diy solar

diy solar

Schneider Conext XW

Hmm, I'll see if I can help.

Few more questions:
1. What firmware you got loaded in the XW?
2. Is it a pro or +?
3. Under Grid Energy management (Grid Support) what do you have the Grid Support Voltage set to?
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Schneider thinks their software is perfect and you just need to accept it. That is the only thing I hate about Schneider. They just don't think the end user is important at all. They are just too big.

On mine, I have grid sell blocked except from 4 pm to 9 om when the time of use rate is higher. And even then, I have grid sell set to just 3 amps. Once I add DC charging, I will also add the WattNode and set it for true zero sell at my main panel. Right now with just AC coupled solar, that does not work properly.
I run on-grid 24/7, batteries only for outage.
Firmware 1.11.00bn28
6848 Pro
It pushes 100% of Max with GSV at 57.75 (that's where its been for a long time), even at 64, or at 56, still does max today.
Remember I have 17 cells at 3.2v each
First thing I would do is upgrade to the latest firmware. You are behind a tad. Current for XW Pro is 1.11.01bn49

BEFORE you do that, check to see if your gateway is updated to latest. For Insight Home that is Version 1.15 Build 17. You need to upgrade the Insight Home first, then XW
Last time I tried any upgrade my system wouldn't sell -- took me hours to get it to rollback to sell.

S/E broken software plays with Grid Codes every upgrade.

These damn codes are all CRAPOLA. Nothing more than govt control, like masks, etc

Hey -- if it hasn't been broken for 6 months, why this now ?
As for the the grid sell voltage. using a network MPPT controller like we have, they say to Max that sitting out (70v). Then it uses the current charge mode and voltage setting with -.5 volt offset from the charge controller to follow exporting.

The way I have observed it working,
20 or 40 seconds "Depending on sell delay 40 second setting" after the MPPT charger switches to absorption mode it will start exporting. ON initial export mine climbs way high pulling 60 or so amps from the battery and hitting 3kw or so, then slowly backs down to balance export to solar input.

It uses the MPPT Absorption voltage - .5 volts for initial set point
When the MPPT switches to float, it uses that voltage - .5 volts as target. It's Important your float is at least .5 volts higher than your resting voltage of your battery bank, or it WILL pull from the batteries until it sucks it down to that.
If only a few people had grid tied solar, we would not need complex grid codes. But thanks to Germany and Hawaii, a problem did surface. In the middle of the day, when all of the solar panels were cranking out maximum power, the grid actually started to unload. The power plant turbines could not react fast enough. Even through they were throttling down, the turbine generators started to spin a little faster. This caused the grid frequency to rise. Under the old rules, once the frequency hit a certain level, ALL of the solar grid tied inverters just shut off. This was really bad. The throttled down generating plants went from basically unloaded, to instantly having to supply the entire load. They could not handle that load, and they slowed very quickly, and the system basically crashed.

Frequency watt control and specific delays in the system are there to stabilize the grid. IF the frequency starts to climb up, then the solar inverters can quickly respond and reduce how much current they are pushing to the grid. The utility (SHOULD) still throttle back when they see this happening, but it gives them a lot more time to get it right. As the frequency starts to drop back down, the solar inverters ramp back up and keep the grid stable. In nearly 3 years of logs on my Enphase gear, I only saw one time, before the XW was installed, where the grid frequency went up enough to cause a power dip. A few of my iQ7 inverters did go offline, but the system recovered and was back to full production in under 3 minutes. It didn't even take the normal 5 minutes. It was all back to normal on the next log entry. I think the short delay was because the grid never lost voltage. Another time the grid frequency rose, I am not sure how long it really lasted. My XW-Pro actually disconnected from the grid and went to 60Hz on my sub panel. That caused my iQ7's to go back to full production, and it was charging my battery. The XW-Pro re-qualified the grid and it was back at 60 Hz and full production in a total of about 6 minutes.

