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diy solar

Schneider Conext Battery Monitor - Insight Cloud info??

I had to check, it is 1.16BN004
I had issues with the current XW Pro firmware (1.11_BN0049) and had to roll back to 1.10
I am at wits end. We tried to setup the Insight Cloud with the Insight Home. We get the email to Confirm you Account. The link won't work on any machine, desktop, phone, all browsers we try. And when we try to get 1 833 support from S/E we get clowns out of Costa Rica.
Any chance your router or firewall is blocking access?
Outside of some local network issue, I'm out of ideas.

I'd email Schneider if you don't think it's a networking issue.
Schneider Electric

Confirm your email to finalize your InsightCloud subscription

Dear George,

Your InsightCloud account has now been created. To validate your account creation, please verify your email address by clicking the following link:

Confirm my account

This Account Confirmation Link is only valid for the next 24 hours.
If you require assistance with InsightCloud, please visit the Schneider Electric Solar website support page to locate your nearest support center.

This is an automated message, please do not reply to this email.

The InsightCloud team

�2019 Schneider Electric, All Rights Reserved. APC and Schneider Electric trademarks are owned by Schneider Electric or its affiliated companies in the United States and other countries. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.

Hmm, when I paste the link it seems to load into this webpage

So I will modify it so nothing automatically occurs

https: // /#/ validateSignup/ ?token=fef563cc-3bca-4d2b- aad7- 21d44aaa3af4

Added spaces that could be removed if someone wants to try
As you can see I receive the email. It's the link that they send that opens a page that has no content.
This is the page source ...

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It took about 5 of us in 4 different states to make multiple attempts. One of us got a Success. Such a broken website at S/E.
Got both of the Insight Homes to sit on my network at site one. Neither of them will stay 24 hours on site two without crashing. There is no XanBus on either, just a lan connection to a local switch. Site one is a more traditional network with standard firewalls OpenWrt. Site two has very narrow firewall structure. I don't have these access issues with SMA SunnyBoys -- they work locally and with Modbus for a year now. It's only at site two that the Insight Home that will not stay stable with local access. The Home product is fine at site one. Anyone here have any new suggestions ?

Is it possible that my crash experiences (6 months now) are due to Insight Home doing backdoor and undocumented web access to global solar servers ? And if an Insight Home cannot participate in 'global monitoring', it will refuse to operate even limited on local access ?
How tight do you have the firewall locked down? Can you try and duplicate that at site 1?

Also, what's the point of an insight with no Xanbus connections? Or is that just for testing?
Correct. Xanbus is disconnected to try to narrow down the cause. Since the site with troubles is remote -- it is also my geek son's network. In the end the Insight Home is supposed to function locally and that is a big fail. So if today's device can't get to their parent big brother on the internet, the devices are programmed to fail for the user who only wants local benefit. Is our world that far along ? Sky net ?
if xanbus is disconnected, what info is possibly being collected/pushed? or are you just trying to narrow down the insighthome's communication over the internet?

it's just a little confusing b/c the insighthome DOES have local communication - 1) through a direct Wi-Fi connection to the device, 2) through your local network via a direct web page to the device, and of course 3) via the insight cloud online portal.

it's when you are talking about mod-bus stuff that i have no idea what's going on. i'm not savvy on what benefit it's uses are or how to do it.

i AM savvy on the gateway/insighthome/insightfacility thou.
A bit of history on the two units.

First one from Feb 2022.

Only had wifi available and the unit would go offline every day or two.

In May we finally brought fiber and a fiber switch to the site.

The unit would take down the entire lan network so we had to give up on that.

August decided to get dealer to send another Insight Home. It has done the same crashing at the site.

The site has four SMA Sunny Boy inverters in play and they have been there for a year without incident. Local data all the time.

When we got the second insight home I took the February one back to another site and it stays up for 10 days straight without incident. This second site has a gateway thats been running 24/7 for years now.

So then we setup cloud account hoping S/E has tools that online can diagnose this situation. Unfortunately S/E says "it works on another network so your network is broken" They won't troubleshoot their crashing.
"it works on another network so your network is broken" They won't troubleshoot their crashing.
That's painful to hear, but they're probably right, well "rightish"
Your network breaks the insight.

Try either closing down the network at site 1 or open portions of the network/firewall at site 2 to test?
My son has confessed he sees higher than average packet loss on his network. Despite that, everything else on his network tolerates and works thru it. It seems a shame S/E cannot build a tolerant box. Why in creation should packet loss, feed back into a device and crash it.
Also of note with the Insight Home ... Even if you elect to use lan for connectivity, the Insight Radio does not turn off. So you bet that once the Insight has a password for wifi, it will internally NEVER FORGET. Even with the wifi choices turned off, it can perform any backdoor activities it so pleases, behind your back and without your consent.
There is NO WAY to turn off the radio. Even disabling access point options, and using LAN you see local wifi signals -- that are only visible because IT WONT TURN OFF the Radio.
New issue. I have been using Chromium for a browser on Debian linux. Half an hour ago I could no longer access the webpage for my local device. The page works from another browser, just not Chromium anymore.