diy solar

diy solar

Savings Shack at Current Connected - JBD 16s BMS(s)


Solar Addict
Aug 8, 2021
North of the Adirondacks
One of the great things about DIY is finding a great deal that considerably lowers the cost.
Thanks to Dexter at Current Connected I've built (4) 24v, 200ah LiFePo4 batteries using salvaged batteries for a bit more than the cost of 1 prebuilt.
- all 32 cells proved to be good as new.
So this post is just a heads up to keep your eyes open for what may pop up on CC's Savings Shack
More is on the way - CC is moving to a new warehouse and they want to get rid of a bunch of stuff

Right now there's a great deal on some JBD 16s BMS(s)
Somehow the footer got imposed over the description (reduce page size until the footer drops)
Can't beat a 5 pack for $100
The factory forgot to solder the wires onto the PCB that connect to P-/B-. All you need to do is solder on your own wires and these will be good to go.
These are a 5 pack that come with 3ft balance wires for each BMS, Bluetooth dongles, and the USB-UART adapter to plug it into your PC for programming.

I receive no compensation for promoting CC. I'm repaying a favor, nothing more.
Dexter went out of his way to help me out, besides It would be selfish of me not to pass on any deals I find at CC
from the SOK battery post, Dexter added this:
Some things going up this week:
Junctek battery monitor (qty 1)
ALFAA "pure" (not so pure) sine wave inverter (1)
Victron Multiplus-2 inverters with a couple dings and dents (shipping damage) (qty: 2)
Foxpower 24v 120v inverter/charger 3600w (low frequency) qty: 1

Arrgh, I missed out on the SOK batteries by waiting and now comes the temptation of a Victron Multiplus-2
Sometimes sleeping on it before making a decision isn't the best idea ?
The addition items aren't posted yet but I'll keep checking
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Thanks again wiseacre! Now I've got the BMS I need for last night's battery purchase. And I've got good backups for the Sony/Sonnen 2.1 Kw batteries I have, if I can't get their internal BMS's to work.

Muir Industries - when did you get those? Today? Awesome Deal.
Thanks again wiseacre! Now I've got the BMS I need for last night's battery purchase. And I've got good backups for the Sony/Sonnen 2.1 Kw batteries I have, if I can't get their internal BMS's to work.

Muir Industries - when did you get those? Today? Awesome Deal.
About 10 days ago