm going to call it a day. I've got leftover stew that needs eatin'.

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I'll get more panels up hopefully Sunday, but the plumbing wall has to wait until next weekend when I get parts in.
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I’m just spitballing here… but your fingers might retain their feeling a bit longer if there was a roof…
But guys, we all know his BMS is not behaving, so without the "natural lighting system" he would be standing in the dark in there, unable to get anything done. At least this way he can see and get some wires and plugs connected, run the wiring for the lights he will need as soon as that roofing is up. I thought it was genius!
besides I believe RNT said his labour trade day help is coming on the weekend to help with the roof...
I sure do miss living in eastern Washington…
I lived in Cheeney in 71 and 81… yeah, Fairchild airbase needed my dad a few times it seems…
I miss rounding up cattle and the stream running through the property…
Othello AFS, 1973-75. Drove farmers trucks in harvest season for extra $$

diy solar

diy solar