diy solar

diy solar

True or False: Tying a knot in a power cord "provides protection against lightning"

by coiling the wire you increase the inductance their for the more inductance you add the more the voltage will lead the current causing a power factor less than one. The inducive reactance increases with frequency.

XL = 2πfL

The inductive reactance is found directly from the expression XL = 2πfL. Once XL has been found at each frequency, Ohm's law as stated in the equation I = V/XL can be used to find the current at each frequency.

So a couple of nots isn't going to do it. Many turns on a toroid would start to offer some resistance. You still need to give it a place to go. Many surge/RFI arrestors use a combination of capacitors, inductors, and MOV to do the job.


diy solar

diy solar