diy solar

diy solar

PV, battery and load - grounding


New Member
Jun 16, 2024
I am planning to make off-grid system but not sure If I can connect all minus poles (PV, Battery and load) togerther. Main reason here is that I am using one device (custom one) which is connecting all this minus poles together. It is a good idea? Mine main concern here is PV and PV minus pole.

Solar panel cable go to a mmpt or pwm .
So wy will a solar panel need a minus pole ?

The pwm or mppt cable go to the battery or it can not charge it

Or you mean that device is use to set alle panels to parallel.
In that case its normal .

Do you have a picture or somting about that case??
MPPT. Pv into MPPT. Battery into MPPT and load the same. This device is some sort of power meter (shunt and something else too) everything is connecting into it before mppt and it measure the solar power, battery and also load and interpret it in web app.

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diy solar