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diy solar

Ruixu rack mount battery communications with EG4 6500EX


-.-. --.-
May 27, 2020
I've been running my rack of 6 Ruixu batteries for a few months now. Everything works just as expected.
Now I'm looking into the communications with the charge controller, namely the EG4 6500EX.

So the question is: Can the Ruixu communicate with the EG4 6500EX? If so, can someone point me to the settings/DIP switches/etc? I can't seem find any information about the 6500EX and Ruixu together.
Well, first and foremost, you need to figure out what communication protocol is common between the batteries and the inverter. CAN-BUS, RS485, and RS232 are the three protocols available in your inverter. You will most likely need to get your batteries set to one of these protocols. However, just because the batteries and the inverter are speaking, the same protocol doesn’t mean the inverter knows how to parse the data from the batteries it’s possible this may not be doable.
They should be able to, it would be in the "Voltronic" style
  • all the DIPS should be off (down) on all the packs.
  • you will need to make sure the communication cable has the right pin-outs on teh inverter side.. just need the A and B for the RS485 communication
  • set the inverter to "LI-b" protocol for the battery type.
Thanks for doing all the research for me. I've been digging for this information and couldn't find any definitive answers.
I'll try the settings you guys suggested in a couple of days and see if it works.
@Rachel Wang-RUIXU

I've been troubleshooting this for weeks and couldn't get my communications to work with my EG4 6500EX. It turns out that Ruixu's wiring instructions are wrong!

According to Ruixu at https://www.ruixubattery.com/forum/...ttery-voltronic-or-mpp-inverter-communication the wiring is:
According to the above diagram and the color of the wires:
Battery Pin 8 ----> Inverter Pin 3
Battery Pin 7 ----> Inverter Pin 5
Battery Pin 6 ----> Inverter Pin 8
This is all WRONG!!!

This damn diagram gave me hours of headaches. The CORRECT wiring is:
Battery Pin 1 ----> Inverter Pin 3
Battery Pin 2 ----> Inverter Pin 5
Battery Pin 3 does not need to be connected to Inverter Pin 8

What Ruixu did was they mirrored the battery side of the connector and the pins are viewed in reverse. They labeled the pins 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 but since they are showing it mirrored, it should have been 8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1.

I'm rather pissed. I've spent so many hours on this and only now that I realize that Ruixu gave the wrong instructions. *@#*$%@# !@$%&*%!!!!

What did you ultimately do? I have this same problem. Does your battery icon actually flash, like it says it will in the EG4 6500ex manual? Iv'e tried everything!

What did you ultimately do? I have this same problem. Does your battery icon actually flash, like it says it will in the EG4 6500ex manual? Iv'e tried everything!

Once I got the correct wiring diagram, I made the correct cable and everything works like it's supposed to. Yes, the battery icon does flash when I have the correct wiring on the cable.
Once I got the correct wiring diagram, I made the correct cable and everything works like it's supposed to. Yes, the battery icon does flash when I have the correct wiring on the cable.
And are you using "USE or LIB" for setting 5? And all battery dip switches are in the off position? Thanks btw
And are you using "USE or LIB" for setting 5? And all battery dip switches are in the off position? Thanks btw

Setting 5 is LIB. All the Ruixu batteries have their DIP switches in the off position. Just remember to turn on the "master" battery first. The "master" is the one that's directly connected to your EG4 6500. Then turn on the other batteries one by one waiting about 5 seconds between each one.

If for some reason the communications did not work, the EG4 6500 will shut off automatically after about 5 minutes. If it did work, you should see the battery icon flash on/off after a minute or two. The icon will continue flashing and you're all done.
I had to shut down my entire system tonight due to a loose wire. After I tightened the wire and powered everything up, the communications between the EG4 6500EX and the Ruixu batteries stopped working. What happened was the EG4 would power up, then the inverter powers up a few seconds later and starts AC output, the battery icon flashes a bit, and then a couple minutes later the inverter shuts off, a few minutes after that, the EG4 unit powers off completely. This is the exact behavior that I expect if the comm settings is set to LIB and the communication cable is wired incorrectly. But everything was working flawlessly for 2 months before I powered off everything. So it is unlikely that something happened to my communication cable just by powering it down.

The problem was that there is a specific start up sequence that I made note of before but didn't follow when I powered up today. What I did is I turned on all the batteries, starting with the master, and then the 5 slaves. This is correct so far. But I also turned on the EG4 right away. This is wrong. What I needed to do is to wait about a minute after powering on the batteries before I power on the EG4. I guess the batteries need to communicate between each other before it allowed the EG4 to communicate with the master. That's why I needed to wait about one minute before powering up the EG4. An alternative is to just pull out the comms cable before turning on the batteries and wait for one minute and then plug it back in.
Master battery DIP should be up on 6, the rest of batteries should be all down. The manual uses luxpower for the inverter name, not EG4.

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