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Seplos display reading 0


New Member
Jan 3, 2022
I have 2 Seplos 48v 50a bms. Both when connected read all zeroes on the LCD display. The cell voltage is completely blank. The temps are all -230C or so. Tried two boards and 2 LCDs, same result. Light blinks in blink3 mode (0.5, 1.5 second pulse) which means warning. Soc lights show 2/4. Please let me know what to check!
Since you have two of every component, that pretty much rules out the first few things I'd say to check. You did try both display cables? It says there is a warning, but you don't know which one, except the SOC lights would seem to rule low SOC out. If it really thinks the temp is -230, it could be a low temp warning. Can you hook it to a PC and run the app to see which warning it is? About the only other thing I can think of is verifying that the individual cell voltage wires are connected properly, including not having mixed up the two bundles plugging into the BMS.
Yup verified volts at every wire except thermocouples of course. I'll try the other display cable. If I can't get it to display I'll likely just have to buy other bmses. Thanks for the reply!
I have 3 100A Seplos BMSs that are working ok, and there are a bunch of other forum members who have them working. If the 50A model is the same thing except for fewer FETs or something like that, it's not a "none of them work" situation. There was an issue a while back with a batch that had some bad diodes. I don't remember what the failure symptoms were. There's a thread about it hiding somewhere in the forum. (I found it by entering seplos diode into a search engine). The guy who had the diode problem is one of the more knowledgeable Seplos BS users. Perhaps you could try a DM to him to see if he noticed this thread.
Thanks. Seriously considering just buying overkill bmses at this point. I need something I can trust and this readout issue is pretty hokey. I may just pop these Seplos boards for sale here shortly. Thanks!

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