On a real power failure, my system was running off grid for several hours. When the clouds cleared and we got full sun on the panels, the solar was pushing over 2,000 watts back into the XW. Had I ben home, I would have raised my maximum charge rate, as I had it set to charge at just 18% with the grid up. This low current setting caused the XW-Pro to ramp the frequency up to try to ramp the solar down to maintain my set charge current. I can see in the logs where it caused 5 of my iQ7's to shut off. Then the current would fall, the XW would ramp the frequency back down, the inverters turned back on, and the cycle repeated several times.

I have not gotten a solid answer, but I do nave a hypothesis. I think Enphase's Rule-21 grid code is only changing the power limit. My iQ7's are rated for 240 watts. But if they are only making 120 watts, the frequency can shift quite a lot before it will try to ramp below 50% power to start reducing output. The XW ramped a bit too high, and due to tolerances, 5 of them shut off from grid frequency too high, the other 11 stayed working. On each cycle, it was always the same 5. Too bad, I was not home to truly monitor it in real time, I had to go from what was saved in the logs. No one in the house had any idea this was going on. They knew the power was out, and the stuff running was off the batteries and solar, but nothing ever showed a problem with the power. Had I set the charge current higher, it may have even been able to top up the batteries before sun down, but with it limiting to 18% charge rate, it only got them up to 75%. Not too bad.

The grid codes are not perfect, and so far the utilities have not tried to exploit it. I check my grid frequency from time to time, and check my logs. If one day the grid is sitting at 61.5 Hz all day, then we know they are trying to turn down our solar production for no reason. But if they do that, the utility also needs to produce more power, costing them money as well.
Very unlikely a utility will change frequency to purposely control our Rule 21 "Freq/Watt" functions. All utilities strive for 60hz perfection, although California and some other areas struggles with this "hence the implementation of Rule 21 to help"....

Someday to be grid interactive they will require remote control of our inverters as the last phase implemented of Rule 21. This will likely be facilitated thru the "cloud connection" of the inverter companies. I don't like this, it makes all of our systems much more vulnerable, but it's coming. Any remote control granted to power systems is very risky.

The part of Rule 21 currently exploited by the power companies, that my brief low voltage shined a light on a few days ago, is the use of battery based inverters. While Rule 21 PV inverters will pull back PV production on high voltage or high frequency, BATTERY based inverters will PUSH power if the voltage dips or frequency drags. Essentially they use YOUR batteries to stabilize their grid. Other than putting load on your system and cycling your batteries, with a 1:1 Net Metering agreement, it isn't like your giving power away, you can pull it back later.

But what about PG&E recent application to change the Net Metering tariffs? They have applied for new Net Metering Tariffs that will pay wholesale rate for all power pushed in and charge retail for power pulled out. NOW, think about a Tesla Power Wall or any other Battery based inverter with Rule 21 implemented. They pay you wholesale rate to push all you can and stabilize their grid when needed, then charge you retail to re-charge your batteries.. Hmm, that doesn't seem like a very good deal to me.....
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Essentially they use YOUR batteries to stabilize their grid. Other than putting load on your system and cycling your batteries with a 1:1 Net Metering agreement, it isn't like your giving power away, you can pull it back later. But what about PG&E recent application to change the Net Metering tariffs? They have applied for new Net Metering Tariffs that will pay wholesale rate for all power pushed in and charge retail for power pulled out. NOW, think about a Tesla Power Wall or any other Battery based inverter with Rule 21 implemented. They pay you wholesale rate to push all you can and stabilize their grid when needed, then charge you retail to re-charge your batteries.. Hmm, that doesn't seem like a very good deal to me.....
I have thought about that too. That is the point I will take my system "effectively" off grid. So Cal Edison has no idea I have a battery based inverter system. They do know I have the 16 Enphase inverters. That is all permitted and approved. But my XW-Pro just makes it look like my solar is really underperforming, or I have a lot of load running during the day. I only export about 4 KWH now. And I am riding close to zero energy use from 4 to 9 pm. Maybe we just turn everything off during that time, yeah, that's it.
When I first tried to experiment with sending modbus commands, I accidentally sent an illegal value into a register in the XW. The only way I got it back working correctly was to re-upload the firmware and start over.
I think that happened
my geek son makes the ov_modbus stuff for me and it error'ed today
now it won't sell

