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diy solar

PV lightning protection


Solar Enthusiast
Dec 18, 2020
Got a question. Does Lightning protection devices like the ones purchased from actually protect the PV panel itself or just the devices downstream from the solar panels? Never have seen a clear explanation. I assume that a direct hit to the frame of a panel is fatal no matter how much protection you have. Just have gotten my system up and running a month ago and trying to get as much info for lightning as well as emp and solar flare protection.
Most lightning mitigation has to do with lowering the potential of a lightning strike.
Other suppressive devices in the system are intended to redirect the atmospheric discharge to the ground/dirt versus the equipment path.
assume that a direct hit to the frame of a panel is fatal no matter how much protection you have
I’m no expert so I can’t write you a book on this.

Anecdotally, I know of fried systems from lightning where the strike actually was the panel frame yet the panels survived.

FWIW there’s a number of devices on the market that are surge suppressors which are single-serving devices. They work once, then you replace it like a fuse.
1) An EMP (Nuclear) is not much of a worry, really, if that happens, you will not be worrying about solar panels. Seriously.
2) A CME (Coronal Mass Ejection) those do happen and "can" wipe out satellites, power grids & telecoms... We just had a few !
3) Lightning is always a problem and protections for that & surges (cme etc) can be handled somewhat.

The main purpose to break the path and save your equipment, although, you can still fry wires etc.
SPD's (Surge Protection Devices) should be installed on both the DC & AC sides.
Midnite Solar produces SPD's for all sides and are some of the best out there, and to be honest, they really know their stuff.
Please look at:

Vids that explain also:
I assume that you are referring to SPD's (Surge Protection Devices)
Lighting protection is a completely different/separate system.
1) An EMP (Nuclear) is not much of a worry, really, if that happens, you will not be worrying about solar panels. Seriously.
2) A CME (Coronal Mass Ejection) those do happen and "can" wipe out satellites, power grids & telecoms... We just had a few !
3) Lightning is always a problem and protections for that & surges (cme etc) can be handled somewhat.

The main purpose to break the path and save your equipment, although, you can still fry wires etc.
SPD's (Surge Protection Devices) should be installed on both the DC & AC sides.
Midnite Solar produces SPD's for all sides and are some of the best out there, and to be honest, they really know their stuff.
Please look at:

Vids that explain also:
We're on the same thinking about EMP and CME. My first worry was lightning then EMP but after further research I realized EMP over our country means full retaliatory strike which means we are totally doomed, end of story. I looked at MS SPD's yesterday. I guess I would need one for each MPPT input to my SS EG4 6500. That would be Item # MNSPD-600. My max voc is 500 per MPPT and I average 400 so far. A lot cheaper than But do they insure your equipment for $25,000.00 like
I assume that you are referring to SPD's (Surge Protection Devices)
Lighting protection is a completely different/separate system.
I know that surge suppressors will not protect against lightning so yes I am only interested in protecting against the big strike. Just want to get it right. Will be getting an electrician out here asap to guide me in the right direction. You busy? Feel like a nice drive to sunny southern Illinois. Thanks for your comments.

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