I asked S/E how to save XW settings in a file. They say it can't be done. No need for it.
I have thought about that too. That is the point I will take my system "effectively" off grid. So Cal Edison has no idea I have a battery based inverter system. They do know I have the 16 Enphase inverters. That is all permitted and approved. But my XW-Pro just makes it look like my solar is really underperforming, or I have a lot of load running during the day. I only export about 4 KWH now. And I am riding close to zero energy use from 4 to 9 pm. Maybe we just turn everything off during that time, yeah, that's it.
There is talk this session in FL capital of changing the tariffs here too. Bad. Talking about 25% return on energy we pushe back into the grid. Not the 100%. THEY WILL KILL SOLAR. Nobody will ever get their investment back.
This may not be the right thread to ask on, since everyone here is an XW owner, but I figure it won’t hurt to try:

1/ does the SW support the same ‘zero-export-to-CT-sensor’ capability as the XW+? (What I mean is to push enough battery power out the AC input to drive grid consumption close to 0W without exporting to grid)

2/ through an appropriately-programmed energy monitor (DIY or OTS), does the SW support the same ability to control AC-coupled battery charge current as the XW+ (as implemented by 400bird)?

I know the SW does not support ‘sell to grid’ but it’s unclear to me whether that means it cannot push any power out through it’s AC input to offset non-critical loads or it’s just limited from the other exceeding nn-critical lioad levels ;and hence exporting).

I’m hoping one or more of you XW owners may have dug into the details of the difference between the XW and SW before electing to go with the XW…

I have a strong preference for a 24V battery and do not need to export, but the ability to offset non-critical loads as well as the ability to control AC-battery charging power in order to limit/avoid AC-coupled PV export are both moorland features for me…
To fix another issue S/E won't recognize ...

Since I have a hall sensor on my battery bank cabling ...

def AdjSellLimit(): # every ten minutes
if sensors['I1X'].get() > 2:
if Night == True:
h1 = sensors['Hall01'].get()
if 8 < h1 < 20:
sensors['XW_Max_Sell'].set(sensors['XW_Max_Sell'].get()+1)"XW MPPT Sell %sa Adj: +1 to %sa"%(
if -20 < h1 < -8:
sensors['XW_Max_Sell'].set(sensors['XW_Max_Sell'].get()-1)"XW MPPT Sell %sa Adj: -1 to %sa"%(

If I see too much current flowing either way to batteries I trim the Mppt Max thru the Modbus path.
This may not be the right thread to ask on, since everyone here is an XW owner, but I figure it won’t hurt to try:

1/ does the SW support the same ‘zero-export-to-CT-sensor’ capability as the XW+? (What I mean is to push enough battery power out the AC input to drive grid consumption close to 0W without exporting to grid)

2/ through an appropriately-programmed energy monitor (DIY or OTS), does the SW support the same ability to control AC-coupled battery charge current as the XW+ (as implemented by 400bird)?

I know the SW does not support ‘sell to grid’ but it’s unclear to me whether that means it cannot push any power out through it’s AC input to offset non-critical loads or it’s just limited from the other exceeding nn-critical lioad levels ;and hence exporting).

I’m hoping one or more of you XW owners may have dug into the details of the difference between the XW and SW before electing to go with the XW…

I have a strong preference for a 24V battery and do not need to export, but the ability to offset non-critical loads as well as the ability to control AC-battery charging power in order to limit/avoid AC-coupled PV export are both moorland features for me…
I don't know anything about the SW series. Sorry.
To fix another issue S/E won't recognize ...

Since I have a hall sensor on my battery bank cabling ...

def AdjSellLimit(): # every ten minutes
if sensors['I1X'].get() > 2:
if Night == True:
h1 = sensors['Hall01'].get()
if 8 < h1 < 20:
sensors['XW_Max_Sell'].set(sensors['XW_Max_Sell'].get()+1)"XW MPPT Sell %sa Adj: +1 to %sa"%(
if -20 < h1 < -8:
sensors['XW_Max_Sell'].set(sensors['XW_Max_Sell'].get()-1)"XW MPPT Sell %sa Adj: -1 to %sa"%(

If I see too much current flowing either way to batteries I trim the Mppt Max thru the Modbus path.
Despite this move I made. I see the XW push 12 amps into grid when Max is set to 8a
Probably just a feature, S?E must've hired ex-Microsoft Windows coders.
I don't know anything about the SW series. Sorry.
Well thanks for the response anyway.

How many of you XW owners are using your XW’s ability to absorb grid-side PV power to charge your batteries with variable levels of power that otherwise would be getting exported?

And how many of you XW owners are using your XW’s ability to to offset grid-side load (zero-export-to-CT-sensor or zero-export-to-energy-meter)?

I’m curious about how easy/difficult it was to get both of those functions working properly.
Well thanks for the response anyway.

How many of you XW owners are using your XW’s ability to absorb grid-side PV power to charge your batteries with variable levels of power that otherwise would be getting exported?

And how many of you XW owners are using your XW’s ability to to offset grid-side load (zero-export-to-CT-sensor or zero-export-to-energy-meter)?

I’m curious about how easy/difficult it was to get both of those functions working properly.
Following up with some specific questions for 400bird since he’s the only person I know of who has successfully gotten both of these functions working on his XW+ (at least so far ;)):

Quick question for you 400bird (or anyone else who has the necessary information for experience to chime in) - was there a manual that allowed you to figure out the correct command/protocol to tell your XW+ what battery charge current/power to use?

I’m trying to understand whether the SW supports that same capability or not and if whatever manual you used has an equivalent for the SW, that might provide some insight…

On offsetting load on the AC input, I know your XT+ supports that capability but believe that you’ve achieved that through settings configuration tether than your Rasberry-Pi-based energy monitor, correct?

The primary difference Schneider describes between the SW and the XW+ is that the SW in not a ‘grid-tied’ inverter while the XW+ is, and I suspect that this translates to the SW never allowing battery energy to be inverted back out of the AC input.

But if the same programming/protocol manual included commands to instruct the XW+ to push a certain power level out of the AC input, I could have a look for a similar command in the SW’s programming guide…

The XW+ would be perfect for my needs except that it only supports a 48V battery.

That is not an absolute showstopper for me but my existing battery is 24V and my whole DC-coupled solar array is much more efficient at 24V (1S) than 48V (2S) due to shading issues…
Well thanks for the response anyway.

How many of you XW owners are using your XW’s ability to absorb grid-side PV power to charge your batteries with variable levels of power that otherwise would be getting exported?

And how many of you XW owners are using your XW’s ability to to offset grid-side load (zero-export-to-CT-sensor or zero-export-to-energy-meter)?

I’m curious about how easy/difficult it was to get both of those functions working properly.

what is CT in this context ? CT to me is current transformer

what is CT in this context ? CT to me is current transformer
Yes, a CT sensor is a Current Transformer that wraps around an electrical wire and provides a voltage or current output corresponding to current through the wire being sensed:

These can be used with certain inverters including the Conext XW+ to limit power pushed out of the AC input to not reverse current direction through the CT sensor (meaning reduce export to zero, but do not push out the bough power to export to grid).
Yes, a CT sensor is a Current Transformer that wraps around an electrical wire and provides a voltage or current output corresponding to current through the wire being sensed:

These can be used with certain inverters including the Conext XW+ to limit power pushed out of the AC input to not reverse current direction through the CT sensor (meaning reduce export to zero, but do not push out the bough power to export to grid).
I find that a CT sensor and adc converter gives me DC data to read into PC. Don't know the current direction.
Now I use a hall sensor with DC and can determine direction of flow, in or out.
What I haven't achieved is reading AC with a hall sensor. And how to sample and learn direction. Whether its leading or lagging.
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